From Extraction To Production: Update

It would have made a lot more sense to have increased the NPC risk to miners, than to have nerfed the mining ships. I let my Proc get attacked by 4 Serpentis last week, and in 2 minutes they did not even make 1% loss to the shields ( in a 0.8 security area ).

Gankers really don’t show up all that often, despite all the alarm over them, and especially in higher security areas. Thus the primary ‘risk’ to miners are NPCs…and the NPCs are really useless. They might scare a 1 day old noob, but I’ve reached a point where I could safely just ignore them while mining.

Also, if one was concerned about NPCs then being too strong for noobs, one could simply apply a ‘levelling up’ system as in many PC games, and make the NPCs less strong for new accounts.

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when they are bonuses from the ship itself yes they are additive , if it’s from module on your ship then no , they suffer penalty

Waste has nothing to do with yield, and do not really matter much unless you usually have uncontested belts all for yourself

I can just see about 12 arguments as to why there wrong, and the end result I always eventually get to when I have these conversations is basically ‘i cant kill them easy enough’

And then all I hear is small gang’er tears about wanting their pvp content on tap and fed to them, and I quit listening.

The moment I see anyone on an actual mining OP mine with those, I’ll be sure to factor them in.
Otherwise, see ORE strip miners.

0 waste. Period.
Stop the non-sense trade-off to an overall bad mechanic.
Just work the yield and the ore resizing/redistribution.

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I do agree but simultanious thats the problem. the orca is ment to be in a supporting role but with adding atleast 2 mandatory highslots the orca runs out of highslots to actually support. if i take my current orca with 4bursts(2xmining+2xshield) to prevent my fleetmates exhumers to pop from 2 alpha-catas and 2 remote shieldboosters to prevent them from poping to two omega-catas. my active supportrole/ability is gone when i “have” to add the industry core and a compressing unit… so instead of strengthening the support function of the orca they cut them down to a mindless afk boostbot that every now and then empties its fleethanger. as you neither have the highslot nor the fitting room to actually be supportive.

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That’s actually an interesting idea. CCPlease?

I see what you did there!
I like!

Nothing has been done… only words… no telling what will actually be placed in the game but you can bet whatever gets done will be walked by small steps over time exactly into the place Black Pearl wishes them to be. CCP has no control they do as they are told by the owners.

I have a question…
These changes… they result in requirement of more people to achieve similar results?
I promise it’s a valid one.

And if you can’t take Fartsniffer seriously, who can you really?

Hello, WyredHardware. I read your post with interest - and not a little scepticism.

Until comparatively recently, I was a ganker. I am and have always been a supporter of the gankers in all their endeavours.

I’ve talked to many of them, the small-time and the multi-boxing pros.

Believe me then, when I tell you from a position of some authority, that I have never heard a successful ganker complain that his/her targets are not easy enough to kill.

As for wanting our PvP content ‘on tap’? It already is, if you have the skills, patience, and determination (as with other EVE activities).

Please drop me an in-game mail with the character name of anyone you spoke to about this - after obtaining their permission, of course.

Thank you.

Fixed several errors in the sheet. Matches Pyfa now (except for T1 mining drones). Let me know if you find any other issues (without being a dick please, enjoy the free spreadsheet).

It looks like a significant nerf to mining, slight boost to ice mining w/ T2 core. Again, I don’t fly an Orca or go to high sec, but I still don’t see the need for Orca nerfs.



Right and before they were owned, youd have believed anything Helmar said then?


No, please!

Not really the initial changes did not touch the outcome per person per time frame(beside orcas and rorqs). but they gave you the opportunity if you spend more time to gather more simply because your roid/moon/iceberg is not dismanteled yet by doubling its contains.

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You shouldn’t get angry at the Devs, they are just doing what they are directed to do. CCP and eve is owned by another company who could care less how much or how little we enjoy playing the game. The whole issue here is moving from player earnings inside the game to micro transaction based play for everything… They are moving us to a pay to play / pay to win system. It will get worse.

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Man do you play game on planning future nerf ?
do talk about extractor for char with 50M+ sp
When you do major change you have to give opportunity to refund sp

can you add a VS Porpoise comparison ? I’m pretty sure the Porpoise will be mining more than the ORCA when this goes live.

FYI the Porpoise retains the +50% drone mining yield for the industrial command ship skill and the role bonus of +50% drone mining yield and it doesn’t use a CiC