Forsaken Fortress – Coming 26 May

Go ahead, enlighten meh…

@CCP_Aurora please exclude them from wardecs needed, make them free for all in highsec! Please!



Make your point or ignore my posts.

Maintaining many citadels is not a second job… it literally involves: opening structure browser on tab “my structures” and checking how much fuel is left - if less than 30d just bring 60K m3 of fuel, that is ~90days of service for single service module. Really, it is not hard.

Players can use them any way they want to - just gotta face consequences of having structures in abandoned state.

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More like reasons to do so… before this change there was no reason to bash low power structure - nothing would drop, especially if it wasn’t fitted to begin with.

no reason ? I bashed many many hundreds of low power ones for the Code , but those timers lol they did kill my desire to kill more . if they had no timers back then so many more would have been removed from space.

Don’t leave your stuff all over the place in upwell structures, move it to actual stations? I mean, if it’s a place you go to more than once a week, you’ll see if it’s gone Low Power, right? It’ll spend 7 days that way before it becomes Abandoned.

a) Wasn’t it already? You’ve been loudly proclaiming that to be the case for the last 3 months at least.
b) submit a petition and ask if they’ll move your stuff in H/L to NPC stations. Who knows, they might!

No reason other than to bash it… is not like you get any real loot from it (other than salvage). Powered citadels are different story - at least you will get fuel.

As I’ve said, I was holding out hope I might be able to return one day.

I will try a support ticket, my luck for 2020 has to change sometime.

A content-free attack post. Zero sympathy for RL commentary that accompanied the quoted remark.

Exploration frigate, covert cyno and have black ops bridge blockade runners :stuck_out_tongue:

You may be surprised to learn that many of these ‘zombie corps’ are not actually zombie corps… just shell corps for holding pocos. Mostly to keep standings separate from main corp. (has to do with the fact that poco taxes are not managed by ACL - they are managed with old style taxes/access controls based on standings)

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Well, I’ll hold out hope for both of those things.

Honestly, if people can’t login, CCP really should let them petition to get their stuff moved—or restored.

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You concern is understandable as I imagine most long-term players take breaks from time to time. If you anticipate yourself taking a break the best thing you could do is move any assets you care about out of any structures that you fear might become “abandoned”.

In the event there’s an emergency or something terrible that happens and you’re unable to do so, I would assume you’d be stuck with the outcome but you likely have other more pressing issues than a video game. To be honest though CCP has a history of refunding people for their losses. I know I’ve had several players that I’ve ganked in Freighters get some or all of their stuff back when they petitioned the loss. CCP wants you as a customer so I’m sure there are some lengths they will go to in order to secure your business.

I know the change seems pretty harsh, but it really is good for the overall health of the game.

No! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

This is the mechanic we’ve been using since it’s been a thing to remove structures. Join us!

I agree, CCP will probably do something like this. With all that’s going on around the world currently (granted there’s always SOMETHING going on), I’m sure CCP would help him out.

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You can sell at station that has market service. I.E. citadel with market service will work just fine.

of course offline cits dropped no loot , cough, sure no loot ever dropped so no need to shoot them :slight_smile: but they still got shot for some reason.

Good Job ccp keep it up . Making risk reward system in a balanced way.

Simple oracle will do the job just fine… easier to train into and costs are comparable.

I totally agree that the 7 day timer is too short. Perhaps a two-phase abandonment cycle. After 14 days without fuel it goes into the current “Abandoned” state and if it hits 30 days since it was last fueled, all shields go down.