Exactly. They are only an option for people with T1 skills, who want to make nasty loot piñatas out of their ships. CCP should make them T2 or influenced by Weapon Spec Skills. Maybe adjust droprate here and there if they think it is needed and that’s it.
Given the recent flooding of the market with Damage Boosters, which now make these almost mandatory in PVP, I wonder if there is anyone left who will try to argue against T2 Faction guns using the “power creep” angle.
That one was introduced only 2 years ago, when the module rebalance started. Most faction modules were in the game for a very long time.
That is false. An Estamel’s Modified Multispectral ECM has a higher jam strength than a t2 one. Even a Dread Guristas Multispectral ECM has a higher ECM strength that a t2 one.
If you put an Estamel’s Modified Multispectral ECM modules on a Rook or Falcon, they have the same ECM strength the t2 one has.
And a Widow with a Sentient ECM burst jammer will break the lock of all subcapitals once activated - make sure you are aligned first.
Those drones are new-ish too.
Faction railguns do already more damage with faction ammo and faction lasers have a slight capacitor use benefit.
The navy faction drones get a tracking bonus and the augmented ones an hp and damage bonus but no tracking bonus.
I am certain something like this was announced at EVE Vegas 2016 at the keynote. The capital faction guns can use t2 ammo already and it was stated that the subcapital guns would follow.
But you know, not brining more people in and the development of cheat–stix was much more important than fixing the game first.
Yes, mostly. Actually the Navy Faction Drones mostly have equal or higher EHP compared to the Augmented ones. Augmented have higher Structure, Navy higher Armor and Shields base HP, the two latter additionally gaining from Resis, whereas Drone Structure HP is 0% Resis. It depends a lot on the incoming damage type. Yes, the Augmented types will dodge more damage because of their higher speed.
I think they offer mostly the choice between higher raw DPS and better damage application. Depending on the Drone type, your skills, your fit and the situation, you might decide for either. That’s good. I like that one is not straight-out all around better than the other.
In a way it is the same with Faction guns, but it is totally inconsistent. All of them offer ease on fitting, all of them yield lower DPS for the skilled player, then some offer better application and some don’t.
That can’t stop us from thinking about how to improve things, can it?
I mean if an overhaul of faction guns is in the making, great. It probably shouldn’t be the number one priority, but it will be good.
Regarding cheat-stix, I guess you refer to the influx of Agency Boosters? If so, I think it was too much. From an option they turned to become mandatory to not fall behind, at least for Capital brawls.
All of them offer some kind of ease on fitting space, but if you have T2 skills, you’ll lose DPS and/or Alpha.
A better and cheaper solution for most scenarios would be to use T2 weapons and Faction damage mods, at least when it comes to CPU savings.
Then, some weapon types have other advantages, but it is all pretty inconsistent. One example:
Heavy Pulse Lasers get ease on CPU, higher Damage multiplier, saving on Cap and higher optimal range.
220mm ACs only get ease on CPU and higher Damage multiplier.
I think they should be unique, not straight out all around more powerful, but somewhat consistent and useful not only for low SP players with fat pockets. To let them be affected by T2 Skills, without actually being dependant on T2 Skills, could be one way to go. In that case I’d say they should lose any additional damage bonus over T2 and only get some ease on fitting and maybe one advantage in range, tracking, reload time, overheating or cap usage. Effectively this would nerf their DPS for low SP players, but I don’t think that is really any issue. Regarding T2-able players, the dps would be en par with T2 weapons, but they’d have better application and ease on fittings. I think that would be a good role.
Train Launcher Rigging, Weapon Upgrades and CPU Management or don’t fit an oppressive shield tank?
You are right though. I don’t think the issue is that they offer ease on CPU pressure, but that they offer inconsistent boni across the different weapon types and that it feels weird to have no faction gun that can profit from T2 skills. Every other module group does. Even Drones with the ‘Augmented’ versions.
“It’s just wrong” is not an argument. Besides, the chance for any 2-day Titan char actually being a “noob” rather than a rich guys alt, is rather low. If actual new player, it will be a wreck in no time. Theme park… hm ok. Isn’t it already a theme park?