Freighters should be like Bowheads in terms of fitting options

Is why no one likes you.

Freighters already have fitting choices, thats why you see them fit differently. They have more choices than dst’s, bowheads, barges and specialist haulers which have ‘one best way’ to fit.

What YOU’RE asking for is for fitting choices to be taken away, homogenization and for ccp to hold your hand cause you don’t know how to protect yourself with the tools at hand.

Edit- find a way to counter bumping that involves trade offs and doesn’t make a freighters agility meaningless. Then we can talk.

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Yup. I fit my anshar with reinforced blukheads. Lately I’ve been getting scanned in Uedama and nothing ever happens. They scan me, often do one bump then ignore me. I keep the cargo load low (relative to EHP) and with the bulkheads max out the EHP. It would take something like 70+ or so catalysts to kill it (in Uedama assuming CONCORD has been pulled). Using the rule of 2 that translates into 140 worth of catalysts in terms of cargo value or 1.4 billion meerely for replacement. If they want a profit then the cargo would have to be even higher. Since I limit it to 1.2 billion usually, they often ignore me since I am uneconomical to gank…and sure enough an idiot with 5 billion in his hold will be along shortly.

Of course I also have an emergency cyno on standby too, so just in case they decide, “F— it, last fleet of the night lets pad the KB with a nice JF kill.” I can still GTFO if necessary.

As if I care! I don’t like you much either, your comments are just mindless régurgitations of what you see as fact. I saw you do that in the AFK cloaky thread in the old forum, and you have a lack of reflective thinking in terms of game design.

Seriously you believe that, ROFL.

You currently have a choice with a freighter something to adjust the agility, the cargo space or its structure, you have nothing to adjust the speed of the ship, or to react against a bump to attempt to actually fly the ship, it is basically dead, no other ship is in that position and yet you think that is fine.

Projecting again mate as always, back to the mindless insults like you don’t know how to play the game, well mate I have not lost a single cargo to gankers, but I have seen a lot of people lose stuff to gankers having been bumped for hours. Always projecting on to others always a very weak defense of your lack of ideas and thoughts and the one thing that people like you always resort to when you cannot come out with a reply to what is put forward.

I am asking for something that gives freighters a bit more of a chance of avoiding a bump limited as it is, and more importantly give more chance of a counter when being bumped, of course people like you like no counter, and you like the fact that once they are bumped it is a done deal, but that is the level of play that I expect from people like you.

So I am not talking to you, your mind is closed and always has been bye bye.

Players and devs have an irrational relationship to freighters. Their first iterations didnt have fitting options at all, it didnt make any sense. Then after players repeatedly asked for it they made this half assed attempt with a few low slots.

CPP when i have a 1B ISK ship i want some goddamn options


You are talking about a Jump Freighter which has an option to cyno out. I talked about freighters not jump freighters, just so you know.

Yeah, I know. I was confirming the generally fit it “one way”, even though I could fit it multiple ways and rely on the cyno. So even when we have the options, as Daichi, notes…I tend not to use them. Ironically, in NS I’d use those options more. The issue is probably more complicated that just simple fitting choices. v0v

BTW, had fun with the TIKLE guys last night again…always a risky endeavor, but that makes it more fun IMO.

Well it is always a good idea to cover as many options as you can, which is why I would fit a JF for tank, high grade slaves, you know, web it and then have an out cyno ready, but that is just me.

I wondered if you were in that fleet, was before I get up, I am taking a break playing the Blade of Galadriel DLC of teh shadow of war game to death at the moment ,so have not really done much in Eve since Tuesday…


I was one of the people that fought to get freighters normal slot layouts and still believe they should have a complete set of slots. As someone else mentioned what CCP gave us instead was three low slots and while this is a huge jump from no slots at all it still leaves freighter pilots with few real options which sucks.

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