for an undefended cit yes, once defenders appear its different
Not much difference from bomber to be honest… and higgs rig exists and you can just ‘drift’ aligned to some point while bashing… just need four bookmarks for that.
Because you can depend on there being no changes at all for months while you are afk… /s
Don’t stop there @CCP_Aurora!!
- Completely remove tethering!
- Require Athanors to have “Starbase Charters” that gives those wanting to Ninja Mine a suspect or limited engagement timer. Have to be on ACL (Highsec)!
- Fix locator agents saying a player is in space when they are actually in a citadel!
- Have L4 locates tell you if the player is online (Exclude Wormholes)
Where is your corp members that can help with this… oh wait… 1 man corp structure alts to protect massive corp and alliances that cannot be decced.
Sucks to be you.
That right there… would make the world right again. @CCP_Aurora doo iittt… I would also say exlcude null because that is the reason they changed it. Cap pilots where targeted.
I would love to come back and do 1 man wardecs again.
I was a 1 man corp for a long while. Never keep in your station what you cant afford to lose. I shifted all my crap out as fast as could. In the end, you could have popped it and I was still bil’s ahead. Think ahead.
Once a POS runs out of fuel there is only one timer, the stick, and no damage caps either, so you can call in a friendly super or titan pilot and just nuke through it real quick.
Maybe next they will do something about the mobile depot spam in Jita and spreading to the surrounding systems.
So Mr. Jan Hus was this realy important figure in Czech history and it is very unfortunate that his fate was burning at the stake for trying to reform the church. After his death there was a uprising caled Hussite Wars. See here:
I know this is offtopic but this Burning down the HUS title reminded me of it.
I don’t care much for what this is about as it’s around content I never used nor cared for.
But this “Burning down the hus” tag line has me cracking up so bad I almost yanked out my mullet and crashed my Camaro.
It’s an abandoned structure??
Looks like it’s time to start going system-to-system and scanning down and bookmarking all low power structures ahead of time…
+1 I like it, I also know a few abandoned strucutres
Works for me!
After it falls, and if you get the loot, you still have to get out of the system alive
It should be 7 days from the patch going live.
If there’s an Abandoned phase, can there be a subsequent Take Over phase?
Surely there’s a way to challenge players in a way that requires a fleet of ships to physically invade an abandoned station to unlock locations where its internal systems can be accessed and hacked, and maybe require a hauler with enough fuel to online modules.
Might be a whole new class of equipment and unique station defenses for players to build and face off against, respectively, to do all of this.
If you fail then it’s like an Abyssal Deadspace pocket. I.e., the station eats you.
Being able to hack a station would upset the market probably at this point.
Edit; Others have already posted on that subject.
Overall, I love this change. Station owners now have more motivation to keep their stations fueled, and I can see a return to the glory days of popping abandoned hisec research POSes^. Risk, reward, and all that jazz.
One observation: 7 days to go from Low Power to Abandoned for a structure of any size seems a bit arbitrary. I don’t mind the time frame, but having a Keepstar go abandoned after the same amount of time as an Astrahaus seems…odd. Maybe make the time from Low Power to Abandoned scale with structure size or fuel capacity?
^ No joke, I made the bulk of my fortune in EvE popping abandoned hisec research POSes. Most of my hits were busts, but the ones that weren’t busts were not busts in spectacular fashion.