FOB belt rats? Ridiculous

Progress my ass, nul sec players and low sec players asked for FOB in Hi Sec…
Scam like that !!!

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but I thought people wanted challenging PVE content that required grouping up?

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FoB don’t reward groups. They punish them by scaling spawns that actually get worse the more you have.
Reward would be if they had a minimum scaling fleet size and scaled far slower once you are over that size. So warping in say 1 and 10 people is the same fleet. While warping in 20 people might get say 20% more spawns than 10 people.

FoB rats also are a jarring jump. You go from most high sec rats being civilian fit. Not even T1 module fit with lvl 1 skills but even lower than that to FoB rats being faction fit with Vs for skills.
That’s just not expectable till you’ve found out the hard way. And even then you probably have no clue what happened.
Now I’d favour them significantly buffing high sec belt rats myself to present more challenge as a starting way to close the gap. But they could also lower the stats on the ships and increase the defence fleet size a bit to compensate.


I have to side with the carebears on this one. They don’t belong in High Sec. I don’t know who thought this was a good idea but they need a vacation from ideas. I can’t even train new’ish players on this content, I have to tell them to avoid them completely. It has zero value to me as a trainer and zero value to those I’m training. Wormhole space NPCs are better for the skill challenged, lol. This stuff is just garbage.


FOB and their OP rats would be fine… If the reward was comensurate with the risk and effort. It’s not. Not even close.

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Hmm a billion for finding 9 friends?

Sounds far too hard.

hey you, can you log in? i’m gonna look for npc miners or fobs, whatever’s around first!

Nah Im in work ironically

but if you’re being there just ironically, can’t ya log in anyway?

I can think of several valuable lessons that this teaches new players in HS.
“Some fights you cannot win so you should run from”
“Some opponents will require a group to take on”
“Sometimes enemies will move into your “home” and make it impossible to carry on as normal until they are removed or you relocate”
“Sometimes the only reward you get for pushing out an enemy is just getting to go back to your normal activities.”

All of the above are true for players. The fobs just apply the same pressure from npcs. And new players can and should be able to learn from that.

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