Fleet Escort Function

Victim blaming is a fun pastime, but it’s not really a good basis for balanced gameplay.

I agree that the freighter pilots could be doing a better job of fitting their ships… but then you still have the issue of the freighters being ‘tackled’ by ■■■■■■■■ bumping and such, which should not be OK in highsec.

Regardless, for this thread, the suggested idea is pure organic sludge.

Even the Space Pope
And Xenuria
And that guy over there :wink:

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Victim? WTF. Are you trying to be a jerk or is moral relativism something you really believe in whole heartedly? This response deserves to be verbally slapped down. Are you seriously trying to claim some sort of equality with people who have been subjected to real life violence such as rape or assault? This is a video game where people shoot other people in the video game. It is expected behavior and even encouraged and is a voluntary past time. So HTFU. And on this victim blaming stuff, STFD and STFU because it is vaguely nauseating.

He’s a SJW
Probably makes a petition anytime someone is mean to him lol

Let’s ignore him :wink:


This is a game. There are no victims here, just players who lost ships playing the game.


No… but the logic of Dude got blown up for carrying massive amounts of cargo in a ship designed to carry massive amounts of cargo is blaming the victim of the gank for being ganked.

It’s laughable to call me a SJW. Really.

The OP gets my ire for the sheer badness of the idea, but that does not mean that those hauling for profit and tired of getting bumped endlessly while a fleet slowly forms to engage them aren’t entitled to their fair share of saltyness.

No. If I walk into say the MGM and take all the money I have after liquidating all my assets and put it on black at the roulette table and it comes up red…am I a victim?


Is totally fine if indeed it is the victims fault they became a victim. Ganking is such a case.

You deliberately used the wrong word to make your point seem more justified. The amount of cargo is completely beside the point and has little to no effect on your chances of being ganked. It’s all about the VALUE of the cargo.

If someone walks through an area that has a history of robbery with a solid gold shirt on, it is categorically his own fault if he loses the shirt. He should have made several trips and taken the shirt in pieces small enough as to negate the danger. This is called situational awareness and if this area is ignored it is fine to blame the victim for their own victimization, dispite the fact the actual act of robbery was carried out by robbers and not you.


10% black clothes, 90% goggles … indeed. :smiley:

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Well, as CCP wills it (they do), eventually everybody will be anticipating PvP, because PvP and PvE will become equal. :smiley:

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