Federation Grand Prix - Event Feedback

Press left mouse button for play. New event from CCP :slight_smile:


alphas can fly shuttle.

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good i am not a alpha but i dont o there anyways
dont like smartbombs …

Total design fail on this event.

You should have made it a race across the galaxy with checkpoints.

Having to go back to the starting point, without even getting at least 1 point for the effort is utterly baffling bad design and a waste of time.

Also funny how you give content to the cancerous gate campers which probably is one of the worst mechanics of this game.

Worse than a fetch quest in WoW and Skyrim.


These are good events for players who like running Courier missions.

The Grand Prix event also should be teaching Capsuleers to how to fit their ship for the fastest align and warp time possible that should then extend into their regular game play.

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I am at 95 points and have not traveled through losec or nullsec yet.

No explosions? I think I’ll sit this one out.

If you travel through low-sec in a shuttle you’ll see your fair share.


Gateway / Dead End seems perma-camped by smartbomb-battleships. No one seems to bother breaking up the camp.

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I just want to know where the nice orange and yellow luminaire skins are. post says available in new eden store during event and still arent there


Nice event …I love new ways to get smart-bombed by gate campers lol it’s nice CCP makes events for Gankers…


Finished trial and no ammo was involved. Board discarded shuttle, wait, initiate self-destruct, wait, board another shuttle. Rinse and repeat.

Insurance was 5392.80 isk / shuttle. Best achieved was 4 shuttles / min for nominal return of 1.29 M isk / h. Technically, the wrecks were also worth 1350 isk ea as scrap metal, for another 0.32 M isk / h, although it was obviously impossible to co-harvest.

This time there were literally hundreds of shuttles abandoned at trial site, but I gave up after a couple of dozen or so had been exploded.



i liked the idea of a race across new eden
i guessed it will be a run arround HS to some stations or beacons or such stuff
all in all i think i kinda like the event

some things i would make different next time you run such an event:

if you do it like a real race then you start at point A and go to B --> C --> … > Z
maybe you come back to A or not … then you allways have 1 target and the time you ned doesnt matter … so if you dock for get some sleep or such stuff will not be a problem … if it is HS only everything is no problem … if you go to LS or NS then it is a problem … players should get a flag making them immun to bubbles, smart bombs and such stuff … the bubble has to disappear if you change ship … should not happen someone take a frighter in NS and bring it to jita … thats not race thats a exploit … the flag has to disappear if you dock somewhere … we could add some time … like you need like 15 mins to the target … so after 20 mins the flag is gone

then i guess it could be funny without having problems at gates and/or at the target in LS/NS

if you want to run it like this time … give at least 1 point for coming back to the startbeacon
i would give out 2 missions at each start … one only HS with 1 to 3 points and 1 to LS/NS for more then 3 points (4 to 6) … so you can choose to take the safer or not so safe tour
if you onl want to give out 1 missions you need a add a skip button … i waited 1 hour because i got the same NS mission 3 times in a row … thats a other thing … not repeated missions … at list not the same 3 times in a row

i guess thats my 2 cents

thanks for the event


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Completely uninteresting like most of the copy/paste(Agency) events. :disappointed:

I like the idea of having the race, something different from “farm these NPC sites”. And the rewards were good, decent isk/hr considering you don’t have to do anything other than click jump. But it was also painfully boring. At least making it an actual race course with multiple stops would’ve been nice. Not just fly from A to B, get back to A, fly from A to C…

Missed opportunity. This could have been an actual race with leaderboards where you got rewarded based on position compared to others, not because you beat an easy timer you could do with a shuttle. Or some sub-warp speed obstacle course. Anything but this.

Edit: Another missed opportunity was the checkpoints themselves. I expected places that had some significance in the lore/history but there was nothing to be learned. Show info on the beacons just tells you it’s a beacon, none of the collidables had any interesting info that I could see, other than the Kyonoke Keepstar.


Your looking at the event the wrong way. The goal is reducing frustration, the goons have been unfairly required to search all over space looking for people to gank, this even stacks them all nicely at a few places making life so much easier for people that think fun is smart bombing unarmed shuttles.

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The SOE Epic Arc involves 50 missions spread over all 4 empires in HS and takes 100s of jumps… but those long jump-heavy portions are then broken up by several kill-rats missions, fairly local courier missions, grab this mission critical loot or put this into a can in the site, etc. etc…

From the sounds of it, A->B, B->C, C->D would have worked better than A->B->A->C->A->D… but breaking it up with some other activities (such as sublight racing in a deadspace pocket or something in certain systems (even random ones, like missions are in) also would have been nice.


look ! a carrier in high sec ! (stolen nidh missions)

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I see this as the only reason for the event. A tiny fraction of skilled players will care enough to finish it, millions of noobs will be served on a golden platter to low effort gankers.

If they somehow implemented immunity for racers, disabling their guns etc etc of course, then it could have been called a race, maybe.

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How much isk have you made?