Fixers is recruiting!

We are looking for new members to join our ranks and together make New Eden a better place to live in.

Fixers (FXRS) is a high-sec corp looking to grow larger in order to be able to offer more opportunities fot its members.

Some things to know about Fixers:

  • Members are mostly EU and US based. The used language is English.
  • We’re open to both new, returning and experienced players.
  • Core value in Fixers is being friendly and helping each other out.

More about Fixers Corporation:

  • Mostly focused on mining, production and PvE (security missions, homefront ops, combat sites, Abyssals, FOB bashing) in high sec.
  • We have access to a number of self-built stations with facilities for industry.
  • There are no taxes, instead there are voluntary corp events where yields go to the corp coffers.
  • We organize both corp-gain as well as self-gain events where members can participate.
  • Examples of events: Mining fleets with boosts for both asteroid and moon ores, PvE security mission fleets, PvE Homefront ops fleets.
  • Fixers Corporation is part of the Commonwealth Vanguard alliance, offering even more events and opportunities.
  • This is not a ganking corp. And for PvP the other branches are more suitable.

Hope to see you out there, fly safe!

Fixers; honest members and ingame friends


This is EVE so everything is posible!

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Your Weekly Fix #23

A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.

The Past Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week worth mentioning:

Security Missions Corp Event
On 2023/08/04, three brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 40M ISK in value for the corp. Many thanks to all involved!

Homefront Ops
On 2023/08/04, right after the Security Missions event, a Fixers homefront fleet managed to succesfully complete 3 “Secure the Intel” missions, netting the participants almost 60M ISK each in the hour it took.

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
On 2023/08/05 our high sec moon rock popped. And interested miners depleted the rocks in half a day.

High Sec Corp Mining Event
On 2023/08/06 we earned around 215M ISK from the high sec corp mining event with a 10 person fleet. This mining fleet got rudely interrupted when we realized there was an FOB up in system, threatening our mining fleet’s safety. So we took out our FOB Basher fleet and took it down.

FOB Basher Fleet
On 2023/08/06, with a 8 person FOB Basher Fleet, we removed a Blood Raider Stronghold from our home system. Netting all participants their 30M ISK reward with about 40M ISK in loot going to our corp. This freed up the way to resume our mining fleet in system.

Upcoming events

As always you can also expect anouncements by mail for our planned events

Alliance Moon Ore Mining
There are multiple moon ore mining events from the alliance taking place this week. All events can be checked in the calendar.

High Sec Moon Mining (self gain)
Friday 11th at 14:00 Eve time, our moon rock will pop. And there might just be billions of ISK worth of moon ores to mine there.

PvE Security Missions (corp gain)
Saturday 12th starting 17:30 Eve time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in the weekly Corp PvE Event. Contact Berdyon for any questions.

PvE Homefront Ops (self gain)
Saturday 12th starting 20:00 EVE time, up to 6 members can join up on the Homefront Ops fleet. Helping out those in need and making quite a lot of ISK while doing so. Contact Lyon Savatier for any questions.

High Sec Asteroid Mining (corp gain)
Sunday 13th at 17:00 EVE time, we’ll have our weekly mining event in our home system with all ores going to Fixers Corp.

Home System policing: An Update

Over a month and a half ago we started our Home System Policing Operations.
For the full explananation on what this is, see the orignal announcement from 50 days ago.

Here’s a little update on the progress:

In one of our home systems we’ve just reached over 75% completed. That’s over 7.500 pirates killed in about 50 days or 150 every day. Excellent work!

Our top 3 contributors each have over 500 kills, and with that reached that 5% minimum and now partake in the chance to win the system’s 25M ISK reward upon project completion.

If you are close to your 500 contribution kills, you have limited time left to get there before this project succesfully reaches it’s goal.

In our other 2 home systems we’re almost at 50% and at a quarter of the goal.

Merchants, miners and civilians are reporting a noticeable decrease of criminal activity in our home systems. And although data is still limited, it is hard to imagine this is not a direct result of Fixers rangers impressive efforts on cracking down on the pirates movements. High profile figures in both Sizamod and Iswa have already been sending formal congratulations and tokens of appreciation to Fixers Command.

Great work everybody!

Station Fuel: July

There’s one week left for us to contribute to the requirerements for last month’s high sec stations fuel. Three materials have been fully delivered, the others are in different stages of progess. If you find yourself in the position to contribute to any of these remaining projects (see Opportunities) it will be much appreciated.

This was your weekly fix.

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Your Weekly Fix #24

A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.

The Past Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week worth mentioning:

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
On 2023/08/11 our newest station’s high sec moon rock popped. And over 16 interested miners depleted the rocks in 5.5 hours.

Homefront Ops
On 2023/08/11, right after the moon ore mining, a Fixers homefront fleet managed to succesfully complete 6 “Secure the Intel” missions, netting the participants almost 80M ISK each in little over an hour.

Security Missions Corp Event
On 2023/08/12, four brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 74M ISK in value for the corp. Many thanks to all involved!

FOB Basher Fleet GONE WRONG!
On 2023/08/12 Due to a combination of unfortunate circumstances and a very strong defense fleet, we did not only fail at taking down an FOB, we lost over 2B ISK worth of ships. Mainly one Eos and one Leshak. Big oof!

