Foundation Day Pack Update

You should lower the price since you got rid of the op booster.


The real issue here is: how many times are you going to try to sneak these Pay2Win stuff past us?

You’ve tried in the past. The reaction is always the same. The playerbase is adamant this is not the way we want the game monetization to go, and that we’re more than happy to pay for all the SKIN/Clothing/Cosmetics (up and including to cat ears… sigh) you could possibly throw at us, and yet here we are again.

You know how to do better, you’re just not trying to.
The late apology days after the stuff goes on sale is stale and fake. Good for you to remove it, but you know you shouldn’t have been there in the first place, and still put it there, hoping people wouldn’t notice.

Hard not to be disappointed here.


I just bought the pack BECAUSE you removed the booster. I wanted to buy it for the skins, but did not want to enable the slippery slope you so eagerly want to slide down head first with these P2W items. Now that the booster is not part of the back I did the purchase.

Truly a “writings on the wall” type of moment. glad I saw this type of thing was going down before I fully committed to coming back.

I feel like the community reaction was severely overblown here, but I think it’s a sensitive subject. Thanks CCP for addressing this quickly!


Players: how many times
CCP: yes


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You know this isn’t the end of it.

Hopefully it’s not. Hopefully the monetization team is sitting down and drafting guidelines about what’s okay and what isn’t and make sure the teams working on these packs have them for the future.


Thanks, good to hear!

I would pay for some cool Strategic Cruiser skins though. Some shiny fancy ones. All current Legion skins are… meh…

There is so much room for monetization in EVE.
Even different ship MODELS (the cat thing) modifications could be awesome as long as it does not affect gameplay.

The damage is done. But at least total disaster was avoided.


The booster is removed, yet the price remains the same. Doesn’t seem right.


You know that’s not how that works. Every time a little bit more, step by step. Sometimes they just have to take a step back if the cons seem to outweigh the pros at that point in time so they wait a bit and then bait a bit with “free samples” until the ruckus has quieted down enough and then they’ll do it again.

The mistake they made with this one is that it’s not for casuals (where sales would outweigh the cries of the tryhards). A similar product for miners would make people still “revolt” but miners would buy it by the bucket loads (while crying about it).

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i run dual clients . 1 to support other i always fined lag n stopped clients during jumps n co working jobs also can auto darken the screen its hard to see in bright contrast n vase versa n make easier to find markets prices w/o leavin te game

It’s hilarious that people still don’t understand why this is happening. Some are kind of on the cusp of realization judging by some of the posts here, but not quite there yet. Surely I’m not the only one with a toilet-paper degree from a garbage-tier business school around here?

It’s called litmus-testing. Every couple of months, they’ll try to sneak something like this into the live service. The goal isn’t to generate instant revenue, but to see how the customer base reacts. It’s all data-driven. They have a quantified expectation for a reaction, and weigh the actual reaction against it. If the reaction exceeds the expectation, they’ll backtrack and attempt the experiment again at another time. If the reaction is lower than what was expected, they shift their baseline in all of their business metrics and analytics.

Here’s the part that people don’t fully understand, though: they’re not “reversing” their decisions and “caving” to the demands of their customer base. It’s all an act. They’re going to try this in “another 6 months” not because they’ll forget, or because they’re incompetent, but because the decision to monetize the game in this manner has already been made. Events like this store pack debacle are just the foreplay to get you moist enough for them to finally slip it in.

And see how people are thanking CCP profusely for backtracking on this, instead of threatening them to never do it again or suffer repercussions? That’s pretty much straight out of the dictator’s handbook. It’s one of the most manipulative strategies that companies use to drive revenue. Whenever a company announces the discontinuation of a popular product, and then “caves” after an outcry and backtracks on its intent, revenues almost always go up, in the short term at least.


I hope I never get this cynical.

The mistake they made this time was that it was a sale of something that you couldn’t get any other way, and the thing had an impact on combat. That is what made folks angry, and they need to know this is where the line is. A similar one for PvE only would still be an issue, but not nearly as big an issue, sure.

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the irony of complaining about a mediocre booster that lasts for 4 days and can’t be traded, then asking for better value on buying skill points that could be used to create stats stronger than the booster, except permanently

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useless novelty items like a monacle are definitely not ok even though they dont functionally do anything, they are just real bad.

Please also add bunny ears! :rabbit: :rabbit:


The new skill point boosters are worse then what’s been in the game forever how long. They’re charging the same amount for a worse product. That should never be the case.

There is nothing ironic about petitioning for the quality of a product to remain the same or improve.

The two are not mutually exclusive.

Combat boosters for cash money is pay2win. Skill points are something everyone gets in the game simply for playing and is achievable without any extra cost. When you purchase skill points your paying to speed up the process not get additional stats.

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They’re fine. If folks want to buy it, let them. Doesn’t impact the game in any way.