From Extraction To Production: Update

I remember years ago I said we needed better mining ships like battleship sized mining ships and the community said it would ruin the game and crash the market and what did we get in the end super rorqs for null miners to crash the market, all I wanted was bigger mining ships with bigger mining lasers when I first tried eve years back I remember seeing the mining bardges and loving how loud them mining lasers were now they are very underwhelming, I just want xl mining lasers with big noise and why not nerf the rorq and let it be used in highsec as of right now it’s useless in null put big mining lasers on it add some cool looking battleship sized mining ships with 6 to 8 strip miners would be so sexy, I just came back to the game was going to mine and build stuff but after reading all this I’m thinking why bother I’m not doing pi no way I hate boosting ships that forces u to have friends or more accounts it sucks as I only want one subbed account and feel like mining without boosts is wasting my time I’m bored with l4 missions that are years out of date no interest in null, trig or wh I like pvp but I need something fun to aim for and do while I make isk to play I’m looking for a reason to come back and stay subbed but it’s not looking good.


So when are we going to be getting ores back in our sov null anoms?


Or maybe something back on nullsec moons maybe make them worth mining again?


Damn it would be real nice to have our ore belts back to you know. its been what, 2 years? how much longer do you expect your indie pilots to hold out before giving up.


It’s because mining bots just can’t get it into their memory cells that “waste” is not their waste. If people are stupid you need to draw it out for them, CCP should probably have used memes for this Dev thread.

i mean i do like a nice powerpoint graphics done in microsoft paint. If you’d be so kind.

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This is the first time that I’ve posted here, I tend to stay out of these convos but feel that you folks at ccp are shooting yourselves in the foot. These changes all seem to be to make the newbro exp better and I quess that has some merit. But the problem is, WHY would they want to change their status from Alpha to Omega if they can get better results using basic T1 equipment at no cost. and why are you penalizing Omega players who already have Orcas and other high-end equipment. You have basically made my Orca a large and expensive piece of scrap metal. I’m a high-sec miner and manufacturer, that’s what I do why are making it harder for me to do what I like? A number of experienced players that fly in my area are unhappy to say the least and are considering their options, which include leaving the game as am I. Maybe I don’t understand, I am just a woman. If I am wrong please explain to me how these changes will make my experience better. Thank you for your time. Stephie


Because you aren’t playing the game the “right way” and @CCP_Rattati believes the players who aren’t playing the game the “right way” should be punished for it.


Fun thing is, the players are punishing back for their punishment, which is visible in the decline of online numbers.

Will be interesting how many solo players will get hurt with those changes and what they do once they are active on tranquility.

If the advertised sandbox concept of Eve is enforcing certain playstyles and has no possible alternatives for your intended actions, then it is no sandbox anymore. The most visible thing with this is tayloring of the ships to actions with specialized cargoholds, where in the past there was a unified cargohold and you could decide what fits your purpose.

The same thing holds with the fitting of modules. In the past the restriction to fit something was cpu and powergrid and it was up to you to try to work out a possible solution to fit something. Now fitting of modules is restricted to ship classes and types. And even if there was enough cpu and powergrid available, you can’t fit it.

Also some people just want to relax and not interact with other people or join corporations. Should be up to them to be able to play as they want.

I suppose at this point any big uproar when playstyles are made impossible is likely to threaten the existence of Eve. If all was fine, CCP wouldn’t have had to sell out their company and game.


“the right way” is leaving high sec on day 1 and apply for goons or test ,moving to null right? :slight_smile:
“the other correct way” could also be to join a “pvp” corp in high sec and spam catalyst to gank others right ? :slight_smile:
anything else is irrelevant!

^ that’s how i see CCP thoughts process.


I believe one of the developers said recently the right way to play was to go from Abyssals to Factional Warfare and then join a Null Bloc corp.

As an Alpha, you can’t fly the barges (T1), nor the exhumers (T2). In a Venture, you can use both T1 and T2 mining lasers. So it is not really a matter of Alpha vs Omega. It had to do with low skills, because it takes more time, of course, to train for the T2 modules, newbros (regardeless of their clone status (Alpha in a Venture using T1 laser or Omega in a Barge using T1 Strip miner)), They might have been refused access to mining fleet as they would have generated 100% waste per cycle with the original proposal. To “compensate”, the Strip Miner don’t generate waste in the current proposal, but they have been punished with a 25% yield nerf. Hence the “incentive” to use T2 strip miners.

I say, waste has to go. It doesn’t bring anything of value, except for the idea of Type C crystals which adds a new perspective, mainly for wars and wasting ennemy’s ressources. If CCP actually wanted to only increase the ore availability of 20-50-80%, they could simply adjust the belts with that amount. That’s it. Keep it simple.

As for Alpha vs Omega. An Alpha in a Venture can at best mine at 3.1 m3/s I believe, using Miner II and Mining Laser Upgrade II.
An Omega, well, can skill up to an Exhumers and get easily above 9.2 m3/s (this is my yield with a Skiff using Strip Miner I on TQ, which is 3x the yield, 3x the ore hold compare to a Venture. And obviously, you can get even better yield and/or ore hold with the Mackinaw and Hulk.


You may have missed it, but the hold on mining ships have been unified and renamed Mining Hold, and can hold ore, ice and gas. The Miasmos got the same. Now, it would be nice if the Mineral Hold of the Kryos could hold the ice product (reprocessed from ice). Hopeflully, they did it because they came back to their sense, not because their was bugs, like with mining agents who would not accept your ice sitting in your ice hold (you had to put your ice in item hangar to complete the missions)


I referred to a time when there was only one hold for everything and was truly universal.

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With double EHP I’m gonna subscribe additional mining bots.

Easy AFK isk - no risk!

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and I look forward to reporting those bots Aiko, and hope you enjoy the inevitable bans

Has Sisi been fully updated with the latest values?

About the appearance of Barges / Exhumers:

Will the ship’s appearance of those be not changed?

By this update, Procurer and Skiff will be heaviest and slowest. In contrast, Covetor and Hulk will be lightest and fastest.

Currently, Procurer and Skiff are given the smallest appearance, but if they remain the same after the update, this is unnatural.

I propose that these appearances after the update will be replaced as the followings:

Retriever / Mackinaw : largest
Procurer / Skiff : medium
Covetor / Hulk : smallest

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If CCP really wanted to get rid of bots, then all the have to do is nerf the ORCA so that it can only give boosts to 3 or 4 other fleet members. The additional costs to have other ORCA’s to boost the bot fleets would make the cost of having it too expensive. Just a thought. Flame suit on.

It is presented as a way of denying resources to your adversaries while taking a skim off the top for yourself.
I suspect only the null mindset will grasp the concept and benefit from it.

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