It’s safe to say that with our recent chain of successful FOB takedowns, we’ve become complacent in our FOB approach, underestimate the risks, and as a result underprepare for that every-once-in-a-while strong defense fleet. This means we need to tighten our doctrine once again to avoid a repeat of this outcome.

From here on out we’ll focus more on having strong FOB specialized ships in fleet, going over the tactics more rigorously before warping in, and ensuring all large expensive ships have the MJD for last resort escape.

In the end, we will not be defeated!

High Sec Corp Mining Event
On 2023/08/13 we earned around 311M ISK from the high sec corp mining event with a 12 person fleet. Very nice everybody!

Upcoming events

As always you can also expect anouncements by mail for our planned events

Alliance Moon Ore Mining
There are multiple moon ore mining events from the alliance taking place this week. All events can be checked in the calendar.

PvE Security Missions (corp gain)
Friday 18th starting 17:30 Eve time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in the weekly Corp PvE Event. Contact Berdyon for any questions.

PvE Homefront Ops (self gain)
Friday 18th starting 20:00 EVE time, up to 6 members can join up on the Homefront Ops fleet. Helping out those in need and making quite a lot of ISK while doing so. Contact Lyon Savatier for any questions.

High Sec Moon Mining (self gain)
Saturday 19th at 17:00 Eve time, our moon rock will pop. And there might just be billions of ISK worth of moon ores to mine there.

High Sec Asteroid Mining (corp gain)
Sunday 20th at 17:00 EVE time, we’ll have our weekly mining event in our home system with all ores going to Fixers Corp.

This was your weekly fix.

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Your Weekly Fix #25

A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.

The Past Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week worth mentioning:

Security Missions Corp Event
On 2023/08/18, five brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 145M ISK in value for the corp. Many thanks to all involved!

Homefront Ops
On 2023/08/18, right after the moon ore mining, a Fixers homefront fleet managed to succesfully complete 5 “Secure the Intel” missions, netting the participants over 85M ISK each in little over an hour.

Policing operation completed!
On 2023/08/19, exactly 2 months after it started, our first policing operation in our home system has been succesfully completed with 10.000 pirates taken out. The full report, including the winner of the 25M ISK price, will be published tomorrow.

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
On 2023/08/19 our high sec moon rock popped. And participating miners depleted the valuable rocks in 5 hours.

High Sec Corp Mining Event
On 2023/08/20 we earned around 133M ISK from the high sec corp mining event with a 8 person fleet. Well done!

Upcoming events

As always you can also expect anouncements by mail for our planned events

High Sec Moon Mining (self gain)
Friday 25th at 14:00 Eve time, our moon rock will pop. And there might just be billions of ISK worth of moon ores to mine there.

High Sec Asteroid Mining (corp gain)
Sunday 27th at 17:00 EVE time, we’ll have our weekly mining event in our home system with all ores going to Fixers Corp.

Director Berdyon will be out of office for a couple of days starting this Friday. Resulting in no scheduled PvE Corp gain event, and no expected Weekly Fix next week.

This was your weekly fix.

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Your Weekly Fix #26

A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.

The Past Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week worth mentioning:

Homefront Ops
On 2023/08/31, an unscheduled Fixers homefront fleet managed to succesfully complete 5 “Holy Mission” operations, netting each of the 5 participants 150M ISK in the 2 hour event. The scheduled Homefront Ops the next day got cancelled due to the galaxywide distortion anomoly.

Security Missions Corp Event
On 2023/09/01, six brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event which could rudely interrupted by the galaxy wide distortion anomoly. Desipte this interference, the fleet managed to limit its losses and bring home 92M ISK in value for the corp. Many thanks to all involved!

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
On 2023/09/02 our high sec moon rock popped. And participating miners depleted the valuable rocks in 5 hours.

High Sec Corp Mining Event
On 2023/09/03 we earned around 260M ISK from the high sec corp mining event with a 9 person fleet. Excellent work everyone!

Blood Raider Forward Operating Base
On 2023/09/03, right after the mining ops, we assembled a fleet and took down the FOB in our home system. Earning corp about 50M in loot and every participant almost 30M ISK.

Homefront Ops
On 2023/09/03, right after the FOB was taken down, Lyon took us on Homefront Ops.

Upcoming events

As always you can also expect anouncements by mail for our planned events

High Sec Moon Mining (self gain)
Friday 8th at 14:00 Eve time, our moon rock will pop. And there might just be billions of ISK worth of moon ores to mine there.

PvE Homefront Ops (self gain)
Friday 8th as soon as all the moon ores are done (probably somewhere around 19:00), up to 6 members can join up on the Homefront Ops fleet. Helping out those in need and making quite a lot of ISK while doing so. Contact Lyon Savatier for any questions.

PvE Security Missions (corp gain)
Saturday 9th starting 17:30 Eve time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in the weekly Corp PvE Event. Contact Berdyon for any questions.

High Sec Asteroid Mining (corp gain)
Sunday 10th at 17:00 EVE time, we’ll have our weekly mining event in our home system with all ores going to Fixers Corp.

This was your weekly fix.

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Your Weekly Fix #27

A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.

The Past Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week worth mentioning:

Security Missions Corp Event
On 2023/09/15, seven brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 114M ISK in value for the corp. Many thanks to all involved!

