Yes yes…EVE is dying…cry more…
i have a technical question as a someone who has had stations and being the person i am i tend to let the known wider groups that use my structures know 2 weeks or more if i need to change things or im going away to work as contracts can over run or i get a follow-on and i have before going protected assets stripping station and then puting them to decommission now the problem is doing this would put the station to abandoned before the decommission was finished or dose decommissioning suspend that timer or will ccp shorten the time frame as i see lots of irate players and thats with out locked contract scams sales scams asset ransoming and lots of other ways to turn isk from this
This is a terrible idea, yes I am an alt. Yes, many guys will joyfully destroy these structures and enjoy the drops. But lets say a small hi sec corp takes a break from eve for a month or two. They know they may lose an unfueled structure. So now they come back to eve and find out due to a new change they have lost all their stuff.
CCP, how would you like to lose all your stuff because you went on vacation. You guys do realize this is a game.
Guess what to all the people complaining about losing your stuff, before with the old POS mechanics this is EXACTLY what happened before and people somehow managed to deal with it. There was no asset safety even in High sec and it was also alot easier for people to steal from you if you gave them access. Now you can have a structure with unlimited storage, the ability to manufacture research etc and all it generally can take less fuel per hour then the old POS system.
Want to know another thing, your corp had to have a 7.0 standing in high sec to anchor one. Corp, not your individual standing. We also had to anchor on a moon, which meant there was limited real estate and you couldn’t set it up 1 jump from Jita.
You get all these things with virtually no work and all you have to do is KEEP IT FUELED. You can even have a friend fuel it for you if your hit by a car.
Also I’d like to add, if your hit by a car odds are your going to have PLENTY of free time after surgery to fuel your damn structure unless you end up in a coma
So to everyone complaining, the game is still 100 times easier then it used to be and most of what exists was built by those of us who busted our virtual asses, those of us that endured the “hard” things in this game and that have supported and helped keep the game you play now going.
no asset safety! great!
for ppl going on vacation, just close your structure, clean the place like you do IRL
Will there be a notification to asset owners when a Citadel goes into abandoned mode?
…or just load it with fuel…
Trying to clear out the structure left from the exodus of industrial players, since you chose to prioritize your second rate PVP system over your superior to all other MMO industrial system, I see. I know my corp left several when we quit a few months ago.
They’re just finishing themselves off, obviously it means if you step away for a while you will have no reason to return. They kept a lot of us coming back for quite a while since it’s sometimes hard to walk away from trillions in assets, even when they’re virtual.
it dose not matter at that point you cant put it to asset safety and if you don’t have station excess all you can do is twiddle thumbs and hope
Isn’t it a bit unfair to Pearl Abyss having sold them your game to continue to crap on it continuously? If you don’t want it why don’t you make that clear to them and let them run it?
Or you could, you know, just fuel your structures and not have to worry about it…
It makes absolutely no sense for structures to have utility without power. This change is long overdue.
Just in case: good riddance.
@Aralis, it’s not exactly that hard to keep structures fueled. If your coalition has trouble with it, that’s a sign of far deeper problems. I wouldn’t have tied asset safety to fuel in this way, but it’s not like it makes a huge difference.
I mean, there’s a hostile Fortizar in your staging system and its owners manage to keep it fueled.
Make sure that the Keepstar stays fueled. Shame if anything were to happen to it…
I don’t even have any structures. This isn’t about structures per se.
It’s about a) them always struggling to find ways for things to be easier for attackers and to blow stuff up and b) the removal of asset safety.
Did you ever undocked in last few years? Or played in POS era?
abandoned structures are huge issue and this was requested by everyone almost since introduction first structures.
Having structure should have consequences.
Asset safety shouldn’t exist in first place. Lose must have meaning and assets shouldn’t be secure all the time. I hope they will do something about NPC hangars in future…
More content and explosions = more fun = more players.
Why is this so hard to understand for people like you. Also it works, contrary to the old tactic when they listened to people like you and made everything constantly safer, stale and boring.
Can’t blame me for anything. They’ve never listened to me.
And making it easier for attackers makes for fewer explosions and less fun. You’d think blackout would have made people think about it a bit.