Floseswin IV War Diary


This planet has a way of consuming time. Moments of frenetic activity separated by a slow, damp misery. Contrary to my expectations His Grace Lord Sarum did not reduce his force, but reinforced. Not only he, but also His Grace Lord Ardishapur, and His Majesty King Khanid.

Royalty of two of the empire’s great families, and a plenipotentiary representative of a third, all behind a closed orbital window; the stakes have changed the game beyond recognition. My father it seems had some warning of Lord Sarum’s intentions, the reinforcements he sent have left me far better prepared for what is likely to follow than the shrunken defensive force I had maintained. But I doubt he expected the weight of the Ardishapur or Khanid commitments.


Our position is part of the area of responsibility now assigned to Cardinal Duke Alar Chakaid, my direct interaction with him has been limited. Though even sceptical of the distaste of my socially liberal compatriots, exposure to that distaste had coloured my perception.
The Duke of Fabai is a man of unsettlingly… rapturous faith, and an utterly brutal efficiency but despite outward appearances does not seem to allow that well of emotion to override his better judgement. A man who did, could not have such perceptive military instincts.


The Minmatar attacks on our logistical citadel had been worrisome but we had reasonable confidence in our ability to repulse their final attack. A confidence borne out by tonight’s events, however by one mechanism or another support of another party was solicited. Sixteen dreadnoughts proved to a problem that could not be resolved before the structure’s destruction.


The company of Asbara Cyber Knights Duke Chakaid had stationed here have proved popular with the knights of my own order, largely I’ve given them space. There’s doubtless an undertone of scrutiny I’d prefer they resolve before I engage too heavily with them.

The problems created by the destruction of our forward base were myriad, there’s perhaps some irony though in the one it so heavily moderated. So many of those here in camp had family evacuated, there’s a certain resentment developed against those who destroyed it.


A lapse in decorum on my part, a young cyber knight has been trouncing my men in the sparring ring; and I was just agitated enough by repeated dispatches of capital vessels lost to degenerate pirates that the catharsis a bout can bring seemed a good idea.

On reflection and with a calmer head, I have not been so challenged by an opponent since childhood. The reasons I avoid public bouts remain, but it is reassuring that some of the empire’s servants live up to their martial reputation.



With the clear commitment indicated by the Royal presence here, my father has made significant additional materiel available for the space-based portion of this conflict. Cognizant of the destruction of our previous operating base, and the persistent aid of the Dock Workers alliance to the Minmatar; I made the decision to have a significantly more robust structure placed this time.

Distasteful as spies are, they prove useful. The terrorists of Ushra’Khan, with the intention of preventing us from bringing the structure into an operational state were demanding Tornado class battlecruisers and command destroyers with micro jump field generators. Based upon every other instance of such ship selection; we expected the presence of their Dock Worker allies. Prudence demanded a quiet word with another predator.



This week has been fraught, and that circumstance has determined that I be a logistician rather than a warrior for such a pivotal portion of this campaign has only exacerbated my frustrations. We’ve wrested control of Floseswin from the Republic yet again, better placed than we’ve been in months to be able to hold it and with increased stakes come desperate acts.

With their forces landed in the days before we broke republic control of the system, it has become important to give mind to the preferred techniques of the RJD, measures have been taken to mitigate the risks associated with their presence, all traffic without military clearance has ceased, a ban on personal communication devices outside the civilian network we implemented (SIGINT briefed to intercept and trace unauthorised communication), and a curfew thirty minutes after evening prayer. Two hours were given from the announcement of these measures to implementation; Astrund persuaded me, correctly it seems that the overwhelming majority of those here would choose to stay and that allowing them the illusion of agency in a choice with only one rational conclusion would solve far more problems that it causes.

The news from the wider system is not universally positive, the crusade took significant losses attempting to remove the fastness in which the terrorists are berthing their ships. Our operatives among their ranks again proved their value, although they are learning to keep details out of circulation much can be intuited by what a commander believes he requires and it was utterly clear that again their intention was to defer responsibility for halting our attack to others, that the information was not put to better use was my failing. I falsely believed I knew the identity of the ally they solicited and having made contingencies to deal with that threat, I failed to take the basic precaution of investigating local wormhole connections to Anoikis. My hubris cost two Apostle class force-auxiliaries and three Archon class carriers.

I hope imperial forces begin to stabilise the situation soon, a significant assault was repulsed by our citadel above the southern hemisphere above Floseswin IV, after which they looked for easier prey that members of Ushra’Khan were on the menu indicates the justifiable low esteem in which the institutions of the republic hold them. With time and perseverance I have no doubt that we will prevail in the Eugidi constellation, I am less certain although hopeful in light of the clear action of republic forces against these degenerate terrorists, that perhaps eventually cooler heads will prevail and that a pragmatic accord can be reached.



