First person cockpit view needed!

Meh, they might be where the bridges are.


But you said,

But now it’s a “might?”

Meh, maybe it does look like there is a bridge on every ship in the game, so the art should be considered when pursuit of the cockpit location view for rendering the point in space.

Perhaps the mark 11 pod has a window that would make this viewpoint possible, yeah I said 11, since the 10 is the current version, the new and improved one could have windows.

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You are in a pod, while you have a “crew” on your ship doing “work” as well. No need for cockpit views on the ship when you aren’t even on a bridge but in the middle of the ship somewhere.

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the bright yellow thing, thats the pod location on the punisher.

not hard to see where the pod is on this one… hint, by itself top left corner.

can you see it on the merlin?


another naysayer?

This forums playground appears to be full of bullies and pushy kids.

I guess that makes sense, I was totally not into this game by advertising, test play, or word or mouth, cept one person who games for a living. That guy literally would live online if he could.

Looks like more of the same, but with attitude.

Many are here to mine and have fun doing it, by development of additional dimensions while doing so retains player interest, perhaps you should think of the “Ideas” area of this forum in that light. Change is good, there’s a reason there are more than just cheeseburgers at Mcdonalds. Variety is good too.

Depth of play can be examined here on this forum to realize when something is missing, if you played my game more you’d likely see the ups and down I do.



thats not what we are doing. We are explaining to you WHY what you want, would change lore and mechanics that is not needed. Your ship is surrounded by drone cameras so you can “see” the outside of your ship and its surroundings. even looking at the ships you can see it would be impossible for the capsuleers to do what you want.


I can see the windows up front like on all ships in the game, there is a forward looking set of windows, I think that would be the best view, or from any of the various viewpoints.

If I’m truly in a pod, then the viewpoint could be from anywhere there’s a set of windows looking out. This brings the addition of the possibility of varied wavelength viewing, such as FLIR in smoky or hazy situations, UV for mineral prospecting, and varied frame rate changes such as HUD with bullet time enabled.

Enhanced bullet time for PVP would be super useful. The feed loops could give you a bubble of bullet time in which to make decisions while the fight progresses then the loop closes when the fight is finished. The unenhanced piliot would fight in real time, while the enhanced pilot’s decisions are allowed to be made and applied basically after they’ve had time to think it over and respond.

By allowing for a plugged in pilot viewpoint, the game expands the playability, not diminished, it becomes enhanced.

Nothing ROCKS harder than a MINER!

Looks like the cut-away artists forgot about the windows on the front of the ships when doing the cut-away views.

The cooler stuff aside from the enhanced views available when running the view through a few image processors, is the sounds from the ship, the whirring of the various gadgets, the hum of the power mains, the clink and clank of various things, the immersive environment could be stepped up to a new level.

The lack of ASWD driving is a bit annoying, but would make more sense from a cockpit view anyhow.

Miners make, gankers take.

You are fully en"capsule"lated and would need a proxy to get around your ship to interact with things like a bridge or other locations aboard the ship. This could be done with a holo-image of yourself or a robot proxy.

I don’t see you being able to fly the ship at the same time though (as its more functional to fly the ship directly with your pod.)


You literally post fail ideas.

Please learn to EVE kthx :smiley:


I don’t think you realize how time works.
But if you want to slow down and spend ages making decisions in a PVP fight, I’m sure your opponent who has already blown you up while you make these decisions wont argue,

Windows are for the crew… you are inside a metal pod protected safely in the middle of the ship. Seriously read the lore.


At this point I don’t think reading lore will help him.
Either he’s purposely not understanding our posts or he’s dumb as a post.
I’m opting for the former, which makes him a Troll.


He doesn’t even understand the pics I posted of the location of the pods on those 3 frigates


He does not.

His Zkillboard suggests that he does not actively pvp.

Once again, generating off key and bizarre ideas born out of a sheer lack of experience and knowledge of gameplay.


So… alright, lot of negativity here, and a decent bit of calls to read the lore…

Well. How about a middleground.

Is this needed? Probably the ■■■■ not. Is it possible to do without breaking lore? Yes. Fixed camera view of a ship’s command deck overlooking a small portion of the crew at work. Entirely plausible to do as a capsuleer, hijack a part of the security system to watch the regular people that work for you if you’re doing non-intensive work.


How else would you allow bullet time to work?

The enhanced player would have an extra bit of time since the commands could be more instantaneous, while the unenhanced player would have to wait between decisions since the equipment simply wouldn’t respond due to processing, overheating, targeting, you name it, the delays could be generated.

I got time just fine, describing it so everyone understands what I’m talking about is tricky, especially on this point and shoot forum.

Eve online forums: post stuff, get ridiculed by ganker squads.

You’ve chased another one off, good riddance.

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