Forum achievements sign of EVE death or meta-emergent gameplay? A philosophical framework on the reality of EVE

Dear fellow spacenerds,

I was very concerned about and contemplating preemptively requitting EVE due to these new forums after looking at them for approximately ten seconds, but then a notification popped up: I had gotten a badge in the time it took to review the non-question-asking FAQ.
I have never played a game where activity on the forum would give you achievements (Unless you classify warnings as achievements - I’ve been to those forums). At first, I thought this was one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse - probably Pestilence - and signalled the final and definitive end for EVE. Personally I’ve been waiting for EVE to die since 2010, but I have heard about people waiting for around 14 years by now, so it’s long overdue. However, after doing some quality research, I realised that I’m the greatest genius ever, and that the new forum is really an aspect of the player-driven, meta-playing, pseudo-social emergent gameplay known as forum-warrioring: Since so many are spending their time not playing the game as such, but rather talking about how others are playing the game wrong on the forums, it made sense to reform the forms to take this meta-emergent gameplay into account.
As such, there are now ways to evaluate the worthiness of even the most faceless forum alt, through the forum achievements, just as there are ways to evaluate the worthiness of ingame players, through metrics such as corp and alliance memberships, bio memes or quotes, killboard stats and monocles.
This is an incredible new step in the history of EVE-kind, and a brave one at that, since with this realisation, most alliance and big-corp CEOs can now let their sub expire, and still get achievements for what it is they really do. Same goes for legendary posters.

I want to congratulate the EVE Devs on recreating their game environment in forum-form, even down to the slightly wonky UI that takes a couple of PhDs to figure out and a TiDi-esque effect that makes forum-warrioring just as excruciating as jumping into HED on a cold January day in 2014.

The new forums being on was a clue to the true intended nature of this forum update, but I don’t think they all fully grasped the significance of their actions. Now, with this meta-research into the meta-emergent meta-gameplay of meta-playing meta-EVE, EVE can finally go full meta^meta and complete the circle: EVE has become so metatastically self-referential that it is now its own entity - a living person, an existing society, and an established institution, all at the same time. EVE is no longer dying, long live EVE!


Its kind of achievement. I would like it. :pirate_emoji:

If CCP truly desires to remake the meta-game forums to suit the emergent gameplay that we see in the game itself, ‘warnings’ should become a forum-specific meta-sec status; where trolls, flamers, griefers and dox’ers are given a lower score for each affront, while kind souls who help newbies, gives likes and only delivers erudite commentary on the mental faculties (Or lack thereof) of their interlocutors are given higher scores. As in the game, so on the forums shall newbies trust without verifying the people with high meta-sec statuses, and new societal norms will develop. We may see forums be ‘captured’ by people with specific intervals of this meta-score for immaculate meta-gameplay, who can then invade each other for righteous or nefarious causes.
In short, this is without a doubt a grand future for the EVE meta-community!

The beauty is that you don’t even need a paid sub to be a forum-monger.


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20 badges and the highest number of total likes. I’m the real King of the forums, @ISD_Buldath is just a false pretender.

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Losing access to ingame chats and forums were the two greatest tragedies of my lapsed sub. Alpha clones do for the forums what PLEX and [Scamming, AFK ratting] did for the game itself.


This meta-person meta-truly meta-gets it. :unicorn: All hail the meta-forum pseudo-warring King!

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I have been a long-time critic of CCP management’s slavish devotion to the null sec cartels.
I sure as hell don’t need any utterly meaningless achievement award for posting on the forums.

These achievements look like they plan on pandering to the type of person who plays Candy Crush, or that idiotic game that came out for the mobile where people ran around to locations to get Japanese icons and characters from some other game, and TV show, I can’t remember the name because I try to block out stupid things.

I imagine that these new forums will be as successful as that fad, which is, not at all.


You know, Dinsdale, I should have figured I’d be out-conspiracie’d by an actual tinfoil-connoiseur, but I would have thought you gone a long time ago. Did it get boring after Tippia left?


I had no idea that Tippia left, but it makes sense.
Forum activity looks to be down, by my guess, 70 or 80% from any peak you choose to look at.
I figure that Tippia’s retirement must account for half that,


tl/dr? the phrases “philosophical framework” and “meta-emergent” made me roll my eyes and not read. This is a video game, no more, no less.

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bored much?

tl;dr - there’s been a change to endgame content

Surely you jest?!

Just because these little features are in doesn’t mean they are of any importance to anyone. When i used to develop software i often implemented such little crap nobody asked for or needed just because i felt like it and didn’t want deal with the “big things” at that moment. at the end of the day it was just another “feature” on the list.

Think you’re disqualified for participating in the “Likes & Get Likes” thread :sadparrot:

Why? You think the king isn’t allowed to play with the peasants?

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I’m So Meta, Even This Acronym? Considering your older forum “achievements”, Alpha, I hereby vote for a subforum specifically reserved for sexual innuendos. And you should be the head mod of it. Btw, iirc, they’ll change the meta to forum eventually, though i think the current address should definitely be kept. Thanks for this long, actually well written post!

/me hands you a few “paragraphs” to “insert” into your “text”. :grin:

Actually he’s correct. Yeah, i’m sober. Sorry.