Your Weekly Fix #39
A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.
The Past & Next Week
We’ve had a couple of events in the past week worth mentioning, as well new scheduled events (also availaible in our calendar):
High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
Last week, we’ve had multiple moon rocks pop where members were free to mine to their heart’s content for self gain.
New moon rocks will pop on:
- Tue 2023/12/19 12:00 EVE time.
- Sat 2023/12/23 17:00 EVE time.
Security Missions Corp Event
Last Friday 2023/12/15, five brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 145M ISK in value for the corp. Thanks everyone for joining, a great yield!
Next Saturday 2023/12/23 starting 18:30 EVE time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in a PvE Security Missions event.
Homefront Ops
The Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out multiple times last week, teaching the uninitiated logi and fleet mechanics and earning the participants nice stacks of ISK.
Next Friday 2023/12/22 starting 20:30 EVE time, you can join up with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet.
High Sec Corp Mining Event
Last Sunday 2023/12/17 we earned around 421M ISK (new record!) from the high sec corp mining event in a 15 ship fleet. Many thanks to all who volunteered their time. Amazing result!
Next Sunday 2023/12/24 at 18:00 EVE time, we’ll again have this weekly mining event with all ores going to Fixers Corp.
Our Weekly zKill
According to the Weekly zkill overview, Fixers members are responsible for 19 kills worth about 7.7B ISK. And we are considered 32% dangerous and 68% snugly.
An unexpected encounter
Last Tuesday 2023/12/12, a small fleet of PvE L4 class ships traveled over to a nearby high sec system to try out some of these Winter Nexus combat sites. While split up, with the Astarte and Rattlesnake fighting the Sansha in a combat site, a criminal Praxis warped in and immediatly targeted them both. Clearly meaning to bait us. With Concord on standby in this high sec system, the situation remained relatively calm and passive for a while, until the final Sansha battleship arrived which targeted the Praxis. As Sersoul saw the Praxis lose its shield (which was its main tank), he engaged, and Berdyon joined in with his Astarte as Stavri and Ozanuki headed there to join the fray. This is when the Praxis revealed it’s trick with 2 shield boosters, quickly regaining it’s shield. Nonetheless, because of his initially depleted shield, we dealt soo much damage, that he warped off before we could kill him and before Stavri arrived. Assuming the fight was over, we warped to the next combat site, cleared it, and that’s when he popped up on dscan, close by. This time we were ready, all 4 of us waiting, and as he warped in the site we let loose on him. With his shield boost trick he managed to stay alive longer than expected, and almost took down the Apocalypse, but eventually succumbed: Kill: Scott Thomas 21 (Praxis). A very unexpected encounter, and good fun!
Corp Stations Fuel - December
We’re almost done collecting the materials for our December fuel, but time is running out. We still need Coolants, Helium Isotopes and Robotics. If you know how to get your hands on some of these and are willing to donate them, it’ll be much appreciated.
Mining Contest
Last week 2 of our ore opportunities got finished and restarted, and a lot of progress was made overall. Given the limited space on this Weekly Fix, a full update will follow soon, seperately.
The Charity Lottery
Last week we launched the all new Charity Lottery, and as per the last update there is already over 600M ISK in the pot. For full details, and how to participate, join the mail list: FXRS Charity Lottery.
Ship Launches
Last week many new ships were launched by our members and corp, just a few highlights:
- Fixers launched a new Nestor for the FOB fleet, it’s currently in the hangar for some final additions.
- Stavri launched his second Paladin, specced out for level 4 security missions.
This was your weekly fix.