Fleet/Meeting Ping App?

Hey everyone,

I’m looking for an android/iphone app that will allow a corp leadership to ping it’s users about fleets, timers, and meetings. EVEPing seems to be gone. Any options?

https://slack.com/ is popular as well, comes with a free option. But once you get enough people generating enough chatter, you start losing the ability to see the history until you go to paid.

The issue I have with both Discord & Slack is that there is so much chat that people tend to take it from their phones. Therefore when an announcement goes out, they don’t get it.

That will be true with any chat/email/notification service. People can allow/silent/block what they choose. I don’t think you can solve a user from blocking or silenting the notifications from what ever service you use. And IF you did find a way, I’m guessing your users would quickly just remove it all together as I don’t want to be awoken or bugged when I’m sleeping, work etc where I can’t play the game.

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The way most ppl handle it is have a channel called Announcements that only directors/ceo or whatever can type in. Then @everyone that channel when you have something impt. That way ppl can silent just normal social channels and still get pings for the impt stuff.

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