As the Years of playing Eve has gone by i have seen CCP do some very Distasteful things to the game. I mean they cater to the PVP pilots forgetting that industry makes the game go round. and Now with the FOB it seems that instead of trying to sell Null sec to everyone they are Forcing people to head to Null sec. I mean I do not Like null nor will i want to be in null. I have been in eve for many a years going on 11 to be exact. Now i am trying to figure out why CCP wants players in Null. some of us just want to build and enjoy the building aspect of the game.
I know players that love playing the market. I know Players that love doing Research. Yes I know there are players that play the market and just sit in station. Then there are those that love to play in Null and kill eachother. Witch is all fine and good That want to be in that Mega Corp or alliance Like Goon. Then you have those that just want to hang with others that are like Minded.
Now i know people are going to think Kai is just complaining. No that is not the case at all .I am speaking up for the people that are in highsec that do not voice what they are thinking. You see when i heard about eve it was from a very old player that has sense passed who used to play another mmorpg with me. He talked about the Comradeship. The way things where run and the depth of the story that was told in the missions.
Sense the FOB came in we do not seem to have a choice. CCP wants to push everyone to Null and not give us a choice to stay. you have a Citedal you stand a chance to loose it. All the work that players enjoy will be gone. Yet CCP wants us highsecs to move to a place they do not. I looked at the ammount of players on line and it is below 30k what it is normally at. Yet CCP does not see a problem this is peak time. Something needs to be changed or the Game we all love will be Dead and gone. because no new players will join if they are getting popped right off the bat.
Thank you
Kai Onslot