Your Weekly Fix #57
A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.
Past Week(s) & Next Week
We’ve had a couple of events in the past week(s) worth mentioning, as well new scheduled events (also availaible in our calendar):
Security Missions Corp Event
Last Friday 2024/04/26 nine brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 159M ISK in value for the corp. Nice work!
Next Friday 2024/05/03 starting 18:00 EVE time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in a PvE Security Missions event.
High Sec Corp Mining Event
Last Sunday 2024/04/28 we earned around 147M ISK from the high sec corp mining event in a 12 ship fleet.
Next Sunday 2024/05/05 at 17:00 EVE time, we’ll again have our weekly mining event with all ores going to Fixers Corp.
Our Weekly zKill
According to the Weekly zkill overview, Fixers members are responsible for 4 (-58) kills with a total worth of about 444M ISK, or 24 (-46) points. And we are considered 8% (-14%) dangerous.
New format: Split weeklies
With many of our events and activities now alliance wide, available to all in Pillars of Liberty… And the push on our end to make our new alliance more interesting for other likeminded corps to join… We will have a new “Weekly Liberty” reporting on the alliance wide activities. That means that our Weekly Fix will only contain Fixers content, and will likely be a lot shorter than previously the case. The Weekly Liberty on the other hand has the potential to grow to be a news-packed juggernaut.
This was your weekly fix.