Galmil FW - Small RP campaign


I’m hoping someone may have some information on when faction warfare was formed. Did Concord ever publish an official Rules of engagement for the Empires/capsuleers to follow. Depending on if rules of engagement exists will determine how participating, or rather how certain parties react to the event.

The CEMWPA was what led to the creation of the four militias involved in FW and set out the rules for the limited war.

I’m looking for a rules of engagement, I found the post from 2008 about the militia war powers act. What I didn’t find is what is against the rules of the act.

what exactly are you looking for in the rules of engagement, like who you can attack, can’t attack etc?

the eve wiki may have that information

If I took a fleet to caldari highsec and shot, let’s say the response fleet or the shipcasters(ship caster might get us Concorde) would it be considered in breach of the militia war powers act?

Concord doesnt interfere with FW participants.

Looks like what im reading shipcasters dont even get used very much if at all.

No, no they do not. Not the gallente one at least. Thanks

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