Forlorn hub is forlorned?

When you live in a space with zero security level and earn ISK for passing combat sites, you are faced with the fact that some of the combat sites significantly lose in profitability due to their inconvenient design.

Forlorn Hub. In any space you can see that Combat site and no one do it.
Angel Forlorn Hub - EVE University Wiki for example
NPC pack spawn points in different places, triggers, a large number of small NPCs. As a result, the capsuleer, not having the opportunity to get to the havens or forsaken hubs/rally points, will rather leave the star system than try to do forgotten Forlorn Hubs/rally points.

At the moment there are no PVE mechanics that allow you to effectively pass sites of this type and they are simply ignored.

With some modifications, this combat anomaly could become one used by capsuleers.
You just need to change the NPC spawn point - all NPC packs spawned compactly in one place. Thus, without changing any more parameters, we will get a combat site that will be of interest to capsuleers using smart and edencom packs - they can kill masscive numbers of small NPCs.

At the same time, the modified forlorn hubs will still be inferior in popularity to the havens, but will receive their target audience of users.

discuss and fly safe

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Personal opinion: I enjoyed the Forlorn Hubs a lot when I was still carrier ratting. You can early trigger the next waves and the ships themselves are mostly squishy and easy to destroy. The ticks were not much worse than a pure Forsaken Hub/Haven diet.

The variable spawn points ensured that no smarty bot or ishtar bots would come there.

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