Logically that is how it would work…are you arguing that the patch should favor small unorganized groups? If so, why…
Not at all. I’m trying to say there needs to be 'balance".
If changes only benefit one play style such as we’ve seen in recent years those groups continue to dominate - If Eve is still supposed to be a sandbox then all play styles should have the same opportunities to participate in new content.
I don’t see an imbalance…and you are not saying how the imbalance works or how to balance it with the release…you just seem to be complaining…
They can’t. They can sell only in station with market module active.
You don’t see that creating new content for the already too dominant mega groups is not balanced?
CCP wants excess isk removed from the game then release a new mechanic that will favour the very groups who hold the majority of that excess isk.
I’m not a game designer, I don’t know what the current Devs at CCP are capable of when it comes to game balance and design. Going by what has been done in the last few years, I don’t expect anything to really change for those not in mega groups.
I’m not just “complaining”. I’m giving feedback based on my years playing the game. Which is what I thought this thread was meant for.
Again, you are just making a statement but not saying HOW it is an imbalance. This is opinion vs fact.
Now you are guessing at what CCP wants to do…pretty much conspiracy theory here…
I mean, you can’t even imagine?
100% agree but it’s also here for people to ask for clarification on ideas of others that have also been playing for years.
The whole “mega corp is bad” mindset is very counter to reality. Of course there are bad aspects to them but they have also earned the benefits from organizing. This is how it works IRL and how it should work here…it’s how humanity works.
Do you NOT read anything other than cherry picking others posts?
Try watching a few episodes of talking in stations or other pod casts.
Things where CCP have stated many times the current design format is to reduce the wealth in game and create a balanced economy.
Do you honestly think everything CCP has done recently is because things are balanced?
You want clarification of isk distribution look at a monthly economic report.
Reality - Reality is, if CCP don’t get a handle on these mega groups - Who currently control everything from sov nul to highsec markets there isn’t going to be much of a game left for anyone else.
As I said, structure spam needs to be dealt with but so does the fact there are monolopies in the game that have more control over it than the owners/developers.
In RL if a group with a monolopy is seen to be overreaching govts step in to limit their control - In Eve the developers (govt) just hand them more power.
Ok…you are just ranting about mega corps with absolutely no solution to the issue at hand. I’m not cherry picking, I’m ASKING YOU to define the how and why of the station issue at hand, not ranting about all of NE and the struggles of the little man…ffs…
Yes yes, you don’t like something therefore Eve is dying…got it…
Define what?
From my experience over the last 15 years mega groups are the biggest drawback to the future of the game.
You obviously have a one eyed view of how Eve works so no matter what i say you will pick it to pieces.
How about you tell me why mega groups should be able to just grow out of control at the expense of all other play styles?
I see you a very good at taking things out of context to suit your own agenda… well done
I give up…
@CCP_Aurora An interesting idea someone had in chat on this topic was the idea of volume.
CCP have mentioned in the past that limited hanger space would have been a thing to have from the get go, but adding it in now would be problematic.
So why not use asset safety to start looking at this. Give two hangers in an Upwell structure. Hanger 1 can be generous in capacity so as not to impose difficulty on most users, and is a ‘Safe’ hanger. Hanger 2 is overflow, unlimited but doesn’t have automatic asset safety attached to it, or maybe RNG based automatic asset safety. Larger structures can have larger hanger 1’s to reflect their size.
This would reflect the above quote by CCP_Nullarbor about allowing players control and granularity, but in a visible & manageable way.
All i can say about this one is its about time. To bad you dropped the ball on the resists though.
Runa wanted to know how this change, the Forsaken Fortress requirement to fuel structures to retain asset safety, benefits mega-groups over small ones.
I represent one of those small groups with about 5 or 6 people who play sporadically as time allows. We own a few of these upwells, and we borrow others upwells where we find that to be an option.
Internally, this changes nothing. Keeping our stations fueled is a requirement to get utility out of them. Other people using my structure also depend on me to keep it fueled so they can do what they do. If anything, the auto-online if the structure repairs after losing armor is an added convenience to bring the station back to high power without a director having to fly out there for that specific task ASAP. I suspect the one week grace period and auto online is mainly to handle the nature of services being forced offline and the potential to abuse that to destroy a structure at any time instead of at the designated vulnerability time by letting it repair and shooting it again to lock the modules offline.