Homefront Ops
On 2023/09/15, the Fixers homefront fleet managed to succesfully complete 6 “Dread Assault” operations, netting the participants some nice ISK rewards. They also tried their hands at the Abyssal artifact recovery operation, learning that this mission requires some advanced tactics. Fixers will give it a try again sometime in the future.

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
On 2023/09/16 our high sec moon rock popped. And participating miners, while being harassed by some eager bumpers, depleted the valuable rocks in 5 hours.

High Sec Corp Mining Event
On 2023/09/17 we earned around 340M ISK from the high sec corp mining event with a 14 person fleet. A new record!!! Excellent work all!

Upcoming events

As always you can also expect anouncements by mail for our planned events

High Sec Moon Mining (self gain)
Friday 22th at 14:00 Eve time, our moon rock will pop. And there might just be billions of ISK worth of moon ores to mine there.

PvE Security Missions (corp gain)
Friday 22th starting 17:30 Eve time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in the weekly Corp PvE Event. Contact Berdyon for any questions. And likely we’ll follow it up (or even switch it out) with some Homefront Ops fleet for personal gain, as will be announced later.

High Sec Asteroid Mining (corp gain)
Sunday 24th at 17:00 EVE time, we’ll have our weekly mining event in our home system with all ores going to Fixers Corp.

This was your weekly fix.

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Thanks for notifying us.

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Your Weekly Fix #28

A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.

The Past Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week worth mentioning:

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
On 2023/09/22 our high sec moon rock popped. We got the jackpot this time with the most valuable ores. And participating miners depleted the valuable rocks in 5 hours, netting them around 3.4B ISK total.

Homefront Ops
On 2023/09/22, the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” managed to succesfully complete many different operations running well in to overtime. Starting off with trying out a new fleet composition with which we managed to complete the Hauler version, moving on to some other known ops, we managed to run for 4 hours, netting participants almost 400M ISK per pilot

Also, this week, the first batch of active Homefront Ops participants were awarded their “Blade” medals by Fixers Command.

Security Missions Corp Event
On 2023/09/23, five brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 100M ISK in value for the corp. Great as always! Many thanks all around!

High Sec Corp Mining Event
On 2023/09/24 we earned around 349M ISK from the high sec corp mining event with a 12 person fleet. Another new record!!! Amazing work everyone!

Upcoming events

As always you can also expect anouncements by mail for our planned events

PvE Security Missions (corp gain)
Friday 29th starting 17:30 Eve time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in the weekly Corp PvE Event. Contact Berdyon for any questions. And likely we’ll follow it up with some Homefront Ops fleet for personal gain, as will be announced later.

High Sec Moon Mining (self gain)
Saturday 30th at 17:00 Eve time, our moon rock will pop. And there might just be billions of ISK worth of moon ores to mine there.

High Sec Asteroid Mining (corp gain)
Sunday 1st at 17:00 EVE time, we’ll have our weekly mining event in our home system with all ores going to Fixers Corp.

October Fuel Project progress

You all have been racing to fulfil the October fuel projects that have gone up only one week ago! Already 8 of the 9 projects have been completed and Robotics is the only one remaining. At this rate we’ll have the october projects done before the month starts. And then we are fully 1 month ahead of schedule. Great work everybody!

This was your weekly fix.

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Your Weekly Fix #29

A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.

The Past Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week worth mentioning:

Security Missions Corp Event
On 2023/09/29, six brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 182M ISK in value for the corp. Great as always! Many thanks you champs!

Homefront Ops
On 2023/09/29, the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades”, so popular it was split in 2 squads of 5 pilots each, managed to succesfully complete many different operations. Earning the participants the wealth and riches one can earn in these lucrative missions.

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
On 2023/09/30 our high sec moon rock popped. Participating miners depleted the valuable rocks in a day.

High Sec Corp Mining Event
On 2023/10/01 we earned around 365M ISK from the high sec corp mining event with a 13 person fleet. Another new record for the third week in a row!!! Outstanding job Fixers!

Upcoming events

As always you can also expect anouncements by mail for our planned events

High Sec Moon Mining (self gain)
Friday 6th at 14:00 Eve time, our moon rock will pop. And there might just be billions of ISK worth of moon ores to mine there.

PvE Security Missions (corp gain)
Friday 6th starting 17:30 Eve time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in the weekly Corp PvE Event. Contact Berdyon for any questions. And likely we’ll follow it up with some Homefront Ops fleet for personal gain, as will be announced later.

High Sec Asteroid Mining (corp gain)
Sunday 8th at 17:00 EVE time, we’ll have our weekly mining event in our home system with all ores going to Fixers Corp.

Mining Contest - Update

This week our new Mining Contest was launched, and people have been diving in to participate. Although the target of 1B isk worth of ores delivered (and twice that mined) is steep, together we are steadily moving towards completion. A total of 240M isk worth of ores have been delivered!
Let the race begin! =D

This was your weekly fix.

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Your Weekly Fix #30

A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.

The Past Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week worth mentioning:

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
On 2023/10/06 our high sec moon rock popped. Participating miners depleted the valuable rocks in a day.

Security Missions Corp Event
On 2023/10/07, six brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 122M ISK in value for the corp. Thanks you champs!

