in Times of non-secure Situations, which are unfolding quickly - i am here to enlight the flame of hope again. Over all the years i played eve online i had to learn, to adapt.
I think, we should focus on the good stuff, we had, over all the years. Remembering times hanging around with the dudes, doing ■■■■, and all the stuff…
Working together as team, to survive, in a game full of suprises.
currently i am worried about the tone in that forum. everyone pisses everyone. I dont like that.
Thats the reason why i send this message out. That whatever problem you have to solve out there, there will be hope.
And so i am staying here, until the server goes down or not. Because i like the community, i like the game, i like to play and i am human.
There is no “team” I care to be a part of in EVE, there’s just me.
And hope based on the past isn’t hope, it’s sentimentality. Time has a funny way to make us forget the bad yet it still happened.
The only hope I see for EVE is a total reversal of the destructive so-called “vision” that a few deluded guys at CCP are worshipping to the detriment of the game and the players.
That’s what happens when ideas collide. People are going to disagree and ISD are here to make sure things don’t turn ugly ( somehow ). I do not envy their place.
A great message and there’s nothing wrong with having hope the things we enjoy keep on going.
Like yourself, I am here for as long as I can log in. I want to write my own chapters in the history of New Eden. While it probably won’t be as epic as what others have done, I’ll have fun doing it, and hope to take as many of you along for the ride.
The forum is a place to express true emotions from the days past or future events in new eden, it is a place of gathering to learn about the latest news and also read about the conflict that arrise when one side tries to overthrow the other by contribulting to the topic of the threads.
To help keep that flame of hope burning by saying that New Eden would not be the same without Veldspar. New Pilots can mine it, process it, transport it, sell it, steal it and most of all we can bath in it!