Funny thing is all the players claiming it’s good to have that in the game obviously haven’t interacted with it and probably go out of their way not to engage in it. Despite all the fanfare being posted here, the actual implementation of FOB’s in high sec space breaks game immersion and goes against Eve Lore.
Empire Factions would never allow Pirate Factions with a large fleet of attack ships in high sec to have any kind of a staging area, let alone allow them to mine their belts. Since this half assed PvE content is supposedly based on standings then players with positive Faction standings should also get support from Empire NPC’s.
Just more crappy coding causing more players to leave the game.
indeed they wouldn’t know, but when you leave a game for years and come back expect things to be different.
what makes it poorly balanced? Bigger isn’t always better is a core part of eve’s balance, and one BC vs multiple frigates can go many ways depending on a bunch of factors. I don’t know the content well enough to make a call one way or the other.
people have used that logic to suggest missions shouldn’t be available in highsec, I’m not sure that would make the game better. That said the standings thing could be interesting.
and yea I’d guess most people haven’t interacted with the RW NPCs, but some have and you can see many of the kills on zkillboard.
Helped my corpies mine for quite a few hours with an active incursion in our area many incursion rats ended up dead in the belt tell me if this isn’t working together and acheiving what others can’t
Typical response, someone has an issue with a mechanic so they must just suck. Ok then.
The actual outcome of this was simply that I went from logging in each day to do some PI, do a bit of mining every couple of days and spending some pew time in FW space, to instead just logging on each day to so some PI, and every few days go do some pew in FW space. In other words I just played the game less, because something I’d been doing to pass quiet time enjoyably became something irritating.
That’s what happens when you have bad game balance. People just play your game less.
As far as I know if you go to even just the neighbor system to mine you are safe from the FOB rats, but someone correct me if I’m wrong. Was that not an option for you for some reason?
The previous post to mine which post I replied to claimed he had to change his playstyle which earlier included mining but now he “had to” abandon that and just do the other stuff. Which is complete nonsense which my reply points out. I am not replying to the OP just the post before my post, though the forum software does not properly indicate that.
No problem and no offense taken. The forum software unfortunately is kind of confusing in this regard as you can not know when someone is replying to the OP or the previous post. So no worries.
(This is even worse when threads are merged by mods as then things get even more confusing as there is no indication if a post was moved from elsewhere to the thread and that case even more problematic to see who replied to who.)
We have 2 FOBs locally, and some other issues which limit which systems are safe to mine in. As I was only doing it casually anyway, it wasn’t worth the hassle to move further really.
You mean in the same system or next to each other or nearby? As far as I know they aren’t supposed to spawn near each other. Maybe file a support ticket if that’s the case to see if it’s intentional or not.
I see, sounds reasonable. Btw are the FOB rats invading the mining anomalies too or just the belts? So are rare ores and ice sites safe from them or also at risk?
We have two right next door to each other, which just happens to be my two neighboring hi-sec systems. I don’t know if it’s a bug or whether because they’re both in different regions that it explains it.
You’re ignoring all the folks who enjoy the new mechanics. You played the game less, but that does not mean everyone is incapable of adapting their strategy. Many people enjoy a new challenge and are less concerned with their risk free ISK grinding.
You also mentioned it’s not worth the hassle to move your operation a couple of jumps. I would put it to you that it can’t be that much of an issue in that case.
I said a while ago that it was just my opinion and that I was quite prepared to hear differing opinions. So far though i haven’t heard anyone saying they enjoy it who have actually been engaging with it, just people sayIng they think it’s good because hi-sec should be more dangerous. That’s not the same thing.
I enjoyed being killed by the response fleet, then adjusting my tactics until eventually I was tanking the response fleet with two remote repping Nestors. I also used the response fleets to educate new players on actual gang PvP tactics in a controlled environment. The bigger picture you’re ignoring is that this is the first step of many toward a more realistic NPC opponent, which is nothing but good for EvE even if the implementation got a few people (me included) killed through ignorance. I realise it’s hard when something that was AFK’able before now takes a bit of effort, but you must realise no matter how relaxing you used to find the activity EvE was never designed to be particularly relaxing. AFK’able passtimes should rightly be updated to require effort wherever we find them, even if it means a few people (who only like to play AFK / Semi-AFK) end up playing less. It’s a reasonable trade for a better, deeper game.
That would be stupid, if he needs to leave he can leave. Only the slightest plan is necessary to get a ship or two through a couple jumps of LowSec and even if you want to pay someone else to move them, it still wouldn’t cost much.
MAYBE you are talking out of your arse ? MAYBE he doesn’t event want to explain it to people on the forum ? Or MAYBE he is in secret operation he can’t talk about ? Or MAYBE he just have no time to organize something like this ? Or MAYBE he has another reason I can’t imagine that makes him need to stay here ?
Why are you writing in strange caps and leaving spaces before all your punctuation?
He’s the one who came here specifically to discuss his displeasure at the new rats. I didn’t force him into conversation, he blatantly volunteered to discuss this exact subject by creating a discussion thread on a public forum.
Yeah sure thing. Maybe if he doesn’t want to discuss something he shouldn’t make a thread specifically to discuss it huh?
It would take about 5 mins to organize the transport, the only extra time he would need is to raise funds (he never mentioned being too poor, that was just you).
Then he needs to pull up his big boy pants and work for what he has, instead of bleating on the forums about how mean and nasty the game is for making his easy ISK grinding take actual effort.
I’d be looking closer to home on this one to be honest. I’ve explained all my points clearly and concisely, I think really you’re just butt-hurt about my correct use of the word stupid
Agree with Lugh Crow-Slave, it’s about putting content in-game that you can’t just casually blow off. If you have to group up, harden up, change strategies, or run away, then that’s a different set of content than old-style ‘evaporate when I look at them’ rats.
EVE has always been about “get ready for the fight and don’t blame anyone else if you were unprepared”. EVE doesn’t apologize about getting you killed.
I see a couple issues here: Covetor, afking, heading back out to take on a 10-frigate pack in a ship not equipped for frigate-fighting, making assumptions about “foes I could normally demolish”, attempting to operate ‘as normal’ in a FOB system, etc etc.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a happy hi-sec carebear who starts googling and hitting the help channel any time I see something I haven’t encountered before. I’ve got bookmarks scattered around in a couple places to mark ships lost and battles fled, just to keep reminding me that I can’t make assumptions about content I haven’t encountered before.
I do agree that FOB system should have some warnings available (although I thought they did when I’ve passed through them before). And also that tougher content should be more rewarding in some fashion other than “if you want to work in this system you better kill these guys. Or run away”.
Maybe you confuse them with incursion systems, there you get both added to a new channel, have the incursion profile and state on display and the environment and background sound is different than usual. None of that exists in case of FOBs as far as I know, the only way to know about them is by opening The Agency map and looking for it. And yes some warning would be preferable.