Finding it hard to find a corp


Public channels can be a tricky thing. If a corp uses it to talk with former members and friends, it’s pretty active. But often that’s the least active channel and therefore the last you check.

If you enjoy or want to learn PvP, our own corp is pretty active and is newbro friendly. We don’t make interview because well either you really want PvP and Faction Warfare is worth it, either you don’t and you won’t find it worth to stay in FW.

But to honest we have not dedicated programs to train newbros like Eve University, Brave Newbies or Pandemic Horde. Training goes mainly by asking questions in the corp or alliance channel and joining fleets and asking questions on comms and fleet chat. Take in account that sometimes there is a delay : PvP is not exactly very multitasking friendly, and people answer once they finished their fight or fleet.

And to be honest, if you ask a question about areas beyond pvp : it can take a long long time before finding someone who knows what to do with a mining ship beyond fitting it as bait ship for pvp.

But at the same time, all our roams and fleets are opened to newbros and we have newbros fits on contract for those fleets. Nobody will yell at you if you end up blown up : that’s part of the process.

If you are looking for a more organized way to learn with class lessons, training fleets and so on : give a try to Eve University. You can always learn the basics there and then find another corp and alliance of your choosing to further your training.

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