Final blow myself, damaged own ship?

Ok, this is a little weird.
I was in 0.7 running a data site, when suddenly 4 pirates in (what i think were) Battle Cruisers arrived, warp scrambled me and destroyed me. ( Sorry, didn’t have time to look what they were. Forgot to screenshot :roll_eyes: )
… nothing special so far, but then arrived the kill mail:
( kill mail )
Some “Guristas Pirates” killed me with ILM and did 679 damage. Top damage however, including the final blow, seem to be me.
What happened here?
Notice the “Secure Depot” that is involved. I was hacking at the time. Did it attack me and did that somehow register as me attacking myself?
Anyone seen this before?

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The weapon icon under your ship icon on the right hand side answers your question, you’ve triggered the secure depot area of effect explosion which happens a certain amount of time after entering the site or something like that, which dealt the final blow and the person triggering it is the one the damage dealing is attributed to.


Also you should read up on ghost sites before wandering into them unprepared - those 4 cruisers are ruthless.

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The scene this conjures up is hilarious though…

Isis had just finished hacking the second last seal when the Security Team showed up.

In the panic of klaxxons and proximity warnings he overlooked the half-coded warning about “Ultra Level Response”, the text blipping as Isis frantically attempted the last codebreak, the Security Cruisers locking on…


Thanks for this adorable piece of lore, from which I am now part :smiley:


Ah, so that’s a ghost site.
I sure was spooked. :woozy_face:




you ran a ghost site, a timer starts when you enter.

if have until the timer ends or you fail a hack and the place blows up.

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Just want to mention that those rats and other special NPC’s don’t show up on the Overview. Check your Overview settings and make sure you have all types of NPC’s selected to show. Also should set up Overview with different tabs, each one set for a specific task.

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First thing I thought of.
Lost two asteros to that. :frowning:

Fear not interpid explorer, you are not alone…

By the way, I found my first ever Superior covert site last night and as luck would have it, no cargo scanner. Managed to grab two cans before my nerves got the better of me, just a measly 25m but personally the adrenaline rush is worth it!


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