Forsaken Fortress – Coming 26 May

Ironic comment. I remember Aralis putting (probably) the very first POS online in November 2004. I also remember that it didn’t work properly and shot at everyone, including him (CCP feature, not a bug, of course)



This is what abandoned structures should do if left too long. Become sentient and try to kill everything.

Rogue drones structures!


I’m sorry but the point of Eve is that it’s Dark Scary Space!!:ghost:

13 posts merged

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Don’t fly what you can’t afford to lose.


And yet, you didn’t learn anything for that whole time and still don’t understand why space trash called structures is issue. Especially in hisec.

A robust notification system seems key here, for those with assets in third party station, being able to 1. Get notified if the citadel is abandoned so you have seven days to move your stuff out, and/or 2. ESI endpoints to know status of citadel you have items in, so at least third party developers can write code to monitor.

It seems this puts far too much onus on the citadel owner rather than those with items in the citadel. Potential for abuse here e.g. intentionally letting Freeport citadels go unfueled to get the loot drops from unsuspecting players.

Please give those with assets in citadels all the tools to manage this risk appropriately.


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First of, I don’t mind the mechanic changes regarding structures - quite the opposite. I think it’s a necessary and healthy step for dealing with the many structures.

However there is something that I think is a major mis-step here:
I really don’t agree with the choice of removing asset safety. In fact I think it goes against the typical risk vs reward mentality in eve. Here is why:

I think everyone can agree with this statement (whether it applies to you, or someone you know in your corp/alliance/friends): many Eve players play the game in cycles with occasional (often quite sudden) breaks from the game.

As with many other people, in my case for example those breaks are determined by RL and not something that I could plan ahead for (e.g. ferrying assets to safety).
This creates a big issue, where putting anything into a structure (your own or another persons) is near impossible if I don’t want to return to a game where 80% of my assets are possibly gone cause someone stopped fuelling the structure, it got killed and dropped all the things.
I am already taking part in eve’s risk vs reward philosophy by risking to pay a hefty asset safety fee - but that is a risk that is within my control and calculable. However with those changes in their current form, it could mean I return to a game where I lost almost everything I own (and my means to make isk) which frankly quite likely would not make me wanna play the game more. Especially because we are talking about BPOs with 1++ years worth of research invested into them.
Also for those who don’t dabble in industry and would suggest producing in stations: basically in the current market it’s not worth it if you’re doing it to make isk.

I happily engage in the risk vs reward of the danger of having may stuff ending up in assets safety and having to pay the fee in return for making more isk. But without asset safety I am at the mercy of other players and random chance whether I return to the game after a break in a way where I can keep playing or where I am left with nothing. This no longer is a risk - it’s a gamble. I happily embrace risk - that is what makes this game so unique - but I refuse to take place in a gamble. Whether that’s the introduction of hypernet crap or even the mutaplasmid semi/reverse-lootboxing nonsense.

As a side note - as many already pointed out: why not remove the dmg cap on those abandoned structures? Time to react is so low already anyways, might as well turn it into a proper QoL feature.

(obviously posted with an alt)

Edit: Since I mentioned stopping to play… No you can’t have my stuff. Also that is not wining but objective reflection.
I just wouldn’t feel the motivation and move on to a different game. What draws me back to eve is the value of things that I collected over all those years. (Like my BPO collection) With those gone I might as well find something new and play a different game.)
Edit2: There is a few examples in previous posts of cases where people would be cut off from the game and would face these issues I described for reasons even worse than being too tied up in work or relationships. What if your PC dies and you can’t afford to replace it at that time, what if you live in a nation that is prone to struggle or even worse faces political turmoil. Should all these people suffer from losing their stuff potentially?
If I live in a WH I know what I face and plan accordingly. But it’s also the place with the highest possible rewards - it’s fitting. If instead I was based in HS or even 0.0 I’d expect a certain safety (or level of safety) by comparison. That was always the deal in eve.

Please quote where I had a shot at your real life.

asset safety goes against that, not the removal; it would be logical to assume there is no risk when you can simply ‘safe’ all your gear… what an odd yet curious outlook you have in that.

That they do, and smart ones won’t leave their gear in silly places.

As far as i can tell there would be no real need to do that, simply asset safety it before you leave; I am not sure you fully understand the system in place; makes it a little hard to take you seriously.

And yet those that dont, wont move into wormholes… or other places where there is risk. I’d say thats a win in itself.

I must have missed something here… nope re read thread; you can still do this, just make sure you do it before you go awol.

clearly not…

Plan better?

Debatable seeing as sites dry up and moon mining is crap.

Well i feel for them, but lets be honest; that could take years to resolve if at all, what if they never play again for a multitude of reasons?
But honestly, its only pixels, y u haf 2 be so mad?

LOL you must be new here.


This will apply to both standard structures and FLEX structures.? Whats diference between standard structures and FLEX structures?

It literally tells you in the Dev Blog if you could be bothered to read more than just the first paragraph.

As it relates to the changes, nothing. They’re the same. They can both be killed without going into any RF timers.

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This sounds like an awful way to automate remote intel gathering and spying - just put/deliver some assets for yourself there.

Note: notifications should be sent when structure goes low power - 7 days is enough time to react.

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but what is standard and what is flex structure?

damint, thanks :slight_smile:

I don’t disagree with any of this. But - is 7 days a long time? Really? In a game where you can set PI cycles of two weeks, and month-long industry jobs?

I 'm not talking about “what if you take a break for a few months”, I’m talking about the times when you know you’ll only be able to log in every other week or so. Sure, you can evacuate, but that means you can’t do industry until you can log on more regularly again. Which is one less reason to bother logging in for a casual player.

I would think it’s better to let players in those situations keep some incentives to keep logging in even if it’s only a few times a month, than to basically telling them “get out and don’t come back until you can devote X hours/month to our game”.


Is it that much? Do you not use your structure?

So what you’re basically saying is that if a player is only able to log on, say, every other week; then that player should asset safety his stuff every time he logs off? Yeah, that’s going to encourage people with limited time to keep playing…

(And before you go “just keep your structure fueled”, I’m talking about structure visitors, not owners. They’ll have no way of telling if the structure they’re using will run out the next day.)


I like this new change. THE ONLY thing is the 7 days. it takes 7 days to decommission a structure.
So you remove fuel, and begin the decommissioning process. by the time it is done and you can scoop up the structure people will be there to destroy it.

I would suggest something more like 10 - 14 days after it hits low power to make it abandoned, give the owners time to scoop their structure.