Externally, we have to be more careful where we put things, but we put things we need in structures we use and as a small group we don’t need very many. We don’t live in null, so we have NPC stations to stage out of if necessary. The owners of sov-null don’t have such a luxury and must pay their fuel bills at all times if they wish to retain asset safety. They have no alternative for safe storage in that space.
Can you write a few paragraphs that demonstrate the benefits of the fuel requirement for large groups over small ones? There can’t be any intelligent discussion on a topic before it is explained to a second party well enough for them to understand it and process whether they agree or disagree and why.
Pretty sure that isn’t what we were discussing but ok. As it turns out mega groups in nul will be far less affected by this change than any smaller group.
The structure spam in some sov outweighs that of highsec but will remain all but untouched because unless the coalitions fail, there is no-one with the manpower to take them on.
Killing a single keepstar in Tribute required ALL of Eve co-operating and the owners to decide they didn’t want to defend it
Now imagine, the middle of Delve a keepstar hits lowpower (whether by accident of not) who is going to be able to go and kill it a week later when it goes “abandoned”?
Seriously, anyone who believes this change will address anything to do with mega groups either doesn’t play the game or has never been in a mega group.
What it will do, which is what Runa and i were argueing over is - The monolopy the mega groups have over all aspects of eve and that this change is like handing them a blank cheque too print isk in highsec, with minimal risk.
Anyone who has structures and can’t keep them fueled during normal game play doesn’t deserve them but that doesn’t mean CCP should hand the profits from others failure to mega groups like they are.
CCP Rattati’s new “eco system” for Eve is slowly becoming - Join a mega group or get out.,.
This is a bit misleading. It’s not just “when it goes ‘abandoned’” but rather as ANY point in the future that is goes abandoned. As a station in that state can be killed in very shout order, potentially faster than a response fleet could be mustered, they will be very vulnerable. An Azbel will only last 24 minutes at max DPS.
These corps with tons of structures all over the place, many in remote areas that are hard to defend will now be super vulnerable to opportunistic groups that know how to exploit those conditions…or, spend a lot of time/ISK on keeping everything fueled.
There are pros and cons to big and small groups IRL and in EVE…painting it as one side is…well, one sided…
Strength in numbers…been that way since the dawn of time…will be for a while longer…
Goons would have killed a Keepstar in Delve long before it hit low power.
Seriously the most STUPID response ever posted on the forums.
Ok, I’ll make it easy for you - It is a goon keepstar - Who could kill it?
Then at the root of things NOTHING CCP is doing for the next 2 years (time frame set by the new producer) changes anything. There will still be no reason for the mage groups to fight, so excess isk and lack of destruction remains the same. Sure the overall amount of ore mined will go down but it will still be mined by the same groups and thrown into the largest isk mountains in the game.
Part of the vision for the future is for the risk reward side of the game to be meaningful - That can’t be balanced if you have a few groups for whom losing a ship means lodging SRP while the next guy has to do anoms for a week to replace his. This does not and never will lead to more conflict - It leads to further stagnancy as no-one can afford to lose what they have so no-one will go to war.
True “balance” means everyone has the same opportunities without sacrificing their play style. Or turning the game into a part time job.
All Empires must fall (history shows us this), this can only happen in Eve if players are given the tools.
Rattati uses an anology about the 2nd would war. Germany had thousands of tanks but no fuel to run them, lack of resources made those tanks useless - CCP is doing the same to the everyday player in Eve. Making it harder to buy ships and fit them makes it harder to justify the risk of losing them.
That right there is your disconnect.
You cannot have a sandbox like EVE where people/groups are free to put-in as much or as little time as they want to better themselves. You fundamentally cannot hinder that else you do not have a sandbox any more.
Ok then what tools were they “given”? This is rhetorical obviously…
Why? Prices are the same now as there were to years ago(when we had even more players)…the Rorq era was the problem, not availability.
You can join a corp that already hunts them www.wreckingmachine.net
Why the god damn hell do I have to be docked if I want to inject something directly into my char? These log in events are so god damn annoying.