Listen. It’s all a matter of perspective, From your POV i may look afk, you might think damn he’s been mining that one asteroid with his one drone for over an hour now , he’s afk for sure. Why is my yield just not good enough that it takes me this long to mine an asteroid ? If i was in a rorqual with excavator drone 2 pass and no more asteroid , would you be considering me afk then ? Not my fault if the yield of the mining drone was so low. Now it’s going to be even lower! and they boosted the quantity of ores available in the asteroids! it’s over we’re all doomed.
From my POV, send my 5 drones , watch a stream on my 2nd monitor while glancing at my orca from time to time , then i noticed an asteroid just pop , check local it’s all good, i lock a new asteroid , send my drone to it , rescan. what you may perceive as taking hours for me it’s like 15 mins tops.