Just as I thought, news piece tell it all (last positions of News in Brief section):
Does SARO really have everything under their control? Sadly, I dare to doubt it. Colonel @Oveg_Drust, would you care to comment? I doubt this too but I taunt you anyway.
Ahh, Miss @Arrendis how nice of you being interested in my lot. Your insights are most welcome (as always). For your interest, I have done my due diligence and filed my paperwork alright. This is jus a forwarded copy for anybody to whom it might be of concern to know about. Thank you for noticing it.
As you have might read several news pieces I have linked above and earlier, the Warclone community is doing quite well in New Eden and is not a fairy tale. They do yearly festivities at May, 14 celebrating those tumult times of widespread warclone corporations in New Eden of years YC115-YC118. You cen look it up for yourselves here
they might seem benign and inconspicuous or forced into obscurity. They affectionately call themselves dust bunnies. Don’t let yourself be fooled by this smoke and mirrors.
They do cherish memories of those prosperous times and some of them have aligned themselves with pirate factions and the Collective. I would advise anybody to watch the developments here closely. I bet you always have some warclone blanks in your capital cargohold just in case of a rouge boarding party and are in contact with some trusted (treasure it while you can, will you?) warclone mercs ready to pop into action for you in time of need. I envy you.
Meanwhile I’ve contacted my old friend who has completed his scientific training in industrial R&D. She will begin designing Warclone blanks schematic for installation at my High-Tech production plants very shortly. Some market operations ar ongoing as well.
Speaking of which, Miss @Arrendis since you are residing in Delve, would you mind buying those 7 warclone blanks from G-TT5V VII - Moon 11 - Blood Raiders Testing Facilities and then contract them to me? It stands to reason it is for a fee.