Renamed cause there is so much wrong with the Fitting window. Like how hard can it be to figure that out before throwing this into the game:
Give Option to deattach Fittings from the actual Fitting window or give Option to resize it. Most Corps manage 150+ Fittings, its a pain in the ass todo if you have to scroll all the time
Let us delete multiple Fittings at once. Search for something, shift+click, delete. cant be that hard to get in.
Easy Feature, if i want to safe a Fitting with the same Name as one of my fits please give me a overwrite saved Fitting Option or safe the Fitting under the same Name with the * as it is now.
Do a proper Import/safe Fittings window. Like now you have to hover over the button till the Options for corp and personal Fittings Pop up. Who would want sth like that?? Like how hard is it to add 2 different Buttons?
search box in the Import from file window, so if you have a file with all your fits you dont have to scroll around till you find those you want to Import, but can search, tick, be happy.
Im pretty sure i will stumble over more as i go.