So an object in a fixed place that can’t log off is harder to take down than a mobile structure which can log off & fit a cloak & jump drive and gate? Hmmmm…
Just to add to this - Eve continually needs players. One source of “new” players is former players who have left the game. CCP continually markets to these folks hoping that new content will draw them back in - the thinking is, if they liked the game before maybe they will like it again. And of course its probably easier to market to folk who have already shown an interest in the game - after all there is always a steady stream of former players coming back to play. Now after this update, what is CCP’s game plan to attract former players back into the game? CCP: “Come back to the game and see all the new stuff. Oh and btw all your stuff has been destroyed - even though we promised that we would keep it.” Former player: “…”
They already take very little time and they are taking away the reinforcement timer for abandoned. If you decide to engage a structure you should not be able to kill or reinforce so quick that no one can form up to attack you, fleets being stuck in space bashing is content and should stay the way it is for DPS caps.
Am I understanding correctly? I can go on a week long vacation and if someone in my alliance forgets to fuel the keepstar I can come back to my titan and supercarrier gone?
Keep your pilot in the ship and it won’t be lost.
Otherwise, yes.
Yes as per above
But you could fuel it before you leave and then not worry.
I simply cannot say “good” enough
add a button to eve portal to evac all assets in citadel that charactor have?
This should be handled just like it is currently in wormhole space. The contract is canceled and the items will get sent back to hangar to be dropped.
The station still goes to low powered for a week when fuel runs out, but then, yes
If your alliance is capable of defending a Keepstar, your alliance probably isn’t incompetent enough to let this happen.
If your alliance is capable of defending a Keepstar, your alliance probably isn’t incompetent enough to let this happen.
My alliance specifically has lost our space in the past because someone forgot to pay a sov bill or click a button, don’t give us too much credit haha!
I’ve read the FAQ and chatted to various people about this online and I just want to double-check that my understanding is correct on this stuff, please.
If you have stuff stored in a player-owned structure and it becomes vulnerable due to low fuel of because it is flagged as abandoned, you get a notification via Eve mail that it might be at risk and the option to move stuff into asset safety.
This option is available up until it explodes.
Am I right?
Source? Not seen that in a dev blog or otherwise from CCP
He is asking if what he stated is correct.
Clearly he has a source for this information. Hence why I asked.
Good gawd man, try reading it correctly and if you’re going to post a quote, try posting the entire quote:
In other words, he’s asking for verification if it’s true or not.
Go do what Nicolai says and let him answer for himself rather than vomiting.
Same to you and more of it.
Actually make that double for you.
Seems to make sense now. But when we were sold on Citadels being OUR stations, a lot of players made these our homes. Yes you can say it’s foolish now in hindsight. This change will make most players go back to NPC stations in a big way.