Forsaken Fortress – Coming 26 May

:point_up_2: from a different thread discussing how players who are presently inactive might come back to find themselves having lost everything because they had no prior notice of this patch. Rude awakening. Many rage quits to come… and for once they have merit.

To be honest, I’m not entirely crazy about the “zero asset safety” because it penalizes players who cannot log into the game but whose corp leadership fails to maintain POSes (for whatever reason), creating a situation where they become hesitant to use POSes to begin with. Perhaps a better solution would be to implement a modified form of asset safety in which we eliminate the “5 day manual” asset release option and instead have it become a “20 day manual” (ie. non-automatic) asset release for abandoned POSes that are destroyed. This makes assets inaccessible for an extended period of time, but not entirely lost.