Game Client Can Crash the Game... and the Computer

I tried putting in 15 waypoints and asking the game to optimize the route. It warned me it could take a ridiculous amount of time to calculate. No problem I thought, I could just come back after a meal. Well, it turns out 15 factorial is a lot larger than I thought, so obviously the game froze. That part was probably my fault since the game warned me. However, I think it’s probably a bad idea to have the entire computer freeze just because the client froze.

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It is called the traveling salesman problem…

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@TiberianSun371AlexW I have noticed a lot of freezes lately, before I close the client completely. I’m sure it’s not caused by one problem but several issues. The game runs a little smoother once the client is closed.

Fifie troubleshooter.

moved to General Issues - EVE Online Forums

It would be great if you could report the steps you took in an offline Bug Report. This would help developers potentially identify/resolve the issue.

What information do you need in the report, jsut how I got to the game to crash? Or do I need more details?

yes, the steps you took is generally what is helpful, especially if it happens each time you do it.

How can I ask the game to find a short(est) route going through a number of systems?

The traveling salesman problem might be uneconomic to solve, but like all other NP hard problems, there’s probabilistic algorithms which find “a good solution” rather then “the best solution” in polynomial time.

It’s not 15 faculty, it’s waaay more, as you need to explore systems that are not explicitly named as waypoints, but are either on the path between two systems, or might be candidates of a shortest path.

Eve online considers jumps but doesn’t consider the amount of time spent in warp between stargates in order to decide route costs. Add the cost to travel from one gate to another, and you’ll be exploring half of eve onlline when searching for unidentified wormholes within a single region, which is what I presume you want to do.

Nevertheless, it’s the operating system’s job to assure the available resources are distributed among the running processes. Any IBM compatible computer is required to be equipped with a 100Hz hardware timer that is used by operating systems to interrupt whatever processes are running and allow the operating system to reschedule, which might or might not result into a different process being executed after the timer interrupt. Lenovo amended this requirement when they acquired the “Personal Computer” IP 15 years ago, and enforced the presence of a 1kHz timer, so there’s 1000 times in a second that an operating system will have the opportunity to preempt any expensive process from running, a freeze should not occur, and indicates a larger issue taking place.

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