Homefront Ops
On 2023/10/07, the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out, again popular enough that we had 2 squads of 5 pilots each. Mostly flying Augorors, hacking to secure the intel, saving stations and dreadnoughts. Earning the participants the wealth and riches one can earn in these lucrative missions.

High Sec Corp Mining Event
On 2023/10/08 we earned around 243M ISK from the high sec corp mining event with a 14 person fleet. Good job as always, our loyal miners!

Forward Operating Base Bashings
After earlier this week taking out the FOB terrorizing our home system, we also fleeted up right after our Sunday 2023/10/08 corp mining event to take out 2 new FOB’s close to home. In a 11 pilot fleet and with a massive battle against a hostile force of 44 diamond rats, we managed to take down both FOBs. An achievement netting the pilots 28M each (per station) and the the corp 220M worth of station modules. One of our most succesful FOB Basher fleets so far considering the dangerous hostile fleet we managed to overcome. Great work everybody who took part!

Upcoming events

As always you can also expect anouncements by mail for our planned events

PvE Security Missions (corp gain)
Friday 13th starting 17:30 Eve time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in the weekly Corp PvE Event. Contact Berdyon for any questions.

PvE Homefront Ops (self gain)
Friday 13th starting 19:30 EVE time, you can join up with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet. Helping out those in need and making quite a lot of ISK while doing so.

High Sec Moon Mining (self gain)
Saturday 14th at 17:00 Eve time, our moon rock will pop. And there might just be billions of ISK worth of moon ores to mine there.

High Sec Asteroid Mining (corp gain)
Sunday 15th at 17:00 EVE time, we’ll have our weekly mining event in our home system with all ores going to Fixers Corp.

Mining Contest - Update

An update on our ore mining contest, where billions ISK worth of ores are mined and delivered, and billions of ISK can be earned. At this moment, over 550M ISK worth of ores have been delivered. And the most mined and delivered contest ore this far is unchanged from last week Massive Scordite at 20% (delivered) done. Runner up is Concentrated Veldspar at 12% (delivered), and its top 5 (overall) contributors are:

  1. Magda Joy (mined 4.4%, delivered 8.8%, overall 4.4%)
  2. Berdyon (mined 1.4%, delivered 1.2%, overall 1.2%)
  3. Phartie Buddox (mined 0.9%, delivered 1.4%, overall 0.9%)
  4. Aaron Roos (mined 0.6%, delivered 0.5%, overall 0.5%)
  5. Michel Zeihan (mined 3.2%, delivered 0.4%, overall 0.4%)

This means that so far Magda Joy will be the overall winner, earning that prized medal. And together with the other 4 will be earning that 100M top 5 reward. At this point nobody is yet eligable for the extra 100M reward to be raffled to those not in the top 5 contributing at least 3% to the delivery target (and 1.5% to mining). At 12% done though, still a lot of time for everybody to get in on this! Not to mention the other 7 ores with all the same rewards each. Good luck mining everyone!

This was your weekly fix.

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Your Weekly Fix #32

A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.

The Past Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week worth mentioning:

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
On 2023/10/20 our high sec moon rock popped. Participating miners depleted the valuable rocks in a day.

Security Missions Corp Event
On 2023/10/20, ten brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 129M ISK in value for the corp. Thanks you champs!

Homefront Ops
On 2023/10/20, the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out, saving intel, Dreadnaughts and stations. And earning the participants the wealth and riches one can earn in these lucrative missions.

High Sec Corp Mining Event
On 2023/10/22 we earned around 299M ISK from the high sec corp mining event with a 14 person fleet. Good job as always, our loyal miners!

Upcoming events

As always you can also expect anouncements by mail for our planned events

PvE Security Missions (corp gain)
Friday 27th starting 17:30 Eve time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in the weekly Corp PvE Event. Contact Berdyon for any questions.

PvE Homefront Ops (self gain)
Friday 27th starting 19:30 EVE time, you can join up with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet. Helping out those in need and making quite a lot of ISK while doing so.

High Sec Moon Mining (self gain)
Saturday 28th at 17:00 Eve time, our moon rock will pop. And there might just be billions of ISK worth of moon ores to mine there.

High Sec Asteroid Mining (corp gain)
Sunday 29th at 17:00 EVE time, we’ll have our weekly mining event in our home system with all ores going to Fixers Corp.

Mining Contest - Update

An update on our ore mining contest, where billions ISK worth of ores are mined and delivered, and billions of ISK can be earned. At this moment, almost 1.4B ISK worth of ores have been delivered. And the most mined and delivered contest ore is Massive Scordite at 55% delivered.

The total progress differs wildly from ore type to type (mined | delivered):

  1. 57% | 55% : Massive Scordite
  2. 32% | 32% : Concentrated Veldspar
  3. 23% | 16% : Viscous Pyroxeres
  4. 15% | 13% : Veldspar
  5. 7% | 8% : Solid Pyroxeres
  6. 9% | 5% : Condensed Scordite
  7. 4% | 4% : Scordite
  8. 2% | 1% : Pyroxeres

There is currently still no project where more than 6 people have contributed at least 3%. This means that at this time, mining and contributing 3% on each of these will mean you will be eligable to earn 100M each = 800M ISK total.

