February 2018 Release - General Feedback

The Fighters from the Event Sites don’t properly despawn after the Sites are finished.

You know, there is only one logical explanation for the approach taken with fighters and structures, and that is to force players to burn a massive pile of minerals and ISK or lose their structures.

A lot of players are going to lose their structures anyways due to the forced lag between rendering the existing fighters inoperable and enabling a supply of the “new” fighters. Also clearly by design. Of course no big deal for the big blobs but a very big deal for a lot of other people.

Nothing like a casual **** you to a big chunk of the player base to make me want to keep on paying subs.

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For once :stuck_out_tongue: I’d like to offer up a bit of positive feedback: I really like the look of the Assault Damage Control icon/button.


Thanks for the post, so just to explain, there were a few reasons for the choice not to convert fighters.

Firstly, Fighters in structures have been woefully under-powered up until this change, so we felt that the absence of them for a short amount of time didn’t pose a hugely significant reduction in power to Upwell Structures during the transition.

Secondly, it was the simplest solution and required no complicated conversion based on the location of fighters.

And finally, as is always the case with industry additions, the advantage of being the first to manufacture a new type of item and the first to get it to market provides a challenge for our industrial players that we are always reluctant to remove.

Everyone was hit with this change in exactly the same way, there was never any intention to unfairly disadvantage small structure owners. As with almost any possible change that can be made to EVE online, its true that people with more money and/or more friends will be hit by it to a lesser degree. This is often unavoidable but was not a goal of this decision. Sorry for the inconvenience, we hope your Structures don’t suffer from the lack of Fighter support while your stocks are replenished.

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Thank you, not only for your reply but the reasoning as well.
But was there a reason why you decide not to seed the BPOs early even if they couldn’t be used yet, or was it due to coding issues


2 things. Anyone mining would like a new animation for miners, like the rocks you mine floating into the hull as the tractor beams pulls it in and the rock your mining beying chizzeld away. For the other thing ships able to hold and expand worm whole to get capital ships out of wh space? Or vice versa

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I like the low power mode. Any chance the DPS Cap can be removed on low power structures?

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Anyone notice the only way a alpha could afford the ships they are able to fly is exploration. Far to many people are camping gates but not alot of ppl mine due to beying seen as a unviable way to make money and idk about you but Id like to see more alpha pilots in fw or in low sec ppl know they could use the fight and alphas won’t be as timid to try new things if they could afford to fly more that t2 friget cuse let’s be real here anything above a distroyer to be flight worthy is next to impossible if your not good at exploration XD.

Some faction moduals are getting out of hand in how expensive they are. Is anyone ganna do something about that because no one is rich enough to buy some of them and no one is using them because their so expensive, example, multi purpose analyzer mods

Often. In this case not. Either decision or neglect, you created a situation where small groups get punished on top of all the normal challenges a small group can expect. Considering how par-for-the-course this is in EVE, it’s impossible to assume it’s not deliberate. EVE: where the dev loathe anything that doesn’t feed the grist mill of the big blue donut.


I have over a hundred notifications of blood raiders attacking my citadel, is this intended? It seems kinda silly, as what if you know a player attacked? No way I could notice buried under hundreds of notifications. Also amazingly, my astra on the last notification was at 85%, so are NPCs gonna start RFing structures?

I’m sorry you feel that way, but there appears to be nothing more I can do to to change your mind.

It’s straightforward actually. Stop developing with an eye to tailor-making changes to benefit the big guys. Start developing with an eye to keeping an even playing field. In this case it would have meant releasing the blueprints a couple weeks early.

Games are supposed to be fun. Fun only happens when there’s a belief you have a chance of achieving something. When it becomes obvious the devs only consider you a source for someone else’s fun, there’s no incentive to play. When there’s no incentive to play, TCU hemorrhages.




We are waaay to far down that rabbit hole to ever get out.


As I’ve already explained, this isn’t how we develop.

Even if the blueprints would have been released earlier, they still would be released at the same time for larger or smaller entities, meaning that a larger, richer entity could have more Fighters ready at the time of release. EVE is a sandbox game, the best we can do is give everyone exactly the same chance, a level playing field. Your argument doesnt seem to hold water in this case I’m sorry. I understand that its frustrating to have to build new fighters, but everyone else has to do it too, this isn’t a case of us favoring the bigger entities any more than things costing ISK to buy in general is favoring people who have more money.

I appreciate the discussion and I’m happy to get into these issues, but in this case at least i need to call it as I see it and call it a day, I hope you can understand the perspective I’m coming from!

The multi analyzers only come from high end sites like the sleeper cache, and ghost sites if I’m correct, so only a small amount are found/run.

That’s actually exactly what it’s about. Perspective. Your perspective (assuming good faith) is that a big group and a small group are on equal ground. Except they aren’t. A large entity fighting a small entity already has the lead in what they can bring to the fight. They can replace DPS with warm bodies. That’s just part of the world; it’s discouraging but fine. If the small entity is attacking the large entity, the big group just has to bring another carrier to make up for the loss of citadel fighters. In the reverse, the smaller groups CAN’T just bring another carrier, they are already tapping every resource they’ve got because they have to.

The frustration is not even exactly because of how much difference the fighters would have made. It has to do with perspective. From the bottom looking up, the hill just got a lot steeper (even if, in this case, temporarily), just like it has so many times over the years. So, am I going to log in today and see if there’s something I can accomplish? No, every devblog released for years has told me there’s nothing worthwhile to accomplish in EVE today. So I’ll probably go to the gym where I can definitely accomplish something, then log in a different video game that will have the sensation of accomplishing something. Maybe I’ll get super bored and log into EVE next week, tool around for an hour, decide there’s nothing worth doing, then repeat the process again next time I get super bored.

edit: yes, I stick around mostly because I get bored, not because I have fun. It’s like taking an interest in financial news, it’s created for someone who’s not me.

Can you please make the overview settings for structures follow the selection to apply colouring to ships/drones only?


I’m sorry, but this is simply false, and I speak from experience, as one who went from Alpha to Omega in 4-6 weeks, doing combat missions and combat sites/expeditions. Personally, I found exploration to be underwhelming as an income source (primarily as I lived exclusively in high-sec - experiences may differ.) Once I made it to Alpha status, that gave my training and my income serious shots in the arm, and from there on it was a self-sustaining cycle. Bear in mind this implication: not only was I able to afford all the ships I flew and have bought since then, but also Omega access on top of that, which has admittedly been the larger expense for much of the time, at least the earlier months.

Also untrue. I, for example, have two or three Ligature Integrated analyzers, one on a Stratios, one on a Nestor, and possibly another floating around somewhere. I know at least one other person, much poorer than I, who has at least one such analyzer, on an Astero. And I assume there’s many, many MUCH richer players than I (I’m not even light-years from being “rich” in the game), so I think it reasonable to assume that they are using such and far fancier modules, of all sorts.


How its possible that after consumtion of the accelerator it changes on days??? look at this…
that is the time before i consume:

and that is the time after:

WTF? lower then one day and the bonus is +10 atributes