Hi everyone.
As you may know, CCP is developing the Structure which will substitute those last remaining POS Modules that are usable; Jump Bridge, Cyno Beacons and Cyno Jammers; with the Stargate(https://youtu.be/Gru202GvZMc?t=2364). Then the POS itself is left with the last roll possible for it, a fast deployment safe position with limited defense/service capabilities.
As the plan is to reimburse and eliminate them, that left roll is open for something with the new tech and I think we can discuss it and make the road for the new Small Structure to fill that role, one which was mention in the Q&A Panel of Structures at Vegas and they said that they are thinking about adding such Structure.
Said so, this is my proposal:
As the title said, and probably you did figure out from the introduction, a Small Temporary Structure with low time for deployment with limited protection and Services which can be fitted with modules, a moderate price and a couple of variations which can expand the capabilities of it.
Implementation and Variations
2 different ways to implement this, following the Upwell Path or the Empires Path:
Upwell Path
- T1, T2 and a Faction version. With this we have more simplicity and are like the Structures right now, also with this a lot of Assets can be eliminated. But at the same time, is very homogeneous.
Empires Path
- Like the POS are right now, Races Version of the basic one and 2 types of Faction for the 5 Pirate Factions.
With this, adds a lot of variety and representation of the Empires/Pirates, also instead of just eliminate Assets, a nice portion of it can be replaced instead. But is more complex to balance and implement, also they will need new types of bonuses for each race, apart of the usual “X% damage/RoF/range/Cap Usage for Y Gun/Ewar” that usually have.
In my opinion, the Empires Path is better, even if is more complex, cause represent better the Empires and Pirates and can be seen as the first answer to the Monopoly of the Upwell Structures. And seen as The update of their old Player Own Structures seed long time ago combine with Upwell Tech.
This could be the features of it:
- In size, not be much bigger than a Capital Ship and 1000m3 or so in volume.
- Only be visible on Grid, but easily scan with probes. Also appears on D-Scan.
- Same Restrictions for where to Anchor as the rest of the Upwell Structures.
- It needs 20 minutes to anchor/unanchor, but last a limited time online; like 5 days or less. (*)
- Only 1 RF Timer(Hull) working the same way as the new Hull Timer for WHs in Structures v2.0.
- A 15km range tethering but without repair capabilities and for Sub-caps only.
- Can be fitted with Small Structure Modules and Equipment Modules which add Capabilities to it like Fitting, Repairs through Tethering or Hangars. These ones need fuel to operate.
- Can be scan with a Cargo/Ship Scanner to know fittings and timers, like suggested for Structures V2.0
- No asset safety. If the structure is unanchor/destroy, everything will be ejected.
- To re-deploy you need to repair it at a Station and need to be Repacked.
- The price could be like a Medium Control Tower is right now.
(*) Adding to this, it could be 2 main options. When the time limit is reached, it explodes and everything is ejected or goes offline and cannot be online again, without RF timer but still can be unanchored.
For the Variations, this could be the parts that can be improved:
- Less time to anchor/unanchor.
- More Tethering range.
- For the next version from the T1, capitals can be Tether and the next one to this, Super Capitals Ships.
- More HP, but the same DPS Cap.
- More Fitting/Equipment slots.
- Less Fuel use.
- More time in space until Explode/Offline.
For the Fitting Slots, it could depend too on the Implementation factor.
Upwell Path
- A 2-2-1 with Resist (20%), 1 Gun Slot. And for the Modules, the same variety as the Upwell ones.
Empires Path
- 5-4-2 with 4 Guns Slots. Resist according to the Race of the Structure, adding Hardeners and Races Guns(Lazors, Hybrids and Projectiles)
For both cases, No Rigs and No Drones. Also, can be controlled like an Astrahus for defense porpuses.
Equipment Modules
These modules will expand the utility of the Structure to a degree, depending on the type, with no initial startup fuel needed but with cycle timers(30 minutes), so if you want to switch it with another one you need to wait to finish the cycle; similar to Siege Modules. Modules cant be switch if the Structure is under attack and when the Structure is in RF, all the modules goes offline.
Here are some possible Equipment Modules:
- Repair Facility NEW → Provides the Tethering with repair capabilities and is be able to repair himself; like Structures do.
- Ship Maintenance REPLACE → Provides Fitting capabilities as long as the Ship is tether and also provides a Ship Maintenance Bay.
- Hangar Bay REPLACE → Provides Corp and Personal Hangars.
- Defence Matrix NEW → Provides self-defense capabilities, allowing the Structure to automatically attack targets. The configuration and behavior is similar to POSes
- Compression Array REPLACE from Reprocessing → Allows to Compress Ores Minerals
In case of general questions.
So, what are your thoughts/ideas?