We can consider the communications embargo to have been a limited success. After some early interceptions of missives left exposed by the lack of legitimate traffic led to the capture of agents acting on behalf of the Republic. Doubtless the subsequent silence was due to those who remain learning of their comrades’ error, that some would become desperate though was expected and even suited our purposes. An ill-conceived attempt was made on my life, those who survived it are also being held. In both cases the prisoners were handed to Duke Chakaid’s knights, I am assured that whatever they know will be extracted from them.



It’s been some time since I’ve put pen to paper… that’s been a mistake, the less palatable times I’ve been failing to record are precisely the kind of times where the catharsis of giving form and permanence to my thoughts would have best served me. Sadly, I think there are enough unpalatable times to come that I may rectify the error.

Our position less than six kilometres from Jolan Kraal has presented challenges, and opportunities. We constructed before its importance had become clear, and there are as many weapon emplacements facing the city as the roads approaching it. I like to think what has become an outwork to the city’s fortifications played some part in the Brutor Vanguard decision to press elsewhere; but the simple truth is that without a change in fortunes in space all our work has purchased is time.

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I visited the city today, and was glad to learn that Astrund survived; after months of counting on her shrewdness I suppose it should not have surprised me that she navigated the violence and privation of the past days with such finesse.

Of those who left our company for Jolan Kraal, two in three remain, the others dead or interned. The survivors are consumed with bitterness, for the ‘fools’ who fought, the ‘maniacs’ who incited them, the ‘butchers’ who stopped them, the ‘betrayer’ who sent them to this place– ‘betrayer’ that moniker stung me more than I would have expected.

Captain Zirud resumed his diligent escort as I exited Astrund’s home, and there was some comfort in the old formalities. I walked the city broken as it is, for the first time since setting foot on this planet not as a commander, merely the daughter of an august family in receipt of all the honour and deference that entails.


I remained in the city overnight, with the intention of taking the tunnel back to the citadel in the early afternoon. The nobility in the city are overwhelmingly Khanid of course, but I was introduced to and took breakfast with the Ardishapur liaison to Duke Chakaid’s army; an affable man whose good spirits seem inured to everything but the broadcasted sermons thundering over the city.

It was in his company I left the officer’s mess, projected in the main square, the early stages of a battle unfolding to the sound of his grace’s euphoric commentary.


In the week since abandoning our position in support of Jolan Kraal we have scarcely spent more than a few hours in any one place; while my own force has been as scattered as most others, I was able to assemble a mixed rear-guard of just under fifteen-hundred, barely adequate to prevent the retreat becoming a rout.


Doubtless at cost in blood, the emphasis by Filmir’s forces on completing the capture of the city has purchased the time to reach the jungle uplands to the north-east. Pursuit thus far has been limited, we expect to see greater militia presence and perhaps regular forces in the next few days; narrow beam optical communication has been established to the Fortizar, while weather and orbit restrict transmission windows, it vastly reduces the probability either of data interception or triangulating points of origin.


An argument almost came to blows this morning, a factor of the disparate allegiances of the soldiers; nonetheless the popularity of the officers involved necessitates a resolution, and morale hanging by a thread restricts my options.


Surveillance drones deployed from the Fortizar have detected an emplacement for air and orbital defence day from our present position, it does not appear that ground attack was considered credible when the emplacement was designed. I dispatched yesterday’s malcontents with a larger special forces detachment than I could reasonably spare them.


Scouts returning this morning reported fighter runs targeting hostile forces and installations and once line of sight was established for datalink, destruction of the AD position was confirmed.
SF detachment returned near dusk, though I liked the other one better, the problem resolved itself.


Local air superiority has been established, limited use of short range communications to designate targets for ground attack pilots is being used; incursion by planetary militias is becoming less frequent, and we have intelligence of larger troop concentrations coalescing in the lowlands to our south.


Our heavy dependence on air support remains unchanged, significant gains in readiness have been made as the evacuation of combat ineffective units continues. With the opening of an air corridor, earlier casualties among my order have been able to drop back into theatre, and the ability to reinsert in a timely manner enables far more aggressive missions to be undertaken.


Ambushed and took surrender of a mid-sized Minmatar patrol; allowed fifty-two to leave under arms, both parties retaining copies of a countersigned agreement to take no further part in hostilities until formally exchanged for Amarr combatants of equivalent rank.


Last dropship of conventional forces departed planet this morning, sixty-three percent casualties; what constitutes good news has become broad indeed, but that is milder than expected.

The ground elements of the Order of Garrulor will continue to collaborate with our aerospace forces and disrupt as far as can be done Kanth Filmir’s attempts to secure the southern continent. Considering the change in operational tempo, and the vanishing probability of significant imminent military action on Floseswin IV, I will be leaving the planet to strengthen Imperial control of the Eugidi constellation.


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