Fully capped out ships being unable to initiate warp

Use this to your advantage. When low on cap and desperate to warp, (if you can) just warp towards someplace you don’t want to go. You will drop out of warp short and your pursues will overshoot you and you can warp someplace else.

I have used this, but it’s a lucky/desperate escape.


Why is this something that’s needed?

No, this would make neutralizes extremely powerful, forget bonused ships, anything with a utility high.

I’m assuming you mean you need a minim cap to warp, as actually keeping a ship at 0gj being the requirement would be an absolute mess with how ticks work.

Ultimately you’re idea would almost completely shift the meta towards nuets more, and more so the larger the groups are. A good nuet pilot could easily keep a number of ships double his highslots from warping while also crippling their offensive and defensive abilities as they do now.

They have quite literally never been in a better place than they are now since they were added.

Also my God why is it so hard to put feature and idea requests into the proper section of the forum?


I am reluctantly inclined to agree with @Lugh_Crow-Slave - I don’t think it will add anything and neutralizer-focused ships will become even more powerful with the addition of a freed up mid slot.

This isn’t to say it isn’t an interesting idea - just one that unfortunately will be exploited to the extreme.

??? Use a scram… or maybe you want your neut to drain,scram the other one but repair your own ship aswell at the same time…
if your cap is empty - you cant warp. it works pretty fine. its just that 1 neut is not enough, because within its cycletime your enemy recharges enough.
so you need more than just 1 to keep the cap down. but with only 1 neut it would make scrams obsolete… so its not a good idea at all - sry

And the more mass, the more it takes too.

Your ship has a warp capacitor property, that is multiplied by distance and mass to have the actual cap usage of a warp.

For example the heron

has a 0.00000167 GJ/AU/kg (attribute 153) so will consume 20×1150000×0.00000167 = 38.41 GJ to initiate a warp over 20km.
That’s before the skill warp drive operation divided it by 2.

The important thing is, that the warp destination is set the moment the warp is started.

(that’s also why propmods and plates reduce your warp distance ^^ )

That’s not correct.
The effects of the neut are resolved mid tick, while the navigation orders are resolved end of tick. Between the two there is always a minimum amount of time(because the server has intermediate operations between cleaning the event queue and applying grid changes), during which your cap can increase to a non-null value.

So you do not warp on a “1s tick” but on the natural cap that happened since the last dry neut.
In practice, you can’t prevent warp using neut, because the minimum warp distance (30 km? ) requires less cap than you gain in the micro seconds the server process the tick ^^

I have never in all my years in this game not been able to warp due to having no cap. The only thing cap affects on your ships warp drive is the actual distance you can warp. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve been out of cap literally trillions of times and it has never stopped my ship from entering warp - it has only affected the warp distance.

This is generally my understanding as well (unless you’re scrambled or disrupted).

Well, I never said ONE neut specifically should be able to stop someone from warping. It depends obviously on the size of the neut and the enemy capacitor level. The idea is that you wouldn’t be able to warp without a certain threshold of cap - so you wouldn’t be able to warp out if you were completely neutered out.

Except the problem is still that this would eliminate the need to warp disrupt/scramble a ship - since you’d almost always be able to neut the target below the required minimum warp cap.

I like having the ability to engage a limited warp based on your capacitor; it’s kind of like a consolation prize for getting out of a sticky predicament.

Again, it’s not a bad idea - one that I think will just be too easily exploited with the current game mechanics.

Technically nothing in this game is needed. And sorry boss I’ll try to keep my forum posting up to your standards in the future

You would still be able to do this but it would depend on the minimum cap threshold for warping. Again it wouldn’t make warp disruptors obsolete. As has already been said there would still be counters for this, like cap boosters and nosferatus giving you enough juice to warp. Also not every ship would be able to fit enough neuts to make it worthwhile. It would mainly affect drone boats with racks of neuts, brawlers with neuts, and neut bonused ships. Most ships would still use good old fashioned warp disruptors.

You’re dodging his point.

Many things are needed. Like functional server, players, rules to play with, etc.
Yes that’s nitpicking, but the same exact way your answer was.

He asked why that idea would be a good thing for the game. needed = better in that case .

Do you want me to give you a list of ships that were added to this game that weren’t needed? Or a list of updates that weren’t needed? Okay maybe it would break the game, I really don’t know. But saying it’s “not needed” is stupid

Nobody gives a ■■■■.
Stay on topic.
You are dodging the point.

Let’s try to take a step back here…

• It’s not a bad idea (just too easily exploited). I won’t re-hash this as there have been a few points on why above. TLDR; turns neuts into warp disruptors.
• Any content that’s added is good for the game (I have specific hopes, but at the end of the day I’m not picky). This includes things like the new Ship Information Window and Cinematic Reveals. I like SKINR content, but I realize I’m probably in the minority.

Nope. New content can be badly implemented, or prone to abuse, or have an important management cost(resource wars, CQ). Then they can have long or mid term negative effect on the game (rorqual online ?), or even in themselves be a straight loss to players (structure cores)

And that’s not even talking about the cost of the feature, which in itself may be a nogo.

In fairness, this type of counter play actually exists - not for warp drives but for micro jump drives. Plenty of ships fit those to avoid being tackled by long range warp disrupters: align, mjd, warp as an escape. Neuts allow ships without a scram to prevent this, and cap boosters allow for a counter to the counter. Niche, yes, but I’ve personally used this a few times to save slow ships in fights.

As for generally preventing warp, while it is an interesting idea and not bad per se, it would cause a significant number of balance issues. Ships that don’t normally fit neuts would essentially see a -1 mid slot penalty as they have to fit tackle while boats capable of fitting a neut or two could repurpose that mid for dual prop, ewar, more tank, etc. Those currently neut-capable ships already have the high slots and likely already use neuts, so there is no trade off.

Now what might be viable is to create a variant of specially neuts, akin to heavy scrams, which have significantly higher fitting requirements that allow for this added effect. Whether that level of dev effort is worth it is open to debate, but I would imagine that is more work than we would see usage.

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You’re still running into the same problem with this. Slightly higher fitting for a free mid is s no brainer. Especially when you would now only need a handful of the higher fitting mod spread through your fleet while the rest just use regular neuts to lower their cap and then uses the warp disruption nuet to keep them there.

It’s already a key strategy especially in ls to keep caps on grid by neuting them out. With this you drastically minimize the role of HiCs

What’s more, it would go against WCS too easily.
sebo curse to point at a gate ? 30km optimal, 180×5×2 = 1800 GJ removed per cycle.

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That’s a good point, warp disruptors and scramblers have clearly defined range and strength limits.

While a neutralizer would not be as reliable for ‘disrupting’ a ship fast as it first needs to drain the capacitor, it has the potential of a much longer range as well as bypassing any form of warp core stabilization.

I’m not sure if it is an improvement to the game if a warp-core stabilized Deep Space Transport with extra warp core stabilization can be ‘warp disrupted’ with infinite strength from 60+km away by a heavy neut Curse.

With this in mind I think it may not be such a good idea after all.