As for the projects that are lagging behind such as Scordite and Pyroxeres; It could simply be that these ores are too rare in these belts. We might decide to change the contest rules for those ores when they take too long, to make sure they can be finished in a reasonable amount of time. This decision will be made early November.

This was your weekly fix.

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Your Weekly Fix #33

A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.

The Past Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week worth mentioning:

PvP Storm Fleet
On 2023/10/31 Aaron took 3 pilots on a PvP roaming fleet in low sec, resulting in one kill. Earning every fleet member the 20M payout from our Opportunity: Hunt other capsuleers project.

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
On 2023/11/03 our high sec moon rock popped. Participating miners depleted the valuable rocks in a day.

Security Missions Corp Event
On 2023/11/03, ten brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 156M ISK in value for the corp. Thanks you champs!

Homefront Ops
On 2023/11/03, the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out, saving intel, Dreadnaughts and stations. And earning the participants high stacks of ISK.

High Sec Corp Mining Event
On 2023/11/05 we earned around 269M ISK from the high sec corp mining event with a 8 person fleet. Good job as always, our loyal miners!

Upcoming events

As always you can also expect anouncements by mail for our planned events

PvE Security Missions (corp gain)
Friday 10th starting 18:30 EVE time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in the weekly Corp PvE Event. Contact Berdyon for any questions.

PvE Homefront Ops (self gain)
Friday 10th starting 20:30 EVE time, you can join up with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet. Helping out those in need and making quite a lot of ISK while doing so.

High Sec Moon Mining (self gain)
Saturday 11th at 17:00 EVE time, our moon rock will pop. And there might just be billions of ISK worth of moon ores to mine there.

PvP Storm Fleet
Saturday 11th at 20:00 EVE time, we will fleet up for some PvP roaming action in low sec.

High Sec Asteroid Mining (corp gain)
Sunday 12th at 18:00 EVE time, we’ll have our weekly mining event in our home system with all ores going to Fixers Corp.

Unscheduled fleets

Apart from the scheduled fleets, members fleet up all the time to complete missions or do mining together. It’s a good way to hang out together, earn some ISK and other goodies and just have some all-round fun. Whenever you feel like doing something together, just message in our Main chat, and check our Discord comms.

Mining Contest - Update

An update on our ore mining contest, where billions ISK worth of ores are mined and delivered, and billions of ISK can be earned. At this moment, almost 2B ISK worth of ores have been delivered. And the most mined and delivered contest ore is Massive Scordite at 55% delivered.

The total progress differs wildly from ore type to type (mined | delivered):

  1. 100% | 90% : Massive Scordite
  2. 49% | 40% : Concentrated Veldspar
  3. 41% | 24% : Viscous Pyroxeres
  4. 25% | 17% : Veldspar
  5. 12% | 9% : Solid Pyroxeres
  6. 18% | 9% : Condensed Scordite
  7. 9% | 7% : Scordite
  8. 5% | 1% : Pyroxeres

Only 10% left for delivery to complete the Massive Scordite project. With the following top contributors:

  1. 26.8% Ffoxx Shugard (26.8% mined / 45.4% delivered)
  2. 9.0% Tarina Merdev (9% mined / 9% delivered)
  3. 5.6% Durandal001 (5.6% mined / 9.1% delivered)
  4. 4.9% Jordan Scheinlad (4.9% mined / 9.9% delivered)
  5. 4.5% Berdyon (4.5% mined / 5.1% delivered)
  6. 4.3% Phartie Buddox (4.3% mined / 7.6% delivered)
  7. 3.1% Aaron Roos (5.2% mined / 3.1% delivered)
  8. 0.6% Slappy Goodgame (0.6% mined / 0.6% delivered)

It is still possible to get in that top 5 position with a guaranteed 100M payout by mining and delivering more than 5% of the Massive Scordite (worth 50M). But you’ll need to hurry, because the project is almost done! Should you not make it but still mine over 1.5% and deliver 3% or more, you’ll be in the raffle for another chance on 100M ISK (currently 2 participants).

This was your weekly fix.

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Your Weekly Fix #34

A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.

The Past Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week worth mentioning:

Security Missions Corp Event
On 2023/11/10, six brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 188M ISK in value for the corp. Thanks everyone for joining, awesome result!

Homefront Ops
On 2023/11/10, the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out, saving Dreadnaughts, and earning the participants high stacks of ISK.

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
On 2023/11/11 our high sec moon rock popped. The mining operation got interrupted as we transitioned to our FOB Basher fleet. But as we resumed later, a 16 person fleet made short work of the remaining ores, emptying the rocks in almost record time of less than 7 hours after pop.

PvP Storm Fleet
On 2023/11/11 The PvP fleet got cancelled due to our higher priority FOB Bashing operation.

FOB Basher Fleet
On 2023/11/11 our FOB Basher fleet (of 14 pilots) formed in our home system to take down the Blood Raider Stronghold terrorizing the system. After a short and uneven battle that left 30+ diamond pirate wrecks, the Bashers finished the job and then warped to the next system to take down a second base. The inhabitants of our little corner of New Eden are very grateful to us for making space a little safer.

High Sec Corp Mining Event
On 2023/11/12 we earned around 270M ISK from the high sec corp mining event with a 12 person fleet. Awesome work lasering down those roids you beasts!

