FOB belt rats? Ridiculous

Yes the Incursion ones are distinct and pretty hard to miss. Now that you mention it, I think I happened to have the Agency window open when I was passing through one and that’s how I knew to ‘keep passing through’.

I think they could use something a little less obvious than Incursion flags but not requiring you to check all nearby systems through the Agency menu. Something along the lines of having a red ‘Forward Operating Base’ beacon in the overview or something. Or a Concord travel advisory when you enter/undock in the system.

If you hit dscan a few times in a FOB system you will notice FOB rats in space have a special symbol, if I remember correctly anyway.

Indeed, FOB rats have a diamond before their names so if you notice blood raiders or guristas with those, you know not to go mining in belts. In anomalies, including ice, it’s fine though.

FOBs are not that hard to coexist with… taking them out is a different thing (and something I’ll eventually try) though

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This ^

I am butthurt about your use of stupid, that’s true.

Stupid : Having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense.
Typically if you don’t understand someone , calling him stupid is not a show of great intelligence nor common sense, on the opposite. So you deserve to be called stupid when you call stupid someone you don’t understand.

Just to be clear : I never had an issue with fobs. I don’t understand the OP either. What I understand though is, that you rather call him stupid that make an effort to understand him or just accept he may have reasons to behave this way, that he doesn’t want to discuss.

I can think of many reasons to not move from a system. Just because you are not able to imagine any doesn’t mean there is none.

Can we please move-on from the stupid butt-hurt (that works on so many levels!) and try to discuss the topic at hand: FOB belt rats.

Although there is stupid butthurt involved there too, it’ll be more EVE relevant if we focus on the OP’s.


I understood him fine. He thinks hisec is for new players and as such there should be no NPC that pose a threat, or if there are he should receive a warning that prevents him from being involved in the danger because waaaah hisec.

I thought he was being stupid, and still do. Your energetic display of whiteknighting makes me think you’re either involved with him in some way or you really are just splitting hairs over a word you didn’t like, used in the correct context. Neither is much excuse for desperately trying to convince us the OP is actually on super secret business rather than just complaining on the forums because he lost a ship :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Where id I affirm he was ?
I just said, you don’t know, I don’t know either, but you talk out of your arse by calling him stupid about things you have no idea.

To me, again the proof of stupidity is your unwillingness to accept your ignorance.
You say stupid because you are not able to understand nor accept someone different than you. That IS stupidity.

Remember, the FOB rats are replacing normal betl rats and mission rats etc in July so best to practice against them now.

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I understood him and thought he was being stupid (showing a lack of intelligence / common sense) in his expectation that hisec should be risk free. I also thought you were being stupid by suggesting “he can’t afford to move his items out of the island” because it’s a ridiculous concept that only somebody with a lack of intelligence and common sense (and knowledge of EvE) would consider even a remote possibility for anyone. Hopefully this clears up my use of the word stupid in keeping with your posted definition and we can all get back to ridiculing the idea that hisec should be some sort of kindergarten.

What? Where did you see that??
I know the new AI is coming in abysmal space but missions and normal belts too? I try to stay informed but that’s the first I hear of it.

Blogs, notes etc. CCP making missions and PVE much better. Having FOB rats and AI is a welcome change that the majority of the playerbase voted for and are looking forward to.

That’s not at all relevant to my question but I would love to see the source. I would welcome the new AI on more content as well, but I have not heard that from a lot of people. A lot just want easy fat ticks too. Before I get excited, I’d like to see the blogs and notes you mentioned. I’ve heard nothing about changes to missions npc, despite reading blogs and watching the fanfest videos.

First I’ve heard of this as well. Can you provide some links so we can read more of what’s been proposed?

I can’t provide links but I also remember some talk of expanding the new rat concept to all NPC’s eventually. Might have just been some far off dream tho back when they were talking about the new AI idea.

Ah, gotcha. I’m all for expanding the AI, I think that’s a really interesting mechanic. What would worry me a bit more is that the FOB rats do have a higher level of difficulty and can be fairly nasty. As long as the newer rats are essentially the same ships that exist today for the standard rats, but exhibit different behavior, I’d be fine with that.

I remember sitting in a crowded ice belt on day as some rats flew in and then spent over 45 minutes drunkenly flying between targets without ever actually engaging anything. It was pretty funny to watch, but definitely a sign that they need an AI overhaul.

They were engaging the roids.

All you’re doing there is jumping to wild conclusions that aren’t actually based on what I actually said. I neither want nor expect hi-sec to be ‘risk free’, and I couldn’t give a monkeys about losing a couple of ships. What I do want and expect however is that the game contains some level of balance in its NPC threats, and actually informs players in game about the expected threat level.

I got surprised by some extremely tough rats, and it pissed me off because it was out of the blue, but at the end of the day it makes very little difference to me other than meaning I’m less likely to pass an occasional session mining. No big loss. For a new player who is just getting used to what rats are, to suddenly get absolutely ROFL stomped however, that’s the kind of thing that makes people quit. They don’t know why they suddenly had their new toys smashed, and saying they should read countless dev blogs or forum posts in order to know that in advance is completely ridiculous.

As I’ve said at least 3-4 times now, this is about game balance, not about me being butthurt about losing a few ships. If you chose to disbelieve that, I really don’t care.


Honestly these rats are way OP as crap, It’s bad enough we have to worry about random gankers, people stealing from jet cans, and not making very much isk to start from mining in hisec. There’s little point in trying to play this game anymore. Spend your money on a different game.

Honestly, FOB in HS ignored by CONCORD are totally stupid idea, it is not suprise that EVE loosing subscribers.

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