i’ve done a little bit of exploring and i havent tried everything yet. but i feel that Exploration Agents and Missions are something missing in the game.
i mean, yeah players do expeditions on their own. but its strange the empires and assorted factions in the game dont propose any kind of expedition to players.
it would be good to see a mix between exploration and mission running where not only you have to fulfill a marked objective but also get additional bonus stuff like hacking containers or even get additional coordinates after interacting with certain objects in the pocket.
it could be a special format of mission. you look for a signature on a specific location and do all the research until you get the assorted objective. it could reward the player not by time reward, but by the stuff you could find there.
for example:
you get sent to X system to scan for a strange signature (difficulty lvl of the mission defines stuff like hacking difficulty, rats if there are any and scanning difficulty,security lvl also affects this factors).
you find an abandoned serpentis outpost. your task is to investigate what happened. so you use a relic analyzer on certain key containers left up on different locations of the pocket. then two things that could happen could be
A. the player hacks most/all the containers -> not only you get the objective completed, but the mission branches into looking additional coordinates obtained from the logs. you also get relic site loot matched to the difficulty.
B. the player only gets to hack 1 container -> you complete the objective. get a bit of loot you return to the agent to explain the details and get the mission reward.
C. the player fails to hack all the containers -> technically you would have failed the task, but something else happens, rogue drones appear out of nowhere from all the corners of the ruins. the player gets additional money from bounties, and perhaps, the mission will branch by tasking the player to investigate the drone remains in search of additional information.
this is just an example of an Exploration Mission. there’s a lot of different things that could be done with it.