Freighter Rigs

Rigs for freighters are long overdue…

• T1: 3 rig slots, *200 points (*revised upwards)
• T2: 2 rig slots, *300 points (*revised upwards)
• Freighters have slightly reduced rig points
• Capital rigs only
• No nerfs to any existing stats.

TLDR; Rigs for freighters.

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I would like to see any rigs for freighters … like “15% more shield HP but 10% less cargo” or “15% more structre HP but 10% more aligntime and web immunity !”

Or maybe +cargo - HP or something else

EDIT : they need to be capital rigs with a large ammount of stuff to produce them so they are expensive !

Polarized rigs! Great cargo hold extension but removes all resistances. :innocent:

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It would work great as long as you bought the legal permits (plural).

I’m not sure if we need specific rigs for freighters - there’s already a good selection of capital rigs with penalties. And yes, they would need to be capital size.

Yes we need … otherwise you only take the existing ones and then you have a massive buff to freighters ! And we dont need such big buffs to freighter !

When was the last time CCP introduced a ship or class-specific rig…? But sure, I’m assuming these would be in the list:

• Freighter Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer (+sig)
• Freighter Low Friction Nozzle Joints (-cargo)
• Freighter Cargohold Optimization (-align)
• Freighter Core Defense Field Extender (+sig, -cargo)
• Freighter Trimark Armor Pump (-velocity, -cargo)

Something like that?

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Otherwise CCP can reduce the EHP and cargo capacity 20% -25% and at the same time gave all the fteighters 3 rig slots

Yeah something like this ! You cant only buff freighter without any mali

I guess that’s always an option, too - and stick with the same capital rigs and points (400). They might as well add some mid slots as well so shield/armor fits are a thing.

yall forget, when CCP gave us a choice… Rigs or low slots? for Freighters…

Which one do you want?
Which one did you choose back then?

If CCP stays its own course…you will not get both. Rigs? or Low Slots?

Freighters used to have rigs and people hated them because you had to destroy them to go from max M^3 to Max EHP. Do not ask to go back to the bad old days.

Maybe they could make new rigs called Permit rigs, one for each commonly used ganking ship so the freighter could fit up to three rigs completely negating any incoming damage (or a percentage based on rig tech level like T1 = 50% resist, T2 = 75% resist and ORE = 99% resist) from three ship types such as Catalysts, Thrashers, Taloses and so on, thus would still provide counter-play option for the attackers in the form of ship scanning and bringing proper ships instead of those which the freighter has rigs against.

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The only thing having freighter rigs would accomplish is adding another couple billion ISK to the kill mail…


A noble cause. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush:

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No, they are not. I really don’t want to have to install T2 trimarks, lose a ton of agility and cargo only to compensate the necessary base HP nerf. The nerfs to the base HP are inevitable because rigs, although expensive, would add way too much HP to these ships.

It was an outrageously stupid idea when CCP suggested it as first iteration to give freighters “fitting capabilities”, it won’t be less stupid when players suggest it.

i know but if someone wants to create a new thread about freighter rigs because he want a freighter buff then i´m fine with rigs but with a tradeoff :wink:

of course you would, cause it would be a freighter nerf…not a buff

no, not at all ! if you rig your freighter for max cargo then you could have more cargo space ! if you rig your freighter for max HP then you could have more HP ! but you need to have a tradeoff

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Low slots on freighters was stupid. This goes beyond that descriptor.

If you think you need to haul more than a freighter, be less greedy.
If you think a freighter needs more of anything else, you need to learn how to fly it appropriately.

My freighter alt got her Charon before they got low slots. She still flies the same ship today. The problem exists between chair and keyboard, not in game.

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And what of the Avalanche…?