From Extraction To Production: Update

I’m sorry, but hard no.


  • noob with T1 gear has a gross yield (subtracted from the rock) of 200 units/cycle
  • vet with T2 gear has a gross yield (subtracted from the rock) of 134 units/cycle


  • noob with T1 gear has a gross yield (s. f. t. r.) of 100 units/cycle
  • vet with T2 gear has a gross yield (s. f. t. r.) of 100 units/cycle

So, in the CCP take, the noob burns through almost twice as much ore as the vet does, in the same amount of time. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about valuable ore or whatever - if noob and vet compete against the same resource, in the CCP take the noob burns through the rock faster than the vet does.

I can’t find the original description in the initial “From Extraction to Production” post (I can see it was modified 4 times, so I guess it was truncated when this thread got published).

Time is finite for both noob and vet.
If in the same amount of time a noob burns twice the ore a vet does from the rock itself, the 2 are competing and the noob is ruining it for both of them.

If the waste would be computed from the hold, things would be reasonable.


I’m going back to the “The mining gear should act precisely like anti-asteroid weaponry”.
The weapons and ammo we play with don’t guarantee that the damage indicated is applied at that nominal level. They mention the gross damage, before resistances and tracking and everything else.

Why would the mining gear show us the net yield? They shouldn’t. They should say how much ore they can process per cycle. How much of that ore you keep should be the equivalent of applied damage.
So… scour through 100 units of ore, but your gear is too crude and you only get 50% of it. Use better gear and get more experience with the quirks of your messed up hardware or know not to burn the rock, but smash it first and you go from 50% to 84% etc.

Is it clear now? We’re talking about net drain from the asteroid. At double the total ore amount, the noob gets just as much ore as they do now, in X cycles.
The vets will be denied access to that extra 100% ore amount in the belts/moon chunks if a noob mines next to them, with the waste mechanic applied as per the CCP suggestion.
In my suggestion, the vets would get about the same amount of ore as now in X cycles, but there would still be ore left in the area even if a noob mines there. So, instead of 2x ore for the vet, it’s 1.3x perhaps (assuming faction gear etc.).