Firetail - EVE Discord Bot

Killmails got a face lift.

Big Kills



New Feature

!sov system will report any active and future sov wanding for that system. If there’s an active fight the bot will track it and report any changes (defender or attacker make progress) to the channel.

Big news, Firetail is now in the r/eve discord with about 5000+ of you in there! That puts us at 73 servers with 16000+ people able to interact with it.

Firetail Change-Log
Code Changes

Did some housekeeping and enabled the ability to search partials. Ala !scout j5a instead of J5A-IX. This works for all commands requiring an input.

Also rate limiting is now a thing. It’s a hard cap to hit unless you hammer the bot in rapid succession. Feel free to test it.

Hit the rate limit after pinging about 7 commands in three minutes. Consider it tested


It’s being tweaked, the new version I’m pushing out right now should be harsher for rapid spammers but more lenient for people who have a bunch of price checks to do

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Broke 80 servers recently. Also youtube and other source (soundcloud, etc…) streaming is a thing now, do !help yt for info.

:tada: Public Bot News :tada:

We have hit the 100 server mark with the public bot!


The self host version is in the works as well now that public is proving to be fairly stable.

Could you do optimizable for ‘!addkills big’? Could you add some options? Default can be 2b but it is so low and getting so much kills what i don’t want to see. Example !addkills big 2b/5b/10/20b options.

Addkills Tweak
By popular demand the way addkills works for the public bot has been tweaked.

Do '!addkills groupID' to get all killmails in the channel.
Do '!addkills groupID false' to not receive losses.
Do '!addkills groupID 1000000' to not receive kills of value less than the number.
Do '!addkills groupID 1000000 false' to not receive kills of value less than the number and no losses.
Do '!addkills big' to get EVE Wide big kills reported in the channel.
Do '!addkills big 10000000000' to get EVE Wide big kills greater than the number reported in the channel.
Do '!addkills remove' to stop receiving killmails in the channel.

Be sure if you are going to use the new format to do !addkills remove to avoid duplicates.


Self Host Release
By popular demand the bot is now self-hostable for the opsec crazies out there

Be advised that as of right now the public bot is capable of doing everything the self hosted version can do as I’ve not yet completed any additional extensions.

Also if you do self host, let me know what steps I missed in the install guide.

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Love the bot. The only thing missing is fleet up

Fleetup (and a few other extensions) is coming “soon”

Public Bot Update

Recently broke 20,000 users (and 125 servers)

We are at 22,000 users reached and 150+ servers for the public bot.

:tada: :tada: Public Bot Milestone :tada: :tada:
The public bot has broken 200 Active servers and 24500 Concurrent users!!

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:tada: :tada: Public Bot Milestone :tada: :tada:
The public bot has broken 300 Active servers and closing in on 30000 Concurrent users!!

Broke 400 servers!


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The much requested support for killmail tracking of regions/systems has been added.


500 servers and closing in on 40k users!

Dude cool down :slight_smile: Good work, very good. Really. But they do not care, you know? You have here 6 comment from users. Who needs it today? The game for which you did it has long since died. Players who are really interested in the tools are gone. We made telegram bots for the operational notification of the murders, the actions of specific fleets of specific alliances, etc. - everything is customizable. At the same time, we made a telegram bot to track triggers like moving the corps from an alliance to an alliance. And it’s not necessary to anyone :slight_smile: You can check -

New times - if you do not have a blog on YouTube where you do a manicure to a cat - you are not interested. Discord bot - boredom :slight_smile:

Any updates on Fleet Up integration?