Upcoming events

As always you can also expect anouncements by mail for our planned events

High Sec Moon Mining (self gain)
Friday 17th at 14:00 EVE time, our moon rock will pop. And there might just be billions of ISK worth of moon ores to mine there.

PvE Security Missions (corp gain)
Friday 17th starting 18:30 EVE time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in the weekly Corp PvE Event. Contact Berdyon for any questions.

PvE Homefront Ops (self gain)
Friday 17th starting 20:30 EVE time, you can join up with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet. Helping out those in need and making quite a lot of ISK while doing so.

PvP Storm Fleet
Saturday 18th at 20:00 EVE time, we will fleet up for some PvP roaming action in low sec.

High Sec Asteroid Mining (corp gain)
Sunday 19th at 18:00 EVE time, we’ll have our weekly mining event in our home system with all ores going to Fixers Corp.

Mining Contest - Update

An update on our ore mining contest, where billions ISK worth of ores are mined and delivered, and billions of ISK can be earned. At this moment, over 2.2B ISK worth of ores have been delivered.

Last week the Massive Scordite contest was completed and Ffoxx Shugard won it by a wide margin earning him the very first contest medal. Now the most mined and delivered contest ore is Concentrated Veldspar at 44% delivered.

The total progress per ore (mined | delivered):

  1. 57% | 44% : Concentrated Veldspar
  2. 47% | 25% : Viscous Pyroxeres
  3. 31% | 28% : Veldspar
  4. 13% | 9% : Solid Pyroxeres
  5. 20% | 12% : Condensed Scordite
  6. 9% | 7% : Scordite
  7. 5% | 1% : Pyroxeres

Get in there, mine till you can’t mine no more, and secure a top 5 position in any of those ores for a hefty 100M reward! 5% mined and delivered should do the trick for now. And be a real champ and conquer that number 1 position for the winner medal!

This was your weekly fix.

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Your Weekly Fix #35

A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.

The Past Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week worth mentioning:

Security Missions Corp Event
On 2023/11/17, eight brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 172M ISK in value for the corp. Thanks everyone for joining, awesome result!

Homefront Ops
On 2023/11/17, the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out, mostly helping out some Dreadnaughts, and earning the participants high stacks of ISK.

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
On 2023/11/17 our high sec moon rock popped. Participating miners depleted the valuable rocks in a day.

PvP Storm Fleet
On 2023/11/18 The PvP fleet ventured out with 4 pilots. And although there was no action this time, the experience gained will be used in future PvP events.

High Sec Corp Mining Event
On 2023/11/19 we earned around 81M ISK from the high sec corp mining event. It got moved to a less concenient system. Together with broken communication systems at the time, it resultated in a lower than normal yield.

Upcoming events

As always you can also expect anouncements by mail for our planned events

PvE Security Missions (corp gain)
Friday 24th starting 18:30 EVE time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in the weekly Corp PvE Event. Contact Berdyon for any questions.

PvE Homefront Ops (self gain)
Friday 24th starting 20:30 EVE time, you can join up with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet. Helping out those in need and making quite a lot of ISK while doing so.

High Sec Moon Mining (self gain)
Saturday 25th at 17:00 EVE time, our moon rock will pop. And there might just be billions of ISK worth of moon ores to mine there.

High Sec Asteroid Mining (corp gain)
Sunday 26th at 18:00 EVE time, we’ll have our weekly mining event in our home system with all ores going to Fixers Corp.

Mining Contest - Update

An update on our ore mining contest, where billions ISK worth of ores are mined and delivered, and billions of ISK can be earned.

Last week we introduced a new project for the completed Massive Scordite contest. The new setup where ores can be delivered to earn 80% JITA value has been such a huge succes at 22% delivered within a week, that we also introduced a similar opportunity for Dense Veldspar, which has since been used to deliver 35% and earn contributors over 350M ISK.

Once the other contest ores have all been completed, opportunities in the new way will be introduced for those ores as well.

The total progress on the old contest ores (mined | delivered):

  1. 68% | 68% : Concentrated Veldspar
  2. 47% | 25% : Viscous Pyroxeres
  3. 36% | 24% : Veldspar
  4. 25% | 16% : Condensed Scordite
  5. 17% | 13% : Solid Pyroxeres
  6. 11% | 8% : Scordite
  7. 7% | 2% : Pyroxeres

Get in there, mine till you can’t mine no more, and secure a top 5 position in any of those ores for a hefty 100M reward! 5% mined and delivered should do the trick for now. And be a real champ and conquer that number 1 position for the winner medal!

Soon there will be a seperate full update on the mining contest with all top contributors. Important information for the most competetive miners among us. :wink:

Fixers is growing

Fixers Corporation is growing fast! Just this week we reached the record number of 185 members. It’s also noticable in our growing fleets and concurrent online members in our main chat. Fixers Corporation has a welcoming and friendly base and is open to, and facilitates in, many (mostly high sec) activities. This is what draws new members, and it’s all thanks to you! Interested in stepping up and helping us recruit or organize even more fleets? Contact Fixers Command, we could sure use the help, especially the larger we grow.

New Moon Ore Stations

It’s not just our group size that is growing, we’re also expanding our facilities. This week 2 new stations went up for moon mining. This brings our total to 4 moon ore stations, and doubles our moon mining events. See the emails gone our this week about further details.

