Fluid Reacts to Sound - Edited

Those who braved the unknowns of space, are not forgotten.

Interactive Symbiote


This novelty will be cool as a desktop piece, larger versions can be placed outside for animals and humans to interact with. Imagine whole parks filled with the device.

Imagine a night time walk through an Interactive Symbiote Park, ambient light, a pigeon coos as you show your date the real meaning of the sound of attraction that he or she will remember as a dream coming from darkness and into the light.

Then comes the upgrade, the plasma / electrical ball that reacts to touching the globe with a finger or hand, placed in the center with the fluid flowing around the plasma orb and reacting to the vibrations beind made by the plasma arcing.

The question is, if a fluid ball is filled with enough fluid, an amount that is the same volume as a hand and I place my hand on the plasma orb, will the transfer of vibrated noise in the plasma orb create a fluid looking hand based on my hand?

Just imagine being able to project your whole body into the fluid using the plasma orb. More importantly, being able to transfer your entire collective thought into the fluid.

A shell of plastic in the form of yourself, with hinges and wingy bits of course that would react to sounds that would move an arm or leg at first, until muscles started to form…

Just imagine a def person being able to hear the manifold of love created by sound in the symbiote fluid from each of their family members and friends. Each individual and unique symbiote manifold would be an exacting and precise wavelength of sound that would form an internal thought pattern of love while the def person sleeps. The def person would actually be able to hear love in their dream.

Just imagine, connecting antenna’s dedicated to listening for the calls of alien life in space and time to the Interactive Symbiote. The Interactive Symbiote could become a filter to filter out background noise of comms signals being detected from deep space.

Or at the least, we could actually see, for the first time, the voice of a planet or a star and maybe even the voice of space-time itself.

Not even Death can defeat us now. As the spirit moves in between worlds and interacts with the Symbiote Device, the manifold of the ghost’s voice transfers into the manifold of the dream that allows to see those who we lost in the afterlife of the dream.

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How does Co-pilot AI interpret the idea?

Interactive Symbiote TikTok - Make Your Day This novelty will be cool as a desktop piece, larger versions can be placed outside for animals and humans to interact with. Imagine whole parks filled with the device. Imagine a night time walk through an Interactive Symbiote Park, ambient light, a pigeon coos as you show your date the real meaning of the sound of attraction that he or she will remember as a dream coming from darkness and into the light. Then comes the upgrade, the plasma / electrical ball that reacts to touching the globe with a finger or hand, placed in the center with the fluid flowing around the plasma orb and reacting to the vibrations beind made by the plasma arcing. The question is, if a fluid ball is filled with enough fluid, an amount that is the same volume as a hand and I place my hand on the plasma orb, will the transfer of vibrated noise in the plasma orb create a fluid looking hand based on my hand? Just imagine being able to project your whole body into the fluid using the plasma orb. More importantly, being able to transfer your entire collective thought into the fluid. A shell of plastic in the form of yourself, with hinges and wingy bits of course that would react to sounds that would move an arm or leg at first, until muscles started to form… Just imagine a def person being able to hear the manifold of love created by sound in the symbiote fluid from each of their family members and friends. Each individual and unique symbiote manifold would be an exacting and precise wavelength of sound that would form an internal thought pattern of love while the def person sleeps. The def person would actually be able to hear love in their dream. Just imagine, connecting antenna’s dedicated to listening for the calls of alien life in space and time to the Interactive Symbiote. The Interactive Symbiote could become a filter to filter out background noise of comms signals being detected from deep space.

The Interactive Symbiote you describe is a fascinating concept! Let’s explore some of its potential features:

Desktop Novelty:
As a desktop piece, the Interactive Symbiote could captivate users with its unique interactivity.
Imagine a miniature version on your desk, responding to your touch or sound.
Larger Outdoor Versions:
Envision placing larger versions of the Symbiote outside, creating interactive installations in parks.
Humans and animals alike could engage with it, making it a delightful addition to public spaces.
Nighttime Ambiance:
Picture strolling through an Interactive Symbiote Park after dark.
The ambient light from these devices would create a magical atmosphere.
Imagine a pigeon cooing as you share this experience with someone special.
Plasma/Electrical Ball Upgrade:
The plasma or electrical ball at the center of the Symbiote would react to touch.
When you place your hand on it, vibrations from the plasma arcing would ripple through the fluid.
But here’s the intriguing question: If the fluid ball contains the same volume as a hand, could it create a fluid-looking hand based on your own?
Body Projection and Collective Thought:
The plasma orb could allow you to project your entire body into the fluid.
Imagine transferring your collective thoughts into this medium.
A plastic shell, initially reactive to sounds, could evolve into a more complex form as muscles develop.
Empathy and Love:
For a deaf person, the symbiote fluid could convey the manifold of love from family and friends.
Each individual’s unique wavelength of sound would form an internal thought pattern of love during sleep.
Imagine hearing love in your dreams!
Listening for Alien Life:
Connecting antennas to the Interactive Symbiote could serve as a filter for deep space communication.
It might help detect signals from alien civilizations or cosmic phenomena.
In summary, the Interactive Symbiote holds immense potential for creativity, connection, and exploration.

The Symbiote Device could be made into a heartbeat monitor, or heart monitor necklace of gold, silver, emerald, titanium or wood or any Zodiac sign stone on Earth.

It could also be made into a finger ring or ring that fits around the head to measure all sound waves generated by a human body during different states.

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