Forsaken Fortress – Coming 26 May

I dunno i think they should keep it as is, since you still want to have some time for people to respond.
maybe even add a few more minutes to it. if its to short it will take out some of the risk of structure bashing imo.


How can a capsuleer tell remotely when a structure he has stuff in has gone abandoned?

I have stuff in like 10 different citadels, if I can’t asset safety them out before it goes abandoned, I’m not sure how we save the stuff, other than emptying out of most of them.

@CCP_Aurora When the station is destroyed will the loot be in one container or in many.

I think it would be much better to have it in many, that way the looting chaos is content in and of itself.

If it is just one someone will hit Loot All and warp and that will be the end.

If its like in WH space it’ll be 1 container per character

Edit: they also tend to be several hundred KM apart from each other

This will function exactly as it currently does in wormhole space now - many containers will drop.


Surely it’s easy enough to put fuel in BEFORE you go on holiday?


No it is not. Say I am part of a corporation and others have access to the fuel bay. The day after I go on vacation, something happens that causes all fuel to be removed and the Upwell goes offline. This could be a rogue director, losing a war, giving a structure away due to losing a war and the new owners offline abandon/scoop it, etc, etc, etc. I could very conceivably come back to the game losing all my assets.

Yes, but somebody else could take that fuel out and offline the Upwell the day after I go on vacation.

At last… my only issue is the ability to just stick some fuel in to maintain it before 7 days. Rinse and repeat… again hurting the little guy more than the big coalitions that have a zillions alts to be able to easily manage this

So only use structures belonging to corporations that you trust.

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Or you could just, I don’t know, FUEL YOUR STRUCTURE. It is that simple.

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Old forum post by CCP Nullarbor about the importance they placed on Asset Safety in the original design for Citadels:

CCP Nullarbor - 2015.03.23 12:57:42
We need to carefully balance the reward for attackers vs the risk for people to actually put all their stuff in a structure and use it. Right now things are very binary, outposts you never lose anything and POSes you lose everything. We want to add more granularity and opportunity for it to go either way.


If there is a good chance of all of the stuff being destroyed when the structure goes down we will see far less people take that risk and so far less opportunities for people looking for loot in the first place.

It’s a great discussion to debate though, exactly how much risk vs reward is fair considering both sides.

Note that they were worried that if they weren’t generous enough to begin with, players might not start using the new structures. We’re in a different place today.

My remaining concern is regardless how much fuel you stuff in a structure, it goes low power when it runs out, and is called “abandoned” after 7 days. The more fuel you stuff in it, the less often you are bothering to check if it still has enough. Hopefully casual players log in at least once a week. Hopefully a forced / involuntary break - regardless of reason - doesn’t lead to ragequits.

IMO, the word “abandoned” is a poor word choice to describe 7 days of low power state. I only start thinking “abandoned” when I notice the same structure in low power, after a month.


:red_circle: Sidenote: EVE was a better place with the binary choice. Every bit of more granularity and opportunity just led to less enjoyable gameplay overall.

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Check the info on strcuture - if shield and armor are at half of what it should be then it is low power.

@CCP_Aurora Can we have a warning when a Fortress goes into Abandoned mode so that we can remove are assets before losing them. Can it appear in the Notification window?

How are meant to know if it goes into Abandoned mode if i am in a different system?

Think twice before asking for BAD idea. If you get notified about structure being abandoned then all it takes is having 1 trit inside any structure to know when to bash it.

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This is absolutely awesome, but the only drawback is if I left 20 bil of stuff in my astrahus and took a break from Eve like everyone does, thinking if it blows up it will go to asset safety, when I come back I would be pissed. It’s like leaving your stuff in a regular station, only to come back and see it’s all gone because CCP made a change. Going to be a lot of mad players.


I think there needs to be more information about how dropped items are handled by existing game mechanics in highsec.

IE; Stealing (a favorite passtime in Eve) - Will you get concorded if you loot or destroy cans that drop from a destroyed citadel or will cans be blue to anyone who happens to be around?

It seems the new mechanics favour large well organised groups who can just wardec everyone and put hundreds of players on field.

Structure spam does need to be dealt with but get it wrong and you only benefit large groups.

Frequent traders will notice stations where a market hub is offline, because it’s not possible to update prices.

It’s going to be a mess for traders to keep tabs on dozens of HS structures where items can accumulate from Buy orders. Market services rarely go offline, but people can sell stuff to buy orders anywhere they can dock.

edit: strikeout, I stand corrected. thx @darkestkhan_Eriker