This was your weekly fix.

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Your Weekly Fix #36

A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.

The Past Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week worth mentioning:

Security Missions Corp Event
On 2023/11/24, nine brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 319M ISK in value for the corp. Thanks everyone for joining, awesome result!

Homefront Ops
On 2023/11/24, the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out, mostly helping out some Dreadnaughts, and earning the participants high stacks of ISK.

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
On 2023/11/25 our high sec moon rock popped. A fleet of 25 Fixers miners depleted the valuable rocks in 4 hours, a record time!

High Sec Corp Mining Event
On 2023/11/26 we earned around 160M ISK from the high sec corp mining event with an 8 person fleet. Many thanks to all who volunteered their time.

Upcoming events

As always you can also expect anouncements by mail for our planned events

PvP Filament Roam
Wednesday 29th starting at 21:00 EVE time, we will filament in to null sec on a PvP roam. Check Shadowstorm77’s mail for fits and details.

PvE Security Missions (corp gain)
Thursday 30th starting 02:00 EVE time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in the Corp PvE Event. Contact Terru for any questions.

High Sec Moon Mining (self gain)
Friday 1st at 17:00 EVE time, our moon rock will pop. And there might just be billions of ISK worth of moon ores to mine there.

PvE Security Missions
Friday 1st starting 18:30 EVE time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in a PvE Event. Contact Draco for any questions.

PvE Homefront Ops (self gain)
Friday 1st starting 20:30 EVE time, you can join up with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet. Helping out those in need and making quite a lot of ISK while doing so.

PvE Security Missions (corp gain)
Saturday 2nd starting 18:30 EVE time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in the Corp PvE Event. Contact Berdyon for any questions.

PvE Homefront Ops (self gain)
Saturday 2nd starting 20:30 EVE time, you can join up with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet. Helping out those in need and making quite a lot of ISK while doing so.

High Sec Asteroid Mining (corp gain)
Sunday 3rd at 18:00 EVE time, we’ll have our weekly mining event in our home system with all ores going to Fixers Corp.

Mining Contest - Update

The progress on our mining contest has been excellent of late. In particular the new opportunities with direct payout seem to be very popular. For instance; Opportunity: FXRS Mining - Dense Veldspar Delivery, our biggest opportunity yet with a total 1B ISK payout, which was created only 2 weeks ago, was completed yesterday with the following top 3 contributors:

  1. 21.9% JoRye Starlife
  2. 12.4% Arutha Deninard
  3. 9.1% Durandal001

Thereby earning JoRye Starlife that winner medal! Congratulations JoRye! Well deserved you absolute mining rockstar!
You also want to be a rockstar miner? MINE HARDER!!!
But all jokes aside, excellent work everybody! Corp certainly benefits, and we’ll keep these opportunities in this new format going as long as they are so well appreciated.

New Moon Ore Station

We now have 4 moon drill stations, and a fifth one on the way, which should allow for better mining times for our US members. Soon we’ll be swimming in moon ores! :wink:

This was your weekly fix.

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Your Weekly Fix #37

A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.

The Past Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week worth mentioning:

PvP Filament Roam
On 2023/11/29, eleven brave capsuleers went roaming in null sec (by using noise filaments). After a while of finding nothing juicy, 3 members had to leave fleet and the remainder sought new action elsewhere, and it’s in the Omist region where we found some. After robbing a bank (and while the robbers were still burning out of the bubble), those that had stood guard at the gate traveled to the next system to scout a new bank there. On the gate of this new system is where we finally made contact. A Stabber flown by Bulldags’hunter. With our fleet split in two, and the front troops eager to catch this new juicy morsel, diving in full Leeroy Jenkins, we quickly found out that Mr Bulldag knew exactly what he was doing in his super fast Stabber. One by one he picked us off. Even when the rearguard caught up to what remained of the front troops, we could not catch him. When only the strongest of us were left alive, not able to kill him, nor dying, and just as they were ready to try to travel home, new capsuleers cyno’ed in, including a Marshal, and finished off what remained of our fleet. We like to think we learned a lot that day. And we’ll get them next time!!!

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining
On 2023/12/01 our high sec moon rock popped with very shiny ores. A large fleet of Fixers miners depleted these valuable rocks within 2.5 hours.

Security Missions Corp Event
On 2023/12/01, five brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 75M ISK in value for the corp. Thanks everyone for joining, a great yield!

Homefront Ops
On 2023/12/01, the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out, and earning the participants some nice stacks of ISK.

Security Missions Corp Event
On 2023/12/02, nine brave capsuleers went on pirate hunting during the weekly PvE event and brought home 244M ISK in value for the corp. Awesome result everyone!

Homefront Ops
On 2023/12/02, the Fixers homefront fleet “The Blades” ventured out, mostly saving some holy stations, and earning the participants high stacks of ISK.

High Sec Corp Mining Event
On 2023/12/03 we earned around 276M ISK from the high sec corp mining event with an 18 person fleet. Many thanks to all who volunteered their time.

Upcoming events

As always you can also expect anouncements by mail for our scheduled events, and any new events still to be announcened.

