I thought I’d take advantage of the current special offer to extend the Omega sub on my 3 accounts before it expires, but all I get when I got to the Special Offer page on any of them is -
There are currently no special offers available for your account.
Possible reasons for this message could include:
The limited-time offer has expired
The offer is limited to a single purchase and you've already purchased it once
The offer is not available to all EVE users and you have multiple EVE accounts. If you received an offer e-mail, try logging on to another account.
Please don’t hesitate to contact our support team if you need further help
Does this offer only apply when ‘upgrading’ from Alpha to Omega, or moving an Alt from an existing Omega account to a new one ?
I didn’t bother contacting the Support Team, as I suspect they’re rather busy atm…
Yeah, this offer is laughably bad. It only seem to count if your alts aren’t Omega, even though the stupid marketing spiel seems to say otherwise. They don’t care about people that are already playing, this is just trying to give login numbers a boost since their last string of fails undoubtedly is causing them to fall. Oh well, they haven’t shown any good reason to resub alts anyway.
I haven’t tried it, but when I looked at the text on the page, it seemed like, if you logged into an account that was already Omega, you could then buy Omega for another account (a different one) at the 25% off. Thus proving once again that from CCP’s point of view, ‘multiboxing’ is ‘the right way to play’.
Only a guess though as I have no interest in multiboxing and no desire to Omega any ‘alts’ at this time.
Yeah, but even reading it that way, it doesn’t work. The only way I’ve found for it to work is to have an omega account, and use it to buy time for a linked alt that is NOT currently omega. So, basically, only applicable to people that didn’t renew their alts after the last fiasco.
Its just PA testing the waters with the mobile type of “deals”. If they go down this route by 2021 the game UI will be overloaded with “limited time offers” and spam you to death everytime you click something, to buy a “limited 50% off stuff”