Your Weekly Fix #37
A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.
The Past Week
We’ve had a couple of events in the past week worth mentioning:
PvP Filament Roam
On 2023/11/29, eleven brave capsuleers went roaming in null sec (by using noise filaments). After a while of finding nothing juicy, 3 members had to leave fleet and the remainder sought new action elsewhere, and it’s in the Omist region where we found some. After robbing a bank (and while the robbers were still burning out of the bubble), those that had stood guard at the gate traveled to the next system to scout a new bank there. On the gate of this new system is where we finally made contact. A Stabber flown by Bulldags’hunter. With our fleet split in two, and the front troops eager to catch this new juicy morsel, diving in full Leeroy Jenkins, we quickly found out that Mr Bulldag knew exactly what he was doing in his super fast Stabber. One by one he picked us off. Even when the rearguard caught up to what remained of the front troops, we could not catch him. When only the strongest of us were left alive, not able to kill him, nor dying, and just as they were ready to try to travel home, new capsuleers cyno’ed in, including a Marshal, and finished off what remained of our fleet. We like to think we learned a lot that day. And we’ll get them next time!!!
High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
On 2023/12/01 our high sec moon rock popped with very shiny ores. A large fleet of Fixers miners depleted these valuable rocks within 2.5 hours.
Security Missions Corp Event
On 2023/12/01, five brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 75M ISK in value for the corp. Thanks everyone for joining, a great yield!
Homefront Ops
On 2023/12/01, the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out, and earning the participants some nice stacks of ISK.
Security Missions Corp Event
On 2023/12/02, nine brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 244M ISK in value for the corp. Awesome result everyone!
Homefront Ops
On 2023/12/02, the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out, mostly saving some holy stations, and earning the participants high stacks of ISK.
High Sec Corp Mining Event
On 2023/12/03 we earned around 276M ISK from the high sec corp mining event with an 18 person fleet. Many thanks to all who volunteered their time.
Upcoming events
As always you can also expect anouncements by mail for our scheduled events, and any new events still to be announcened.
High Sec Moon Mining (self gain)
Tuesday 5th at 0:00 EVE time, our moon rock will pop. And there might just be billions of ISK worth of moon ores to mine there.
PvE Security Missions
Friday 8th starting 18:30 EVE time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in a PvE Event. Contact Berdyon for any questions.
PvE Homefront Ops (self gain)
Friday 8th starting 20:45 EVE time, you can join up with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet. Helping out those in need and making quite a lot of ISK while doing so.
High Sec Moon Mining (self gain)
Saturday 9th at 17:00 EVE time, our moon rock will pop. And there might just be billions of ISK worth of moon ores to mine there.
High Sec Asteroid Mining (corp gain)
Sunday 3rd at 18:00 EVE time, we’ll have our weekly mining event in our home system with all ores going to Fixers Corp.
Corp Stations Fuel - December
Thanks to some gracious members we’ve managed to collect over half of the resources needed to power our stations for another month. We still need some Coolant, Enriched Uranium, Helium Isotopes and Robotics. If you know how to get your hands on some of these and are willing to donate them, we Fixers will be much obliged.
New Moon Ore Station
A new, and fifth, moon ore station has gone up, which will be used for moon ore mining fleets more convenient for our US members. Already this Tuesday we have a moon pop at 0:00 EVE time, which should suit our US miners better than our previous moon pops. Check the calendar for all our moon ore mining events.
FXRS Growth - Over 200!
Today saw our Fixers member total reach 205 with 50 simultaneous characters online. Onward towards the 300! Interested in helping us grow by becoming a recruiter for Fixers? Contact Aaron to find out how you can help.
This was your weekly fix.