First Local, Next Warp Core Stabs?

I already ask why a small ship can tackle a larger one. The entire thing, from scram/disrupt to stabs needs to be looked at, IMO.
If they can crush local in null, see the bots and krabs driven before them, and hear the lamentations of the nullbears, then just about anything is on the table.


whole lot of stupid people who’ve no idea what the hell they are talking about in this thread.

Oh oh. We have a secret king here. Look out.


Tbh by their nature a Stabbed engine should take more time to spool up.

You ‘accidentaly’ forgot to mention the posts that Hilmar made after that with the propositions of solutions to the issues with wcs in faction warfare. But being desingenious makes the post have more replies from the misinformed.

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I don’t use twitter so I didn’t even know there were additional tweets he made after this, but sure, assume everything is done in bad faith. :slight_smile:


Just because the thread is based on something that wasn’t intended by the person being quoted and is taken out of context, that doesn’t mean we can’t pretend it is what the person being quoted said, nor does that mean we can’t have a raging discussion about the supposed proposal as if it had actually been proposed.
We’re all RPGers here, and RPGers love to play make believe.

I agree that a more robust warp drive must lose efficiency in SOME way, it might not be with respect to time. The engine might just weigh more, be more compled, require more capacitor or resources to field or special fuel or it might take up more space or it might . . . I dunno . . . it might just produce some sort of interference that disrupts the ships other systems, like their maybe sensors.


If only such a thing existed. Ah well, I guess until then Hilmars right

Ow, that hurt.

  1. Travel, all kinds of in all areas
  2. Loot theft (essentially going suspect and want to survive on populated grid)

These are IMO the two essential use cases, which must be preserved. Else I see no “legitimate” use, especially not in a combat-related situation.



hell yeah and at eve fanfest give all Badges with their ingame Name and then let em BRAWL…



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Any race that makes fun of another for their stupidity is just as awful.



I think orbital eradication is the only proper answer to the problem.

No messing, no judgement, just gas all humans like humans gas foxcubs.

takes one to know one :wink:

lmao :joy: i always liked that one :slight_smile:


You KNOW the kulaks will hide in their bunkers. All we would do is end up saving the 1%

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Agreed. Hudson, run a bath pls.


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