If you have something happens in real life, will you still think about moving your items to npc stations.
If you want to motivate players to attack the abandoned structure, another win win method is to still keep asset safety but give reclaim fees for asset safety to players who destroy the stations
Please understand that this is a game and not a job.
Please respect the time we have invested.
Btw i had only spent less than 3 months playing this game. And at most lost my remaining 1 year subscription.
But this is a good indicator whether i shall invest more time and money in this game
And how do you think things are in wormholes? Yet somehow we survive.
If having things stored in citadels scare you so much, there is alway asset safety for you
Well, now everyone has a month or so to get ready and fuel them, so 7 days shouldnt be much of an issue anymore, seeing as you can fuel them for quite a long time
there should be no asset safety anywhere at any time.
a solo player in a BS should be able to take down any structure in one sitting. easily countered with defenders from the corp/alliance anchoring but if they cant be bothered to show up to defend it should be easily destroyed without all these timers.
Haven’t read all the way through. Kind of stranged out.
Other threads, nullsec alliance/coalition players: “War is pointless, everything just has asset safety anyway.”
Changes made that remove asset safety: “This is stupid, now I can’t just take a long break out in nullsec anymore and not care about whether my alliance holds or not.”
I’m a little confused by why anyone thinks having a bunch of unpowered structures is actually good for the game, too. Like…if a place is valuable, and you want to have things at it…shouldn’t it be powered? Shouldn’t ‘in use’ things be actually ‘in use’?
I personally very much agree with these changes. However, I really do think it needs two tweaks.
1 - Residents of a station must be notified somehow, an in game notification mail would suffice
2 - 7 Days is too short, I think 30 is much more reasonable, especially if we are using the term abandoned. 7 days is more like a logistical error of not supplying fuel rather than abandoning your structure.
Additionally, given that asset safety was a fundamental feature of structures on release, it is absolutely critical an email from CCP should be sent to all existing and post 2015 players letting them know of this change. Not all players on a break will be monitoring the official CCP channels, and it would give them a chance to log in as an alpha and move their most valuable things. As an industrialist (as much as people should be smarter and move their stuff before) I would be devastated and not likely return at all if say my BPO library ceased to exist.
I wonder if CCP understands how many structures that are actually in use, but low powered. As midpoints, forward operating bases that may seem activity for a few weeks, then not again for a month or three due to war or conflicts moving. So not “abandoned” at all, just used irregularly, as need come and go.
Fueling would be less of an issue if it just wasn’t so expensive, especially for those structures not currently serving a function, but will again in the future. How about a really cheap mod with very low fuel requirement that only grants tethering and makes it online (or even low powered, just not abandoned)?
And 7 days need to be extended to 30. God, 7 days is shorter than a vacation, or the flu or a deadline at work. But I guess the killboards need to be fed and the lazy PvP:ers get the voice.
You could argue though that that was the deal when you signed up. A big concern is the change being made and its effects that on people who may not be ATK for the foreseeable future.