High Sec Moon Mining (self gain)
Tuesday 5th at 0:00 EVE time, our moon rock will pop. And there might just be billions of ISK worth of moon ores to mine there.

PvE Security Missions
Friday 8th starting 18:30 EVE time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in a PvE Event. Contact Berdyon for any questions.

PvE Homefront Ops (self gain)
Friday 8th starting 20:45 EVE time, you can join up with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet. Helping out those in need and making quite a lot of ISK while doing so.

High Sec Moon Mining (self gain)
Saturday 9th at 17:00 EVE time, our moon rock will pop. And there might just be billions of ISK worth of moon ores to mine there.

High Sec Asteroid Mining (corp gain)
Sunday 3rd at 18:00 EVE time, we’ll have our weekly mining event in our home system with all ores going to Fixers Corp.

Corp Stations Fuel - December

Thanks to some gracious members we’ve managed to collect over half of the resources needed to power our stations for another month. We still need some Coolant, Enriched Uranium, Helium Isotopes and Robotics. If you know how to get your hands on some of these and are willing to donate them, we Fixers will be much obliged.

New Moon Ore Station

A new, and fifth, moon ore station has gone up, which will be used for moon ore mining fleets more convenient for our US members. Already this Tuesday we have a moon pop at 0:00 EVE time, which should suit our US miners better than our previous moon pops. Check the calendar for all our moon ore mining events.

FXRS Growth - Over 200!

Today saw our Fixers member total reach 205 with 50 simultaneous characters online. Onward towards the 300! Interested in helping us grow by becoming a recruiter for Fixers? Contact Aaron to find out how you can help.

This was your weekly fix.

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Your Weekly Fix #38

A weekly update on the goings on in the last week, the coming period, and for Fixers in general.

The Past & Next Week

We’ve had a couple of events in the past week worth mentioning, as well new scheduled events (also availaible in our calendar):

PvP Factional Warfare

Last Wednesday 2023/12/06, Shadowstorm led a fleet of us in to the Amarr - Minmatar Frontlines. We captured some sites, earning participants valueable loyalty points, but did not find engagements with other capsuleers. It is worth mentioning that no ships were lost, and that we plan to take cruisers next time we go in Factional Warfare.

No new fleet has been scheduled yet at this time.

High Sec Personal Gain Moon ore Mining

Last week, we’ve had multiple moon rocks pop where members were free to mine to their heart’s content for self gain.

New moon rocks will pop on:

  • Frid 2023/12/15 14:00 EVE time.
  • Sat 2023/12/16 23:30 EVE time.
  • Sun 2023/12/17 14:00 EVE time.

Security Missions Corp Event

Next Friday 2023/12/15 starting 18:30 EVE time, we will hunt down pirates and terrorists in a PvE Security Missions event.

Homefront Ops

Next Friday 2023/12/15 starting 20:45 EVE time, you can join up with the Blades on the Homefront Ops fleet.

High Sec Corp Mining Event

Last Sunday 2023/12/10 we earned around 256M ISK from the high sec corp mining event Many thanks to all who volunteered their time.

Next Sunday 2023/12/17 at 18:00 EVE time, we’ll again have this weekly mining event with all ores going to Fixers Corp.

FOB Basher Fleet

Last Sunday 2023/12/10 our FOB Basher fleet formed in our home system to take down the Blood Raider Stronghold terrorizing the system. While taking fire from sniping hostile battleships, and with one of our Leshaks taking heavy (almost lethal) damage (possibly due to a malfunction in the engineering systems section), the Bashers finished the job, dispersing the enemy forces. The inhabitants of our little corner of New Eden are very grateful to us for making the region a little safer.

Corp Stations Fuel - December

We’re almost done collecting the materials for our December fuel. We still need some Opportunity: Stations Fuel: Coolant (December), Opportunity: Stations Fuel: Helium Isotopes (December), Opportunity: Stations Fuel: Robotics (December). If you know how to get your hands on some of these and are willing to donate them, we Fixers will be much obliged.

Mining Contest - Update

An update on our ore mining contest, where billions ISK worth of ores are mined and delivered, and billions of ISK can be earned.

On Tuesday 2023/12/12 the Opportunity: FXRS Mining - Dense Veldspar was completed with a top 3 of:

  1. 38.6% | JoRye Starlife
  2. 10.6% | Amlaith
  3. 7.0% | DGE

Making this JoRye’s third win! Congratulations on earning the very first “Bronze Miner II - Apprentice” medal!

The Leaderboard of all finished contests:

  1. JoRye Starlife 3 wins
  2. Durandal001 1 win
  3. Ffoxx Shugard 1 win

The new Opportunity: FXRS Mining - Dense Veldspar is up and running, now with 86% JITA reward instead of 80%!

Current status of contest ore opportunities:

Opportunity: FXRS Mining - Concentrated Veldspar 61% delivered, top 3:

  1. 25.1% | JoRye Starlife
  2. 12.8% | Durandal001
  3. 5.5% | Jozsef Malmos

Opportunity: FXRS Mining - Mas. Scordite Delivery 63% delivered, top 3:

  1. 37.0% | JoRye Starlife
  2. 6.3% | Drake Newmeyer
  3. 3.6% | HETRE3B

The other ore contest projects have not progressed far beyond the previous update.

This was your weekly fix.

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