Federation Grand Prix - Event Feedback

Initially liked the idea of this event, but the implementation leaves everything to be desired.
Seriously I have better things to do with my time than indulging in shuttle suiciding exploits.
Mindlessly travelling from one system to the next also holds no attraction
Try again CCP this is a fail.
And Events Team, to say you didn’t have enough time to implement things the way you wanted to is a cop out.
Honestly its better to have nothing than a half thought out and implemented concept (WIS anyone?)


2015 MBP here, can confirm the crashes. turning down the shader seems to help with stability, but crashes are to be expected during transitions (grid load, jump, opening map, etc).

Having the client run in windowed mode seems to help a little as well, and when the crash happens, I can get logged in again before the server realizes that I’ve DC’d by immediately force quitting wine from the mac activity monitor, and restarting the client from the launcher.

It sucks but I can still reliably complete the event runs in a shuttle.
Better than DC’ing on a fleet op though… :neutral_face:

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Thanks for the tip, it won’t bring my el cheapo frigate back but I’ll use it if I get that destination another time. The standard nav tools aren’t really too refined, no matter what I demanded of it the only route shown was through the Syndicate region.

So far, with my few trips, it doesn’t look like anyone big is doing gate camps. It’s small pirate groups, mostly, not always even owning a 'dictor but instead deploying a warp disruptor beacon. The ones that killed me last time had been breached a while earlier, one pilot killing the beacon and another taking out one of their interceptors used to hunt rabbits. Ofc, this would require us pilots to team up instead of counting minutes for a shuttle selfdestruct run…


Thanks for chiming in, I know that others experience this too. Can you give any information on the specs of your machine? Any system monitoring tools that can help look for memory/CPU/GPU spikes or heavy load during or preceding these crashes?

Also, I’m willing to start a new thread in the OSX subforum on all of this so we can keep discussing without going OT from this (now merged) thread.

I “avoided” a bunch of Syndicate systems in an effort to end up with this route to Postouvin, and it was 33 jumps with 23 minutes given to reach it. It was far simpler to take the cooldown penalty and do something else for a while :wink:


Thanks for the event!

But…13 high-sec destinations, only 4 low-sec destinations…and the rate at which I’m getting low-sec destinations is disappointingly high…it’s turning me off…

At this rate, it might take me 9 days burning through the cooldown timers to get all the points I need to finish this…

The low-sec sites aren’t that bad really. I used a 4-warp-stabbed Punisher for all of them and never lost a ship. Some other players are using all inertial stabilizers on fast-aligning ships to get align times below 2 seconds.

The gankers camping the gates and end sites don’t really seem to have the numbers to pull off a true “death” camp in most cases. The biggest threat is probably smartbombing battleships, but a decent shield tank should handle those unless you are in range of at least two of them at the gate. So far I’ve not seen a large enough group of them to have good spatial coverage. These do not seem to be first-rate gankers in either organization or skill, probably because their war targets aren’t all that attractive (lots of shuttles, cheap frigs, etc).

For the end-site camps at the monuments it helps to warp to another planet first to make it harder for the gankers to guess where your warp-in spot will be. And of course, one never warps to zero at the monuments.

The potentially hardest location to reach is the high-sec island in Solitude for Postouvin. The fastest routes all go through nullsec, and I’ve heard that the lowsec-only route takes too long for many or perhaps most players. An interceptor is the best option for most players probably if they have that trained, which would mean that the main threat is probably still a pair or more of smartbombing battleships. The largest camp I saw along a nullsec route was about six players, and I had no trouble tanking the smartbomb damage.

There are no guarantees that the ganker camps will remain this light or inept, but I consider the risk to be lower than a lot of other locations one might try to travel to. These are pretty light obstacles for anyone who spends much time in lowsec or null, and for those who rarely leave highsec it should be good experience.

The event rewards are more than good enough to justify the risk of losing quite a number of cheap frigates and even a few more expensive ships if necessary.

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I agree. When I heard about the Grand Prix I figured it might be some sort of deadspace area with a giant space race track where you had to make it to successive beacons between a time limit. Perhaps even racing against NPCs.

But I guess a copy paste long form distribution mission was the answer for CCP? Probably the most boring thing I’ve ever done in EVE. And I ran Distribution for hours out of X-70MU.

Well at least the guys that were hoarding Shuttles for years get their payout.


Or the guy who figures out how to salvage all those shuttles and bring them back somewhere he can sell them. :wink:

Well you mention salvage so while I don’t know exactly how smartbombs work I assume they affect abandoned ships as well so if that is correct one can smartbomb the shuttles en masse then salvage them fairly quickly.

Completely inefficient ISK-wise as you get back only a tiny amount of the mats in the form of scrap metal, though should be very efficient time-wise as long as the shuttles are close together.

Otherwise conventional weapons could still be an answer and if they are far apart a fast ship with a single salvager or two should be able to salvage one in a single cycle at least most of the time.

If you want to regain most of the materials or resell them intact that is a lot of time and effort… and for very little benefits (unless people are willing to buy them VERY overpriced) so not sure if worth it.

Free shuttles anyone?

This event is just to feed hungry nullsec pirates, right ?
Most boring event I tried in years…
Who can have fun from clicking jump, jump… :confused:


Yup, I can confirm that. I boarded several abandoned shuttles yesterday before someone smart bombed many dozens of them. I got multiple insurance payouts (and salvage) and also kill rights against the smart bomber … not sure they’d thought that bit out.


The shuttle clutter on some gates starts to be annoying. People doing this boring grind like crazy, for me it’s the first event I will skip (stopped after the entry box) and buy the accelerators.

Having nearly finished the event now, unfortunately the nicest think I can say about it, is that it is interminably dull :weary:.

I certainly understand the idea behind it: trying to highlight the size of the EVE universe and some of the lore behind it. Unfortunately this misses the goal on both counts. The large travel times are highlighted over the size of the universe, and I can guarantee most of the people taking part aren’t even glancing at the places they’re being sent to. A number of the places don’t even have any info in the surrounding LCOs, just a beacon or generic LCO info.

Also, I got the impression in the past that CCP discouraged shuttle-bombing due to performance issues. This event seems to actively encourage and promote it.

Overall, this is a HUGE miss. I’d struggle to even give it a 2/10 for interest and engagement. There are so many ways to improve this, including NOT having to return to Luminaire after each waypoint, and providing mini-tasks at each destination which could have lore tie-ins.


This is one of the most frustrating moments in the event: gate-campers you might possibly expect on a lowsec run, but it feels bad being unable to figure out where to go, and watching time run out at the destination of a “safe” and “easy” highsec run.

When you put some time into shooting or mining events, you at least have Ore to refine or wreck loot. But this event is points at completion of a run - or nothing.


Another one people asked about was the destination in Lanngisi - it is at the SoE station there.

All the Minmatar Luminaire Zenith SKINs have this symbol on them


As far I know the first skins with this symbol were the Nefantar skins so I always thought this was the Nefantar tribe symbol. But this is the second time that non Nefantar skins have this symbol. What does this symbol mean?


I agree this is the worst event, simply because of so much travel is involved, and the routes to 0.0 are just stupid as alot of people smartbomb at first entry to 0.4 system.


If i understand this correctly some skins are in eve store ?

For example: Paladin Luminaire Rising SKIN (Permanent) should be in eve store for PLEX ? or do we get this skin from event ?