Falcon Heavy is OP!

Go go go!! :heart_eyes:

What happened to booster #3? Anyone know?

Ran out of fuel and crashed into the ocean near the landing barge. It was destroyed.

–Gadget has a press pass


Expected a “Because of Falcon” thread thats a few years late. Instead I learned something useful.

Careful, or you’ll get hit with the banhammer for no actual reason.

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It’s more likely than you think, because of Falcon they missed Mars orbit and sent it towards the asteroid belt

smarter, you might say, everyday :wink:

Elon Musk is a miner.

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2 outta 3 planted is awesome

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But that’s not metal, it’s an aluminum based ceramic.

It’s good for the windshield though.

There is another form similar to Alon in color, that Elon must not be looking for.
Also top secret? Is it because it’s on top of the world, like on the 2nd floor?

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