I like this idea…a lot. It flows well with existing concepts, and makes good use of the same system driving the undesirables out.
No kidding. I’ve damn near posted a guide on how to do these things IN THIS VERY THREAD. Once again: Semantec Ghost and a Hardware KVM, or Kernel mode stuff
they clarified in the thread update they are still thinking about that
While you are adjusting things, can we please get a 4th lowslot on the Viator? thanks.
Why the nerf to the Kryos mineral hold?
Brilliant, I hope CCP read it.
I love that description how it “feels” to do the compression.
The pure agony of dealing with this useless and needlessly convoluted mechanic.
CCP should really read this.
Oh that’s easy. Because ccp doesn’t care about making money anymore. You see, each and every one of these changes is designed to subtly frustrate you into spending money on plex to shortcut the annoyance. You should be jf’ing compressed mats instead of raw in a kryos that any alpha can fly. Problem is, most of us would rather quit than watch this turn into bdo or eve echos pc edition.
I can agree with that. My sub ran out, I don’t see any reason in this mess to re-sub.
Question on the T2 CIC fuel requirements. I don’t mine ice so I don’t mine ice so I don’t know if this is an issue.
HS ice has 69 Heavy Water, before refining losses. That means a T2 CIC would need around 10 blocks every 5 minutes just to keep running. Does that rate seem reasonable with the current mining speed and available ice?
Rough look at numbers doesn’t seem that bad, looks like a single skiff can more than keep up with the demand for a single Orca.
Why on the test server did the Procurer and Skiff change from the most agile to the least agile barge and exhumer?
These ships are meant to be the most effective of the three in combat, used in the most dangerous situations. Why do they take almost 15 seconds to align?
Previously the Covetor and Hulk were the slowest to align, but they made up for that downside with significantly higher yield. Now they’re both the most agile and the highest yield barge and exhumer.
This doesn’t make sense.
I really don’t understand why the gas mining bonus is being taken away from the venture. I use it as a cheap relaible ship in wormhole space to gas mine, and why can’t the prospect be still a very efficent gas miner.
I feel adding the waste mechanic is a odorous new mechanic, and question why it should be on anything but the C crystals (if at all). The idea is intriguing, though why not put it on something specific like a ore vaporizer. This complication is something I don’t want to deal with on a activity I do to relax before bed, its makes it not relaxing anymore which is something mining has always been until now.
Also I remember compressing in a rorqual from back in the day. I don’t wish to revisit those days. The BPO req from back then was a cleaner requirement than a new module.
Another thing I don’t understand is why break up the ore hold, it makes it needlessly complicated as I don’t usually mine any two of gas ore and Ice at the same time. It just seems pointless and adds confusion for little gain. Ore hold is simple and clean and makes it where things just work in a easy to understand way, I don’t need 3 cans on a ship when one previously did just fine. Its just more to manage for little gain.
Completely removing posts now also, I only asked what it was you was smoking @CCP_Rattati
Actual vintage 1980s Chicago crack rock.
Are you dudes using Waterfall on this product instead of something more akin to Agile Scrum? That might be a very egregious error in a product this mature.
I kinna like the way these changes look. Not trolling.
I think it’s not game breaking and that it adds more complexity to the game. I also think complexity is a good thing. You can only play Dr. Mario for so long before you get the idea.
it would be nice if CCP tasked a few ISD reps to clean these public threads of any rhetoric, dogma or hyperbole.
anything that isn’t related to the update / constructive criticism needs to be wiped.
it’s laborious and tedious for the devs to bother reading these end to end unless someone is doing a job to keep them rational, pragmatic and logical.
apparently sarcasm is offensive, oopsie daisy.
Its just another nerf to mining, lessening the amount you can haul. If your mining ice in a Rorq, now u can only carry half as much. Another ■■■■■■■■ thing to kick us in the nads.