It would be no more content than just blowing up the abandoned structure in the first place. While also watching the structure market vanish for industrialists from all the recycled structures. So no, still a bad idea.
Do we know what the ownership state of the cargo containers that drop from structures in high sec will be? Owned by structure owner or free for all? This could be a lucrative opportunity for new players of they manage to get the timing right.
It’ll probably be the exact same as how it works in Wormholes right now. The items will belong to whoever held them in their hangars at the time the structure goes pop.
7 days is a pretty short time in Eve.
Exactly the reason why this change is happening - no more tethering abuse for you (and bots) on low-powered structures for free. Fuel them up from time to time or HTFU and STFU.
Also check the image in the OP - slogan might give you some insights.
The change asset safety is ridiculous. Basically for nullsec if you can’t check every location you have asset in every week, you are ■■■■■■.
Congratulations, you get a new part-time job, EVE. Have such high level of dedication requirement for line members in nullsec is ridiculous.
+10 ^10000 for the Change of the asset safety
(x^2 + y^2 – 1)^3 = x^2 y^3
Don’t be overdramatic. If your stuff in any competent alliance’s infrastructure, however small, your stuff is safe.
If you use a POS full time, I never did, I just onlined it for an hour as and when I needed it. Using it that way there’s no comparison.
Glad I sold all my athanors.
Also glad I stopped playing this game.
Guess we’ll see how it all plays out sooner or later.
I think that it’s a stretch, if not absurd, to claim that everyone wanted wars tied to structures. A majority? Possibly. But everyone? No. Of course not. (Maybe I’m guilty of playing semantics, but accuracy is important and sweeping statements like that [edit: yours] are, well, almost always nonfactual, if not simply emotive in basis).
Even if someone did once hold such an opinion, they have a right to change their mind. That doesn’t necessarily make them stupid. It may, in fact, make them more considered about their position - which is the exact opposite of stupidity. Just an observation, not an argument.
My stupidity however is something I occasionally wear with gay abandon, as hereinabove for example, where I said that I’d rather see a free-for-all on abandoned structures in hisec - and with no loot drops.
Why? Well, on the first point, ‘because random new pilot dude inclusion’ (but also because I feel like an entitled freetard this week), and on the second, if a structure is abandoned there’s a good chance it’ll not be defended in any numbers, if at all. So one could argue that it’ll be far easier to loot that possible piñata. In which case, less risk, equal reward. Doesn’t that fly contrary to the ‘greater risk, greater reward’ mantra?[1]
[1] Of course, I may only argue for that position if I was in a contrary mood and I’m really not certain what mood I find myself in today, so just offer it as another (possibly) simple-minded observation.
I rather imagine CCP prefers structures blowing up to simply being passed around.
I don’t know where your confident came from. Corporates and alliances will move, will break apart, will disband. In the past if you didn’t show up in the transition period, you can take a haircut and sell to new owner of the station or use asset safety and move on, now you lost every thing.
Not every one is coporate / aliance CEO
Yes, it’s required.
No other mechanics changes, past those listed.
Thanks for the confirmation @Steve_Ronuken

I don’t know where your confident came from. Corporates and alliances will move, will break apart, will disband. In the past if you didn’t show up in the transition period, you can take a haircut and sell to new owner of the station or use asset safety and move on, now you lost every thing.
And fuel is cheap enough that there’s no reason not to keep it fueled up until the point that it’s either destroyed or unanchored. Asset safety will still apply in nearly all places where people in Null might have their stuff except for situations of extreme incompetence.
Yes, they will notify players but it means players cannot ever go on vacation or step away from the game for more than 7-10 days. Otherwise there is a risk you lose all your assets. SO you must either never step away from the game, never store assets in Upwells, or move all your crap to NPC stations before a vacation and then move it back after a vacation.
You could use structures owned by people you trust to keep it fueled while you’re away. This is how I handle it. I get to know folks, I take a shine to some, and I pay them tax to borrow their services. It might surprise some that these people treat me very well, and grant any reasonable request I may make. Were I to ask, I am certain they would inform me if they intend to fuel a structure for the duration of a vacation.
Confirmed - One of the true stars of NE